Chapter 5: Back to School

Child's Play


Journal entry 106 Date September 17,2012


I am in hell. It’s been five days now since my stupid wish turned the Beast members into children. Ever since, I’ve been forced to take care of them, hating every minute of it. I swear those kids are freaking sadists. They break things, scream and yell, and force me to play their childish games in order to keep my secret. I’m forced to cook and clean for them as they always seem to make a mess. And when someone else comes to the dorm, the boys vanish, leaving me the blame for the mess. Every night after they fall asleep, I go out and look for that damn fortune teller, and every morning, I have to come up with excuses to blow off my schedule and take care of the boys. I swear those children are doing this on purpose to punish me. I need to find a way I can keep to my schedule, take care of the boys, and get back at them at the same time.... And I think I know just what to do.




“You’re sending us, where?!” Junhyung yelled out as all the boys stared at Peniel from the living room.

“Primary school. It’s just until I can find that fortune teller and get you back to normal.”

“No. Way! I’m 22!”

“ But you look 7! And I have to return to my schedules. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to take care off you. And with you out of the dorm, there’s a less likely chance of you being discovered while I’m away.”

“But a primary school?!” Kikwang spoke up.

“Relax, Kiki.” Yoseob smiled. “It could be fun!~”

“For you maybe.” Junhyung sneered. “I rather not be surrounded all day by children who hate me.”

“Jun. You’re seven.” Hyunseung spoke up after returning from his 4D world. “I don’t think the other children will really...wait, other children?”

“Pay attention, Seung.” Kikwang interjected. “Peniel’s sending us back to primary school.”

“Oh. Ok.” He then once again drifted off into space, accepting anything he was told.

“Look. Boys. I just want you all to be safe while I work on my BtoB schedule. This new song, ‘Wow’, is really difficult and I can’t focus when I’m babysitting.”

“That’s your own damn fault!” Junhyung yelled.

“Please. It won’t be for long. And with you in school, I can find more time to search for the fortune teller.”

Junhyung scowled and Yoseob turned to the black-haired leader, who was strangely silent on the whole matter. “What do you think, Hyung?”

Doojoon sat up from his comfortable position on the couch. He scanned over his group of dongsaeng, before looking up at Peniel. “Eh. How bad could it be?”

Yoseob and Dongwoon both smiled as Junhyung stood in protest. “You can’t be serious! There is NO WAY I’m going back to school! NO WAY! NO HOW!!”



“Class settle down and give your full attention. I’m happy to introduce 3 new students joining us today.”

Junhyung stood angrily at the front of the class, alongside Doojoon and Hyunseung. You’re going to pay for this one, Peniel.

“Why not introduce yourselves,” The teacher continued as she ushered the class’ attention toward the three boys.

“Sooo B-” Doojoon’s statement was interrupted by Hyunseung placing a hand on his chest and shaking his head. He cleared his throat before proceeding. “ Annyeonghaseyo. I’m Doojoon. And this is Hyunseung and Junhyung.” All three boys bowed and smiled to the class.

“What are your family names!” A rude boy stood at the back of the class before proceeding to sit down.

The three idols looked at each other. They knew this question would come up and figured it’d be pretty suspicious if they shared the exact same names as the famous idol group. So rather than deciding on new family names, they went with the lie all six of them had decided on during the ride over with Peniel.

“We don’t have them.” Hyunseung spoke up as the other two nodded slowly.

“You don’t have them?” The teacher asked, surprised.

“We came from an orphanage. We’d rather not talk about it,” Junhyung said and turned his head away from the teacher.

“Very well.” She respected their wishes and changed the subject. “ Why not tell us a bit about yourselves.

“Like why those two have red and purple hair!”

“Chin ho! Sit!” The teacher yelled at the rude boy’s outburst from the back.

Hyunseung smirked at the reminder of his strange hair color as Junhyung glared at the boy. “My hair is weird, isn’t it?” He chuckled.

Doojoon smiled at the class before answering. “We colored our hair for a special show we did at the orphanage, not long ago. I guess these two never heard of temporary color.” Junhyung shot Doojoon a death glare and Hyunseung smiled.

“Oh a performance?” The teacher said smiling down on the boys.

“Ne!” Doojoon answered rather enthusiastically. “We’re kinda like performers. We like to sing and dance a lot.”

“Really? Would you like to show us?”

Hyunseung started rocking from side to side and Junhyung grabbed his arm before he broke out into a full out dance. “Maybe some other time.”

“Fair enough. Go on and take your seats.” The teacher said as the boys bowed to the class before heading to the back. “My name is Chin Eun Hee. Feel free to address me if you have any problems or concerns.”

Kamsahamnida, Seonsaengnim.” Doojoon smiled before sitting in the back with his two dongsaeng.




“Is it true? Do you really know Beast?!”

“Can you really sing all their songs?”

“Can you get me an autograph?!”

“Enough with the questions!”  Yoseob and Kikwang were surrounded by their 2nd grade class after finishing their introductions. Kikwang had inexplicably blurted out to their class that the two of them know Beast and now they had to deal with the aftermath. “It’s not like that! Geez.”

Kikwang smiled at the other children, nodding as Yoseob slapped him in the back of my head. “ Pabo! Learn to keep your mouth shut.”

“Yah! I didn’t say anything bad!”

“What’re they like! Huh, huh! Are they really cool?!” A girl stood dangerously close to Yoseob’s face as he gently pushed her aside.

“It’s not like that, honestly.” He sighed heavily as he thought up a lie. “The members of Beast just came to our orphanage once before the two of us were adopted. We got to spend about an hour with them and yes we did learn a couple of their songs and dances to show them but nothing else... but they were pretty cool.”

“Especially that, Lee Gi Kwang! He was absolutely amazi-”

Yoseob struck Kikwang once more and sighed. “Pabo.”

“So is that why you dyed your hair like them?” A young girl spoke up from the edge of the classroom?”

Yoseob smiled, before putting on his aegyo. “What’s wrong?~ Do you not like it?”


“AWWWWWWW~” All the girls spoke in unison as the boys stuck out their tongues in disgust.

“Yoseob!” A tall girl spoke up. “You gotta come play with us at lunch!~”

“Yeah!” Another rang out. “You’re soo cute!”

Yoseob smiled at all the attention he was getting which, in turn, made Kikwang a little jealous.  

“Ok, class! That’s enough obsessing over the new boys,” The teacher announced from the front. “Lets get to our lesson”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim!” The class all returned to their seats and Kikwang narrowed his eyes at Yoseob.

“You just had to be cute, didn’t you?”

Yoseob smirked and shrugged as he turned his attention back toward the front of the room.



Repeating the 1st grade wasn’t easy for Dongwoon, especially considering he completed it nearly 15 years ago. Without his hyungs around, Dongwoon felt lonely. He didn’t say much for his introduction and simply sank into the background, trying to ignore how much his blonde hair stood out. He had wanted to get into the same class as Kikwang and Yoseob, but his age simply wouldn't allow it. He had to bare with it until lunch, when he’d meet up with his hyungs again.

He knew all the simple material the teacher was covering and decided to lay his head on the desk, hoping he wouldn’t be noticed or called on.

“Yah. You really should pay attention.”

Dongwoon turned his head to see a small girl focusing on him. “It’s ok.... I know this stuff.”


Dongwoon sat up, hearing his name from the teacher. “Y-Yes ma’am?”

“Do you have an answer?”

“Um.” He glanced around the room as everyone was looking at him. He then turned his gaze toward the girl at his side. She held up two fingers as Dongwoon turned back to the teacher. “Um two?”

“Very good, Dongwoon.”

Dongwoon sat down wiping the sweat from his brow, He then turned to the girl and whispered. “Thanks for helping me out, there.”

She nodded. “That’s why I said pay attention.”

“Ok. I get it.” He chuckled. “I’ll make it up to you,”

She giggled as she whispered. “Kong Hye Su. My name is Kong Hye Su.”

“Ok. I’ll be sure to remember that.”



Lunch period finally arrived as the 6 boys reunited in the cafeteria. Despite being in separate grade levels, they were allowed to sit together. After settling in their seats, they each pulled out a convenience store lunch box, prepared by Peniel.

“Next time, we get school lunch,” Junhyung said as he opened the box.

“Still better than Peniel actually cooking.”

The six boys nodded in agreement with Kikwang as they began eating. “So, how’s it going so far?” Doojoon asked between bites.

“Well, Kikwang needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.”

“Wait. You didn’t mention-”

“Relax, Doojoon. I said nothing about being Beast.”

Doojoon let out a sigh of relief as he took a drink of water.

“I just told them that we knew Beast.”

Doojoon released a powerful spray of water directly into Junhyung’s face. The young rapper’s eye twitched as he looked across the table at his leader. “I’m going to pretend that didn’t happen.”

“You told them what?!” Doojoon glared at Kikwang.

“Don’t worry, Hyung.” Yoseob handed Junhyung a napkin. “I cleaned up the mess. I just told them that Beast came to our orphanage once.”

“And tricked all the girls with you aegyo.”

“Does that really matter?” Yoseob shook his head smiling.

“Hey Yoseob!” Several girls walked up to the little aegyo prince. “Wanna come play house with us?”

“Yeah, Yoseob! You’re the perfect one to play baby~”

The other Beast members narrowed their eyes at the boy as he smiled at the girls. “Sure. I’d love to play with you.~”  He got up from his seat, leaving his half eaten lunch and walked off with the small group of girls.

The other boys sat and continued eating. “Well, Seobie’s adjusting well.” Doojoon spoke between bites.

“It’s because he’s already so much like a child to begin with.” The four of them agreed with Junhyung as Doojoon turned his attention to the small maknae.

“You’re awfully quiet this lunch, Woonie.”

“Hmm?” Dongwoon sat up as he drank from a can of tea. “I just don’t have much to say.”

“Well, how was class?”

“B-O-R-RING! Its so basic. I could do this stuff in my sleep; Which I practically did.”

“What do you mean, Woonie.” Kikwang said, finishing up his meal.

“I kinda stopped paying attention at some point. Unfortunately, it was right before I got called on. Timing, right? Luckily, the girl next to me helped me out with the answer. It’s humiliating having to bounce an answer off of a classmate to a 1st grade math problem.”

The group quietly laughed at Dongwoon and Kikwang put a hand on his back. “Don’t worry, Woonie. We don’t think any less of you. Just look at Hyunseung.” The group turned their attention to the 4D prince for he had, without warning, drifted off into a daydream. They chuckled once again and Junhyung rolled his eyes.

“Doojoon, Junhyung, Hyunseung!” A small group of third grade boys ran up to the idols; their leader held a soccer ball. “Hey guys! We’re starting a game of soccer with the 4th graders! You in?!”

Doojoon’s eyes lit up at the mention of his favorite sport. “Soccer! I’m in!”

“I’ll pass,” Junhyung declined, knowing his soccer skills were less than admirable.

“Huh?” Hyunseung snapped out of his trance to look at the boys.

“He’ll pass too.”

“Um. Ok” Hyunseung said before drifting back off into 4D land.

“Alright then. Come on, Doojoon! Let’s go!” Doojoon packed up the remainder of his lunch before running off with the group of boys. Kikwang and Dongwoon couldn’t help but smile.



After finishing their meals, the four boys headed out to the playground. From the relaxing shade of a tree they watched as their leader became the star of the soccer field. They also glanced over, laughing, while the second grade girls made Yoseob into their baby. It was an enjoyable experience. For the first time since this whole thing began, the Beast boys were able to relax.

Junhyung had his back against a large tree, reading a rather adult book for a third grader. Hyunseung had fallen asleep near him, curling himself up in the soft, green grass. As Dongwoon played a rather frustrating game on his smartphone, Kikwang glanced over to the other side of the playground, noticing a group of students gathering near the edge. He stood up removing his headphones. “I’ll be right back, Woonie.”

He ran over near the the edge of the soccer field where a group, consisting of students of all ages, had gathered to watch as a 5th grade boy showed off his simple dance moves to a popular Shinee song.


♪Nareul mukko gadoon.damyeon sarangdo mukkin chae. Miraedo mukkin chae keojil su eopneunde♪

Kikwang couldn’t help but smile. It reminded him of his own childhood as well as his trainee days. He lets out a stifled giggle as a second grade girl turned around to look at him. “Oh hey, Kikwang.”


Kikwang weaved through the crowd approaching the girl his size. “Oh hey, um...”

“Hana. We’re in the same class.”

Kikwang nodded as he turned back toward the dancing boy.

“He’s so cool, isn’t he?”


“That’s Go Hyun ki. He’s in the 5th grade and he’s the best dancer in school.”

“Hmm. I suppose he does have some potential.”

The boy instantly stopped at Kikwang’s words and walked over to shut off the iPod plugged into the speakers behind him. He then proceeded to walk over to Kikwang. “What do you mean some potential! I’m the best dancer in school!”

“I just meant that you’re good for your age. You’re talent is raw and you could use some training but you are good.”

“What do you know about dancing, second grader!” He pushed Kikwang to the ground as his friends gathered around him and laughed. “You can’t even keep your balance.”

Kikwang scowled and stood to his feet, dusting himself off. “I’ll have you know that my friends and I are far better dancers. Even Dongwoon. And he’s in 1st grade.”

“That’s a laugh.”

“It’s true!  In fact we’re just as good as the boys of Beast!” He folded his arms in front of him, nodding at his own bragging.

“If you’re so good, why don’t you prove it, the boy stepped forward.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“You and your friends show me your moves, and we’ll let the students decide who’s the better dancer. Me or you. Loser admits that the winner’s the best dancer in school.”

“Fine! Deal!” Kikwang stormed off as Hyunki stood among his friends, absorbed in his own arrogance. “We’ll see who’s better.”


Kikwang got back over to his friends and Junhyung sat up, looking at him. “ Ok, Kiki. What’s up?”

“What were you doing over there, Kiki?” Dongwoon asked, gazing up from his phone.

“Oh it’s nothing too, serious.” He smiled, scanning over his bandmates. “However, I do kinda need your help with something.”

“What did you say now, Kikwang!”

“I might’ve gotten into an argument with a fifth grader saying that we’d perform a dance. To prove I’m a better Dancer than him.”

“ARE YOU CRAZY!” Junhyung’s outburst woke the sleeping Hyunseung.

“Please. It’s just 1 little song. Soom! We could perform Soom. That’d shut him up.”

“Kikwang,” Dongwoon spoke up, pocketing his smart phone. “We’re trying to stay under the radar. If a kid wants to think he’s the best dancer in school, let him.”

“But I just can’t stand his arrogance!”

“Sounds familiar.” Junhyung remarked.

“Please!~” Kikwang pleaded, trying to imitate Yoseob’s aegyo.

“That’s terrible.”

“Ok, Kiki. I’m in.” Dongwoon stood up, dusting himself off.

“Really. Thanks Woonie.” Kikwang smiled and turned to the other two.

“Ok, Kikwang.” Hyunseung sat up. “I’ve been itching to dance all day.”

“Fine. Whatever. I’ll do it.” Junhyung stood up to his feet, surrendering to the pleading dancer.

“Yey! Thanks guys!”

“But what about The baby and the soccer star over there?”

“I’ll get them.” Kikwang ran over to the side of the field and yelled out to Doojoon. “Yah! Yoon Leadah!”

Doojoon stepped atop the soccer ball and gazed over at Kikwang. He then signaled for a time out before kicking the ball over to his teammates. “I’ll be right back.” He then ran over to Kikwang who stood with a grin on his face. “What did you do now?”

“I kinda told this 5th grade that we were better dancers and he dared me to prove it.”


“Cause I hate him! He’s so arrogant.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen that before.” He sighed as he glanced over at the other Beast members, all doing stretches. “Let me guess. You want us to perform Soom so he’ll admit that you’re the better dancer.”

“Wow. You’re good.

“You do realize we’re trying to keep a low profile, right.”

“Just this once! I promise, we’ll never have to show off again. Please.”

Doojoon sighed and nodded slowly, Kikwang’s face lighting up with joy. “Yey! Now all we need is Yoseob.”

“ I’ll get him.”



Minutes later, Kikwang stood with Dongwoon, Junhyung, and Hyunseung in front of the arrogant fifth grader and his group of four friends.

“This is your crew?” Hyunki scoffed as his boys laughed.

“Does anyone else get an MBLAQ feel from these guys?” the doe-eyed boy remarked.

Junhyung lightly hit Hyunseung on the back of the head as Doojoon walked over, dragging Yoseob, his thumb. “Yah!~ Doojoonie’s soo mean!~”


Doojoon then stood Yoseob up on his feet and whispered into his ear. The visual instantly narrowed his eyes at the boys and surrendered any aegyo attempt he used on the leader. “Ok. Let’s do this.”

Doojoon nodded to Kikwang who walked over to plug his ipod into Hyunki’s speakers. The rest of Beast got into position and Kikwang smiled up at the 5th grader. “Be sure to pay attention you might just learn something.


As the music began the six boys began their choreography. Slow a steady movement kept the audience entranced but Hyunki scoffed at the level of difficulty.

♪ chakapge doraseon dwitmoseube shigani jamshi meomchun deut hae, hayake dwaebeorin meoriseoken neol jamaya dwae ani neol bonaeyadwae ♪

The boys increased their movements, perfectly in sync as Junhyung stood in the center lip syncing to the words of the song. He was tempted to rap along with the song but decided against it.

As the music picked up, the boys surprised everyone on the playground, showing off the moves they had practiced for years. Their stage presence was amazing even at their decreased stature as they drew in a larger crowd. It began to feel as nothing changed. As if they were back on stage, doing what they love the most.

Kikwang’s part came up as the arrogant Hyunki stood dumbfounded, watching the second grader perform better than he ever could. Kikwang made it his mission not to brag as he was having too much fun performing in front of the crowd that had nearly the entire school watching.

“♪ I can't take my breath breath breath♪”  At that moment the boys decided to let go, unleashing their vocal talents, Yoseob leading the pack. “♪shigani galsurok jeomjeom jinagalsurok oh nan deo♪” Even with the change in his voice, the young boy still showed the voice of an angel and amazed everyone around.

Children of all ages were dancing along and watching anxiously as the boys sang and danced though the song. Even Hyunki and his group were pulled into the performance as if watching Beast live on stage.


“♪ I don’t know~♪” Yoseob’s voice caused many kids in the audience to start cheering, watching the visual put so much passion into his line while the others danced along near the floor. “♪ I don’t know yeah~♪”

“♪Yes or No bichi jamdeun bam bulee kkeojin bang eongkkyeobeorin neoe daehan saenggaki♪”  Nothing held Junhyung back now as he finished off the song, his rap giving off the cool charisma of the Beast image as the boys moved into their final position at the end of the song.



The crowd cheered loud. Several members of the crowd even cheered out the names of the boys they knew while others simply chanted, “Beast!” It seemed like, for a moment, it didn’t matter if they had drawn far too much attention to themselves. I just felt great to perform again.

Kikwang approached Hyunki, mouth still agate from watching the idol group perform. He smirked using his hand to lift the boy’s chin, closing his mouth. “Seems like the crowd has spoken.”

The fifth grader then hung his head in shame and surrendered. “You are the better dancer.”

The large crowd cheered their loudest stomping their feet and applauding.

“WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE!!” All the students scattered off in individual directions as an angry principal approached the 6 boys.

Doojoon scanned over his bandmates before gazing back up at the principal. “Ah .”




Peniel sat in the dance studio, gulping down a large bottle of water as his phone vibrated. he picked it up and gazed at the caller I.D, his eyes widening. “What the hell did they do, now!”





Way to go xxDenxx10 for guessing the songs for Chapter 4 and getting the honorable mention!! You're now in the running for the grand prize at the end of the story.!! 


Songs for chapter 4:

Muzik- 4Minute
Insane- BtoB


Two more songs in chapter 5. Give it your all and I'll see you next week. Bye!



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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^