Intrusive Actions


Besides having a successful little step-brother (Minho) who gets all the attention, Jonghyun thinks his life is perfect; a beautiful girlfriend (Sandara Park), a luxiourious lifestyle, and a very supportive best friend (Onew). Everything is going his way, until he finds out that he's been assigned an exchange student from America....



Kim Kibum (KEY): 

Charming,Out-going, Handsome, adorable, Kibum has it all. He's a gay korean-America 21-year old that is forced to leave America to get back to his "korean culture" as his family says because they think he's been to westernized. Kibum is usually nice to everyone, but if you get on his nerves a bit, he can explode and give you a talk of your lifetime. He loves to speak his mind, and doesn't care what people say about his feminine fashion sense. His little adopted brother, Taemin, is all Kibum cares about, he's protective over him, it sometimes annoys Taemin, but he'll never stop loving his hyung. 


Kim Jonghyun: 

muscular, y, talented and...awkward? Jonghyun is an average 22 year old college student, that doesn't go out weekends, he usually likes to stay home and write music, and go on dates with his perfect girlfriend, Sandara. He's really antisocial and only Dara (his nickname for Sandara) can make him go out with her with her aegyo, which she used on him a lot. Even though his little brother, Minho, gets all the attention for a being a sports champion, he's happy with his life.



Lee Taemin: 

Insanely CUTE, innocent (most of the time), and so precious. Taemin makes you want to squeez him and keep him in your pocket forever. He's an 18 year old adopted by Kibum's family, he had to keep his birthname because Taemin's birth parents asked for it to be that way. Taemin loves his hyung a lot, but he wishes that Kibum didn't protect him so much from meeting other people. Since he loves his hyung so much, he BEGGED his parents to let him go to Korea with Kibum, they agreed and he can't wait to see Korea for the first time since he was adopted from there. 



Choi Minho: 

Athletic, competitive, and solemn. Choi Minho is 19 year old sports champion at his college, which he attends with his hyung, Jonghyun.His relationship with Jonghyun isn't the best, and they usually fight about the littlest things, and not talk to each for days. Minho has a lot of friends, and he's really popular, which is why he goes out so much when Jonghyun's at home on his guitar. He isn't interested in love, and all he cares about is his sports career. which he takes REALLY seriously.


Lee Jinki (Onew) : 

Accidental-prone, hyper, and loyal. This 24 year old is the hyung and best friend of Jonghyun. Onew is the greatest friend anyone can have, even though he causes second-hand embarrasment. He's great at giving advice and always happy. But don't be fooled by his never-leaving smile, Onew has something he hides that's dark and never leaves his mind...



Sandara Park:

Sweet, elegant, and clever. This 22 year old really knows how to get something when she wants it. Whether it's her aegyo, or her clever plans, Sandara can easily wrap someone around her fingers. She isn't easy to get, which makes Jonghyun so grateful for her and he takes care of her. She get's tired of things really easily, that's why it's hard for Jonghyun to entertain her sometimes. 




AUTHOR'S NOTE: OMG so YEAH. I finally got the courage to write this fanfic that's been bothering me FOREVER. I would be sitting in class and think about ideas for this fanfic and write them down and then when I would get to the computer, I would get freak out about it being too boring or people not liking the idea but YOU KNOW WHAT!??!?! I'm sitting down writing the first chapter and thinking "FUDGE IT YO, I'M GONNA WRITE MY HEART OUT". SO yeah, this won't be a big thing anyways, but I ship JONGKEY so much, it's so sad. I HAD TO WRITE THIS. YES THERE IS , I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IT, and bad language used...  and English is not my mother language. Okay, so PLEASE ENJOY! :D

OH and another thing, I don't ship Jonghyun and Sandara, I just wanted to do something new. Usually some writers use SNSD members or Shin Sekyung (NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, I JUST WANTED TO TRY SOMETHING NEW) Sandara's not a bad character, you'll actually like her :) 


"Justin, can you stop making out with your boyfriend and help me clean this mess up!?" Kibum shouted from the kitchen as his friend, Justin was eating up his boyfriend's face. 

Justin pulled away from the blonde and picked up a can of beer, he lazily grabbed a black garbage bag and threw the can in. Kibum eyed him as he was cleaning up the big mess from the party they had a few hours earlier. He was in panic mode because his parents would be home any minute and they would freak if they saw the house like this. Beer cans covered the living room, photo portraits were tipped over, vases broken, and the amount of food dropped everywhere was unbelievable. Kibum glared at Justin's boyfriend, who was watching Justin with amusement. Justin's boyfriend and Kibum's eyes met and Kibum gave him his death glare and yelled, "WELL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? AREN'T YOU GOING TO HELP?"

The blonde jumped, "I-I uh-"

Justin dropped the black bag, "Hey Kibum, calm down, don't yell at him like that!"

Kibum glared at Justin, "Justin, you can shut the up, YOU'RE the one who wanted to have this ing party in the first place, YOU'RE the one who invited everyone, and now YOU'RE the one telling me that I should calm down? You better help me clean this ing mess or I'll castrate your ing ,"

Justin got quiet and went up to the blonde, he sighed and said, "I'm sorry Kibum, I know I shouldn't have done that, but don't yell at Chad,"

Kibum sighed heavily, "It's okay, but you better help me, and you too, Chad, and I'm sorry for yelling at you,"

Chad shrugged, "It's okay, Kibum, now let's just stop talking and clean this up before-"

They all froze and heard a door knob moving, Kibum knew his life was over.

The door burst open and it was Taemin, Kibum's little brother, carriying plastic bags. They all exhaled a breath of relief. 

"Hyung! I'm ho-" Taemin stopped dead in his tracks and dropped the bags, which made a cracking sounds, those must have been the groceries.

"What.the." He said looking around at the messy house. 

Kibum hit Taemin on the arm for his foul language and said in korean, "Yah! Don't say that!" 

Justin and Chad looked at each, confused, they didn't want to waste anytime so they began to pick up the trash and putting them into the garbage bags.

"Hyung, that should be the least of your worries, mom and dad are FREAK when they see this," Taemin said looking at the kitchen, which was a bigger mess. Kibum sighed, he knew they were going to give an extreme punishment. Taemin quickly ran to a couch and pulled out a pink bra from between the cushions.

"Ummm...." He said picking it up with his index finger and thumb, "Yeah, you're in really big trouble,"

Kibum rolled his eyes, "Okay Taemin, are you gonna shut the up and help me or are you gonna walk around and pull out things and tell me how much trouble I'm in? 

Taemin looked hurt, he never liked it when his hyung was mad, especially at him, "Hyung, I'm sorry, I'm going to start helping you now,"

He walked over to Kibum and hugged him, which made Kibum feel bad for saying that to him, "Sorry Taemin, I'm really stressed out right now, I wish I never had this ing party," 

Taemin shrugged, "Well, we can't do anything about that, can we? Let's begin," 


Since Kibum was used to cleaning, he fixed up the living room in twenty minutes. There were some stains that couldn't removed, but he could always lie to his parents saying he spilled it by accident while they were gone. Justin and Chad fixed up the rooms, it would have been quicker if they didn't stop every three minutes and started a makeout session which in case Kibum would come in and yell at them to get back to work.

Suprisingly, Kibum's parents hadn't arrived yet and he didn't mind one bit. Justin and Chad left to go home to release the they had in Kibum's house, because there was NO WAY, Kibum would allow his baby Taemin to hear their love session. Just as Kibum started to work on the Kitchen, the phone rang.

"Hyung, who is it?" Taemin said running into the kitchen with a mop he used to clean rest of the mess in the other rooms.

Kibum panicked. It was his parents, they were probably saying they were coming soon, and the kitchen wasn't even clean yet! With shaking hands, he slowly picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"H-hello?" he said trying to sound nervous.

"Kibum, did Taemin get home?" It was his mother, she wasn't as scary as his father, so he relaxed.

"Yeah, he just went to the cafe with his friends and picked up the groceries," Kibum said, he shut his eyes and bit his lip in frustration, he remembered that the groceries were ruined because Taemin dropped the bags and the eggs inside cracked.

"Good Job, we're coming in ten minutes, we were stuck in traffic," 

Kibum's eye's widened, he couldn't clean the kitchen in ten minutes! 

"O-okay mom, see you," Kibum quickly shut off the phone and tears were building up in his eyes.


He thought to himself, Taemin noticed and he put the broom aside and put his arms around his hyung.

"Taemin, I just wanted to have some fun, now dad is going to come here and give the punishment of my life," Key said, now sobbing.

Taemin held him tighter, "It can't be THAT bad, hyung,"



"WHAT THE IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Kibum's father bellowed, his loud voice making Taemin flinch. Kibum was standing next to Taemin, who held his hand, with his head down. Kibum's mother was red, that meant she wasn't going to take sympathy for him this time. Five minutes before they came, Kibum and Taemin cleaned as much they could but their kitchen was too big. Their parents couldn't believe what they saw when they entered the house.

"Dad, we jus-" Kibum tried to say but his father shot his arm up which made Kibum and Taemin flinch.

"Just be quiet Kibum, I'm so sick of your lifestyle," he said covering his face with his hands.

Kibum didn't know what his father meant by that, was he referring to him being gay? That confused him because his father said it was okay for him to be gay as long as he didn't bring a boy to their house and did things in their bedroom (that  was an awkard talk).

"Dad, I don't kno-" and once again he was interrupted.

"Pack your bags, Kibum," His father said sternly. This caused Taemin, and Kibum's mother to look up at the father,

"Yeobo, what are yo-" Kibums father held up a hand for her to silence.

"Kibum, I'm so sick of the way you changed, you used to be such a studious boy in Korea, until you came here to America, and you're the total opposite, you stay out late to party, you come home drunk on some days, and you're even losing your connection with the Korean culture, this ajumma told me you didn't even bow to her, you just waved and walked by,"

Kibum kept himself from rolling his eyes, HERE WE GO AGAIN. His father always mentioned how he "changed" because he was so "westernized".

"You're leaving to Korea next week," his father said after Kibum's lack of response.

Kibum's eye's widened, and so did Taemin's.

"Dad..." Taemin whispered, clearly astonished.

Kibum knew this was a joke, no way his father would SEND HIM TO ANOTHER ING COUNTRY.

"Kibum, you may think this is a joke, but I'm serious this time, pack your bags," He said and left the living room, digustedly looking around at the mess.

Kibum's mother rose from the couch and stared at Kibum with great disappointment. She sighed and followed her husband. He couldn't believe his mother wouldn't back him up this time, it was JUST A PARTY. Taemin walked up to his hyung, and put his arms around him.

"He's just upset right now, hyung, he'll probably forget," Taemin said, gently rubbing Kibum's back. Kibum, who was expressionless shook his head.

"He sounded pretty ing serious, Tae," he said, collapsing on the couch. Taemin sat down next to him. 

"This is probably just like the time you came home drunk and sang loudly that mom and dad couldn't sleep," Taemin said chuckling.

A small smile appeared on Kibum's lips, remembering that night. Taemin thought it was hilarious whenever his hyung was drunk because he always did stupid things. It was all fun until their father yelled at Kibum and made the sensitive drunk cry on Taemin's shoulder the whole night and get his shirt all soggy with his tears.

"I didn't trash the whole house that time.." Kibum said as stopped when he saw his father come into the living room, he had a white envelope in his hands. Taemin and Kibum sat up, their father came up to Kibum, and gave him the envelope. Kibum took the envelope and examined it; there was no writing on it, and it was a little wrinkled.

"What it is?" He asked looking up at his father and softly fanning himself with it. 

Kibum's father looked impatient, his jaw tighted, "Kibum, just open the damn envelope,"

Kibum pursed his lips and gently opened the envelope. There was a blue check-looking paper, Kibum thought, maybe his father was so sick of him, he was giving him money to live on his own. He took out the paper and realized it wasn't a check....


...They were plane tickets.....

..............To Seoul, South Korea...............


OMFGGGG I HOPE YOU PEOPLE...or person....or me... considering no one will probably read this.... LIKED THIS!!!! GURL.. i stayed up till 6am to finish this.... SHOULD I CONTINUE!?!?!??!?!

If so...Chapter one is will be up VERY soon, I have already written about 1/8th of it! Probably be up by the time this week ends, GOT SO MUCH PLANNED FOR THIS!! :D okay... bye now... who ever is reading this...I LOVE YOU... <3


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Omgggggg update soon i miss this!!!! ><
Chapter 8: OMO OMO OMO, pleaseeeee update soon!! I neeeed it!!!
pinkeyesmile #4
Chapter 8: Omo that's so amazing! I totally love the wya you write, I hope you'll find time to update it!
Chapter 8: Asdfghjkl!!! Im a new reader and I just read this all in one go!!! This story is sooo daebak!!! Please update soon! <3
Chapter 8: a;kfjajfja;kdfja;kfjf THE BEST CHAPTER EVAR!!!!!! <333333333
Chapter 8: I loved this chapter it was so LONG hehehe xD Minho is so devious and Minnie is a messy, hyper troublemaker... but I sense Minho warming up to Tae's personality (I hope this is 2min <3) I can't wait to see how their relationship develops! I wonder what happened to Onew though, he's been acting strange? I absolutely adored JongKey's time at the club XDDD Jjongie is so sweet defending Kibummie and getting all hot and bothered when Key danced ;D Key is such a seductive little kitten, how could Jjong ever resist his s*xiness ;D And then that kiss, *fans self* I could feel the steamy atmosphere like I was there for real!! Although, I kinda feel bad for Dara not knowing that her boyfriend is falling for someone else, I really want Jonghyun to realize his feelings for Key soon *crosses fingers* I hope Jjong is okay though, him fanting was rather random I don't think he should drink anymore LOL! Thank you so much for updating, I really love this fic and I hope you can update again soon!! That cliffhanger is killing me XD
Chapter 8: LOLL omgg. Kris & tipping on my d. ; u;
This chapter's adorable, hope Jonghyun is alright though. <3