
You have the future

Maeri's Pov

Kai, also know as jongin was one of the heart throbs of the grade. Something i never understood. He was an egotistic , that saw girls as items for him to possess for his own needs. 

since second year of middle school, Kai and I had always been rivals, in work, looks, dance which was my dream. Everyone ended up comparing us. The amount of praise he always got for dance was infuriating, he would show up to class on odd days, but play a joke to get in less trouble. He put no effort into anything and sometimes i think his pranks on me was given more thought then the dance itself.

There i am, the girl who works her off getting compared to the one who never tried. It was some messed up joke wasn't it. 

After his attempt to put worms in my lunch in third year, I had become his target. It went from egging, to drawing on my notes, messing up my cd's or being an annoyance. He was my bully. At the time i had short, one layered hair with bangs and glasses, oh the typical preadolescent Asian look. Something he could make jokes about, "four eyes", "ugly" and such. It was a pretty rough time until Chen had moved to the school and stood up to Kai. From then on it was me and my best friend.


"Good to see you didn't turn from the you are to a gentleman in one night jongin" Chen had made a snide comment as he helped me up. 

Before Kai could argue back, the teacher had already stepped in. It didn't stop the glare though. I never knew what was up with him. He had this hate towards me, that was started from nothing. He had no reason, no cause. Kai was always a mystery.

The clocked ticked down till the period was over.

Now for dance class. Since i went to a art school, dance was very competitive. The curriculum was based on 4 styles. Hip-Hop, Jazz, Ballet and Ball-room. Still at the beginning of the semester, we were on Hip-Hop. I usually would enjoy it, except for the fact that Kai was in my class, and Chen had his vocal class. 

The Dance room was beautiful, deep red brick walls, large windows looking off to a garden behind the school. Black floors with a mirror taking up the whole wall ceiling to floor. Lights were off and the sun casted ray in the room. Dance rooms were places i felt free.


"Okay guys, so evaluations of this part of your curriculum is coming soon, we'll be having a duo- project." A hum had begun of people whispering, eyeing or pointing to each other to be partners.

"Quiet" the teacher said "you will not be choosing your partners, I want you to dance with people you would least likely collaboration with to see how far your team work skills go.

"Wooyoung with Ashley", " Jay with Min", "Kai....-" i crossed my fingers and closed my eyes, not me not me. please God not me. "With Maeri"


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