the countdown starts

You have the future

She kind of just stood there. 15 minutes or so. Trains passing by her as time passed by with it. One, two, three trains passed as passengers went on and off with somewhere to go, somewhere to be, something to do. She did too. She wanted to disappear from the world before it took everything from her. Before this disease crept on her and slowly strangled life away from her in its tragic impossible game. Her walking and balanced had already been affected. She would begin to crumble when thinking about when her last word would be taken or when her last meal would be before she would be fed from tubes. The whole concept of "moving freely" had lost its touch of freedom and any dream was taken from her grasp with the big word IMPOSSIBLE stamped onto it.

She took a step forward. One step over the yellow caution line. Second step just hovering over the tracks.




200 days before (Jang Maeri's POV)

"Umma! Where's my wallet?!?" I ran around my house searching every nook and cranny with any luck.

"Have you checked your sweater? you know the one you wore the other day" she sighed at my disorderly ways.

I grinned at her and ran down the hall to the cabinet.

"Thank you!" I called to my Mom as I reached into the pocket and took it out. I sprinted down the hallways, through the door praying to God i make it to the bus stop on time.

"You haven't eaten yet!" My Mom called to me from rhe porch.

"No time Umma!" I waved my hand to signal my goodbye.


Today was a typical day. I almost missed my bus, then took the 25 minute commute on the train to school. Which made me almost late for school. Typical stuff.

I ran down the school hall to my locker to gather my books and binders for first period.

"Yah late as usual aren't you? you have a bit more then one minute" Jongdae my best friend yelled behind me before giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before running off to class.

"I'm not the only one Chen!" I yelled after him and from a quick glance to the nearby classroom i could see his head poking out along with his tongue. ever since Gr.9 we had decided to take our childhood skin ship to the next level along with the flirting. It didn't bother me since we always saw it as a joke, but a lot of people thought we were dating.

I quickly shoved the books in my bag and ran towards the class Jongdae or as I like to call him Chen had just entered.

"Yeobo your streak is impeccable! 2 months of making it right at the bell" Jongdae clapped.

"Jagiya! Not to bad yourself" I returned the joke. He was already at his desk seated and i was about to get to mine, until i fell of course.

I rolled my eyes when i heard laughing in the back corner of the room. This wasn't Jongdae this time. No it was the stupid, annoying, , Kai.


2nd chapter will be a lot better... i found this chapter really short. But i wanted to post it cause as you see (i haven't posted a chapter)


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