
5 Cups of Coffee

Jin sat back in his chair at the dining room table, full and satisfied by the meal Daesung and I had prepared. “That was really good. Daesung, you must
have helped her because her cooking isn’t usually this good.” 

I glared at Jin from across the table about to snap back at him but Daesung cut me off before I could say anything. 
“I just helped her here and there, she really was the one who put it all together.” He turned his head slightly towards me and smiled slightly. I blushed and shifted my eyes away. 
Noticing our interaction, Jin smiled and said, “Well, if that’s the case, you should come over more often!” 
Daesung laughed loudly and nodded, “If that means seeing more of Bri, I’d love to!” I looked at Daesung in surprise but actually felt happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. No guy really made that kind of effort to be around me. These feelings were so new to me, but I was beginning to get used to it and even enjoy it. 
With Jin busy in the kitchen I walked Daesung to his car and stood across from him in front of his driver door. He laughed softy, “I’ve never been walked to my car before. Isn’t it usually the other way around? I’m supposed to walk you to your door.” 
I laughed shyly, “I just wanted to thank you for today. I had a lot of fun.” 
He looked at me confused. “Fun? You got hurt! I should be apologizing…” His expression changed to one of guilt. 
“No, don’t feel bad. I really enjoyed myself. I haven’t hung out with anyone like this for a while.” I smiled sincerely and he sighed in relief and smiled back at me. 
“So…um…thanks.” I leaned into him and kissed him quickly on his cheek. I pulled myself back looking down at the ground, biting my lip nervously. 
I slowly brought my eyes back up to his face and saw that he was standing there with a bright smile. He laughed nervously, cleared his throat, and nodded slowly as if still trying to comprehend what just happened. 
“So, does this mean I’ll be seeing you again?” He asked playfully.
I laughed to myself and nodded, “Aren’t you supposed to help me cook dinner again? Jin would be disappointed.” 
“Ah, only Jin would be disappointed?” He stepped closer to me closing the gap between us. I felt my heart start to beat faster as I grew nervous trying to figure out what he was going to do. I struggled to give my response to his question. 
“W-Well, I-I guess…I would be, too…”
He smiled softly and brought his hands to my face, gently embracing me and tilting my head upwards slightly to place a soft kiss on my forehead. 
I felt my face flush as our eyes met. He wore an expression of slight embarrassment mixed with satisfaction. We exchanged numbers and before leaving he told me, “Don’t hesitate to call me if you want to talk, because I will be doing the same.”  He smiled mischievously at me. 
“Even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning?” I teased. 
“Especially if it’s 2 in the morning.” He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently. “Goodnight, Bri.” His expression was calm and relaxed as he gazed into my eyes. 
His calmness crossed over to me and I felt completely at ease. I smiled softly and squeezed his hand back. 
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Mongieee #2
Chapter 13: I'm sorry for the very long wait with no announcements what-so-ever! I've just re-read my story and I'm feeling inspired! Hopefully I'll have something for you all soon. ^^
runtheworldgirls #4
Chapter 13: I really hope you update one day, because this story is seriously cute.
minnie16 #5
Chapter 13: Awww this story is adorable! :)
Chapter 13: The way Bri is falling in love with Daesung, I'm falling in love with this story. It's SOOOO CUTE~! And when you updated I was like "ooh what's th- FIVE CUPS OF COFFEE !!!" -click-
Chapter 12: this story is the one that as soon as I see an update, I stop whatever im doing and go to read it... >< Dae is so cute
Chapter 12: Omgggggg daesung needs to be my boyfriend OTL I've fallen hard for this perfect namja afsjdkahskl.

Oh and thanks for the visual:) cute doggie. He looks so happy lol
BigBang_VIP #9
Chapter 12: Awwww how cute!.^^ I love this story! :)
Oh! And for TooManyBias, I wish I had a german shepherd to take a picture of. But instead, I'll share a photo of what I think Bri's dog would look like. :)