He's WHAT!? (Angst)

College days

Kae and Micha were following Anna around until she turned around then Kae and Micha looked at each other speaking Korean. 

"Ugh stupid Koreans." She said before feeling a fist come to the to the back of her head. "OW!" She fell to the floor. "What the?"

"What'd you say you little ?" Kae lifted Anna up in the air.

"Nothing! It was an accident please let me go!" She cried.

" I may be Korean but I'm not stupid." Kae yelled as her eyes turned to their angry red color. "You're just wishing to be beaten aren't you?"

"NO!" Anna cried.

"If you hate us so much then why are you here huh?" Kae yelled. "You think you own the place because you're from America? Well guess what you're in my house now! You have NO POWER HERE!"

"You say too much. Try saying ." Micha said in Korean which is the only language she spoke even though she knows English and is from America. She's Korean-American.

"Okay then Unnie." Kae turned to Anna continuing English. "I hate it when people like you come to this country excepting to be treated like a queen while you are mean to us!"

"Yah! If you hate Koreans then why are you dating Onew?" Micha asked.

"I'm not dating him! Why does everyone think we're dating?" Anna shouted. "I hate him!"

"Why?" Kae asked. "Cause he's Korean?"

"No! He's ugly."

"Why?" Kae shouted "Cause he's Korean?"

"NO!" Anna screamed. "I don't like him!"

"Then why do you hold his hand?" Micha asked.

"Because I can." Anna replied.

" this ain't America! You have no rights here! You EARN it! We Koreans won't respect you! You EARN our respect."

"Put her down Kae." A silent voice said.

Kae looked over at Onew sighed and dropped Anna. "Sorry Oppa." She said in Korean.

"YOU!" He shouted to Anna in English. "Say sorry!"

"Why? She attacked me!" Anna shouted.

"Kae doesn't attack anyone with out reason. Say sorry now and leave!" Onew shouted in anger

"Sorry Kae." Anna ran away. 

"Now, I'm going to go get my book bag and head home." Onew said as he left. Onew was really looking for Emiko who was talking to Yuri. "Yuri can I speak to Emiko in private?"

"Oh sure." Yuri said as she left. Onew grabbed Emiko's hand and lead her to a private room which clearly said "Teachers and Top students only." in Korean. Onew and Emiko were both top students so they had access in there. Once inside Onew made sure the door was locked and windows were blocked before he grabbed Emiko's shoulders.

"Don't go near Anna!" Onew shouted

"What! Why? I didn't do anything!" Emiko panicked.

"I know just stay away from her if you talk to her she's going to brainwash you into thinking she's innocent when she's EVIL!" Onew yelled

"What's evil about her?" Emiko asked acting as if she saw nothing.

"EVERYTHING! You saw her beat me and typed it! Why didn't you help me?" Onew yelled in anger.

"It was part of my plan. My plan to destroy her." Emiko said

"WHAT PLAN??" Onew yelled.

"Can you stop yelling? So I can tell you the plan." Emiko used her aegyo to get to Onew.

"Sorry Jung." He let her shoulders go. "Now tell me the plan."

"Okay, My plan is to have Kae, Micha and Me gather as much video as possible and on the day you said you were going to commit suicide I-" 

"Commit WHAT?" A silent sleepy yelled. "No why in hell there's going to be another suicide in this school!"

"Ryeowook! What are you doing in the corner?" Onew asked.

"First of all I'm not in the corner I'm sleeping on the bed! Get your eyes checked jackass!" Ryeowook was the vice president of the school and very cranky and mean when he was woken up from a nap. "Don't you remember the other kid who committed suicide last December?"

"Yes I do remember him. It's really sad he had a lot of talent." Onew said

"What's his name?" Emiko asked

"I think his name was Tao." Ryeowook said

"Huang Zi Tao?" Emiko asked holding up a picture of Tao

"Yea." Ryeowook said

"Tao's not dead! I live with him he's dating my friend Kae." Emiko corrected.

"Oh. Then he looks like the kid who did. Even though Tao's Chinese and Yesung's Korean. Oh wait I remember! His real name is Kim Jongwoon but he goes by the name Yesung."

Tears fell down Emiko's cheeks. "What? Yesung.... He's.... dead?" She started to cry. "My oppa is dead!" Onew hugged Emiko letting her cry on his shoulder. "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME!?" She cried harder. "We were going to on a nice date when we saw each other again. That's why I came here instead of staying in that really nice school in Japan!"

"I'm sorry kiddo." Ryeowook give a sad face. "But you had to find out soon." He patted her on the back. "I remember one day he came up to me and started talking to me about his dreams about becoming a rock start and marrying the love of his life after college. I see you're back and sad he's gone. I forgot your name."

"Emiko. Jung Emi Ko!" She cried. "I'm the love of Yesung's life."

"I'm so sorry Emiko. I tried to stop him from doing it but he wouldn't listen to me." Ryeowook started crying. "He was my only true friend and we were only able to be friends for a few months before he committed suicide. I miss him so much! He could have been very famous."

"Wait! My brother Suho is his friend! Why didn't he tell me!" Emiko yelled as she took out her phone to text her Oppa suho

Jung Emi Ko


Suho wakes up to his phone's vibration. "Oh what is it Jung? Can't you see I'm busy?" He viewed the text. His eyes widened at the message. 

Suho Oppa

Yesung's dead!? How! Please tell me you and him are joking! Please Jung! Tell me he's still alive.

Suho cried waiting for a reply. Emiko looked at the text from her brother.

"He didn't know about Yesung's death." Emiko cried replying to the text.

Jung Emi Ko

I'm sorry oppa but he's really gone. He committed suicide while I was in Japan.


"Why'd he do this? What caused him? Was he bullied?" Emiko cried. She wanted to know desperately.

"You remember that school in Japan where this man went in and shot up the school killing ten students and teachers?" Ryeowook asked. "He thought you were one of the students who were murdered. Rumor got around that you were dead and a month later he died in my arms." The go home bell rung just when Ryeowook was going to tell the story of how Yesung died. "Well you better be going home. You don't want to be here after school hours." Ryeowook walked over to his desk. "Here he wanted you to have this." He handed her a small box with Yesung's name on it and a picture of Yesung

"I can't believe my Oppa is really dead." Emiko cried. "My Jongwoon is gone."

She started to walk out. "Aren't you coming Onew?"

"No. I'm staying here with Ryeowook like I usually do." Onew said.

"Okay then." She looked at Ryeowook. "Thanks Ryeowook."

"You're welcome and you can talk to me if you ever want to. If I'm not in class." Ryeowook smiled signaling he meant it.

"I will. I'll see you guys tomorrow if I'm not too depressed to come to school tomorrow." Emiko said. "I'll stay alive for you guys and my other friends."

"Good, I lost Yesung I don't want to lose you Emiko. Now go on before you get extra homework and they do that here." Ryeowook said.

"If I get extra homework doesn't mean I'm doing it." Emiko said as she left. 

"You have to or they'll make you pay." Ryeowook ran after her to tell her. He closed the door. "You can have the bed. The couch is nicer to my back" Ryeowook said as he undressed to his Pj's

"If you say so. I like the bed more anyway."

"Good then it's settled."

"Want to atleast eat dinner first?"

"Sure. Where to?" Ryeowook asked. "I only have 21,641.20 Won"

"That's enough for some Tacos." Onew said. "Since I have more I'll pay for you."

"Thanks man."

"This counts as the 20,871.88 won that I owe you."




A:N: Hai guys~ I hope you love this chap! If you cried when hearing about Yesung's death then you're not alone! I cried too.









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AMAZING!!!!!!! <3 I've finally gotten caught up and boy did I get readdicted to this story!!!!!
Chapter 9: I think onew is lying cuz he want emiko to himself
Chapter 7: *sobs* poor Yeye....poor Emiko....waaahhhh so sad!! :'(
Chapter 6: <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVED IT!!! Anna is a ! >:(
Chapter 5: I do have my pants on! LOL! And now I want to hug Onew!!! keep it up!
Chapter 3: CHEN!!!! XD I can't wait for more!!!!!
Chapter 2: Oh my....this is intense.....poor Onew... :'( can't wait to read this one
Chapter 1: LOOVED ITTT!!!! I didn't say anythig on DA about though I wanted to save the praise for here XD You're awesome and I'm soo loving this!!!!!! <3
Hehehe I can't wait for more XD I'm super excited for this one and to see my XiuChen XD