Secret Santa.


[Please watch accompanying 2Min video thanks]

As the lights slowly brightened to it's full intensity in the auditorium when the 2Min video ended, the faint sound of Jenny's whimpering sobs became clear.

She turned around to face the audience abruptly, tears having streamed down her face making her cheeks glisten in the stage lighting.

She sniffed. "Now... after having watched that absolutely brilliant masterpiece..." she started off, "we are going to plan an event that will be held in two months."

The audience sat quietly.

"We are going to have a Secret Santa - the whole of t-list" she chirped into the microphone happily.

T-list suddenly brightened up, and lots of murmuring began as Jenny enthusiastically carried on with the plan.

"I have here this large bucket filled with our names on a small sheet of paper" she said as she raised it up so everyone could see. "And here, I have a list of all of your names. So one by one, I will call your name and you have to come up and pick a paper to see who you will be getting a gift for."

Jenny smiled widely as the talking amongst the inferior t-list members in the audience continued.

"OH," Jenny said surprised very loudly into the microphone; her voice echoed through the auditorium and caused everyone to stop and look forward at her.

"Don't forget. You can't tell anyone who you got - those are the rules."

She smiled and then looked down at the list of names.

"Ahem. Stacey?"

Stacey slowly got up from her seat and made her way towards the stage to pick her little piece of paper. One by one, they all did.

After about 15 minutes, each person in the audience had a little note with the name of whom they were to dote upon. Jenny slowly grabbed the last note in the jar for herself.

Prerna, in the audience, sighed.

"I got Jenny..." she thought. "God dammit."

4 seats down was Adam, who also was silently resenting his pick.

He leaned back in his chair. "I don't know what the Jenny likes" he said to himself as he closed his eyes in frustration.

Two rows behind was Kassie, biting her lip in concentration, trying to figure out what to get the love of her life, Jenny.

And... right next to Kassie was Vic, already on her cell phone, looking up Chanel nail polish colors that Jenny would like.

Something wasn't right and no one seemed to notice since everyone had their mouths shut.

They all got Jenny.

~To Be Continued~

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