Losing Innocence

Willow Maiden


“What are those black things?!” Jonghyun rushed over to Key. There were strange little creatures that seemed to be wanting to eat the maiden. The male started to kick the black things away. They were much tougher than anticipated. The creatures were though and armed with sharp claws that easily sliced through the hunter’s leather clothing.

“Use your bow!” Key snapped, he didn’t have much energy left to defend himself, since the creature didn’t carry a weapon. The other didn’t hesitate and used his bow. He did know how to use the weapon, but this situation was somewhat exceptional. He had never had to protect anyone before, at least not with violence.
One of the little black creatures managed to scratch the male’s arm, the gash was quite deep, but it didn’t hold him back. He Used his arrows, but it didn’t really seemed to work, it was as if the fired arrows went straight through the things.

“Key, this isn’t working!” Jonghyun said desperately. He didn’t know what to do anymore. “Wait for the moon!” Key yelled back. The hunter looked up and noticed that the moon had been hidden behind thick clouds. He wondered why they had to wait for that. The male fought off the black things best he could, but there were a lot. He was somewhat pleased with himself for minimizing the damage that had been done, or rather, could have been done to Key. Jonghyun started to wonder how long the moon would keep hiding, he was getting tired and knew he couldn’t last much longer. As on cue, the moon appeared, making the black creatures vanish.  Jonghyun had some scratches, nothing bad, but when he took a closer look at Key it all changed.

He didn’t seem to be ok, while he was awake moments ago, the maiden now laid on the ground with his eyes closed. The hunter knew the other wasn’t fond of physical contact, but there was no other option, Key had been hurt too bad to move on his own. Jonghyun lifted the maiden in his arms, bridal style. “Key….Key?” he tried to shake the creature awake. Slowly green eyes opened and stared back at Jonghyun. The hunter knew that he needed the other to stay awake for now, that was the easiest way to know for sure that death wouldn’t come too close.

“Ahh” the boy moaned in pain, it hurt Jonghyun right to the core. “How can I help you Key?” he asked right away, he wanted to act fast, so Key wouldn’t suffer too much, but he also realized that the pain Key was having might be too intense to make him respond well.

Key was debating in his mind on what would be best. He knew that he couldn’t take a human home, then again, humans didn’t belong in the forest to begin with. The creature knew all too well that he was in need of medical attention and fast. He sighed and looked up at Jonghyun, who was clearly more upset about the whole thing.

Jonghyun didn’t know what to do anymore. His eyes grew big as if he was pleading Key to say something. Somehow the maiden couldn’t help but to feel sorry for the young hunter, while he himself was the injured one.
“Bring me back to the willow.” Key demanded. The creature didn’t know what he would do once they would get there. Of course there were the water nymphs that dwelled in the lake near Key’s willow, but he wasn’t sure whether they would want to help him, but every option was better than going to either of the villages. It was at that moment that the creature realized how difficult his situation was. Neither of them was able to turn to their family for help, because it wouldn’t be acceptable, a maiden with a hunter and vice versa.

The hunter nodded, he had been too busy to notice how light the other really was. Key was light as feathers. Jonghyun somehow wasn’t that upset about it. He knew very well that Key and he himself were nothing alike, but he also knew that there was something growing between them. The hunter wasn’t bold and wouldn’t call it ‘feelings’ it was affection, but different from the kind he had with the people from his village. It wasn’t a bad thing, but he couldn’t put it in any perspective, it wasn’t something he had been taught about.

Key continued to stare at Jonghyun and grew somewhat impatient. “Say, are you going to stay in your thoughts or are we going to move.” He sounded a bit irritated, but not like a human, more like an animal that wouldn’t acknowledge pain. Jonghyun snapped out of it and started walking right away. He was careful not to trip, since he was notorious for being a bit clumsy.

The maiden didn’t speak and neither did the hunter, it wasn’t awkward, but it was slightly uncomfortable. The walk only lasted for about fifteen minutes, mostly due to the fact that Jonghyun was rushing. Key pointed at the lake.

“Put me down by the lake, maybe some of the nymphs can help me” in his voice lingered a slight tone of disgust. The other wondered why Key sounded as if he wasn’t particularity fond of the nymphs. Jonghyun had never seen them so he wasn’t going to judge just yet. He did as he was told and put the maiden down by the lake.

Key dipped his damaged feet in the water, his blood was slightly more crimson than Jonghyun’s was, and the smell of metal wasn’t as prominent either. Suddenly the maiden did something the hunter didn’t expect, he started to sing. It was a very sad song this time. Jonghyun did recall hearing something in some story from long ago, that some kinds of nymphs were attracted to that.

The water started to stir, startling the human. A lady rose from the water. She was fair, with pale skin, light hair and light eyes. She almost seemed like a dead person to Jonghyun, sending shivers down his spine. Key didn’t seem to be impressed by the least. The lady was accompanied by several girls, just as fair, but cheekier. They clearly didn’t have eye for Key, they were interested in Jonghyun. The man backed off a bit and decided to keep his distance.

“What is it you seek willow maiden?” The lady demanded. Key still seemed to be too proud to admit that he needed help with his injuries. “Well?” the woman demanded. 
Jonghyun didn’t quite understand why she had called Key willow maiden rather than his name, he was quite sure that she knew what he was called. He made a mental note to ask about it as soon as the creepy water nymph girls were gone.

“Please heal me” Key stated simply and pointed at his feet. The lady chuckled brushing some stay hairs out of her face. “And what do I get in return?” her tone was very strict.

“I have nothing to offer you in return”

The lady smiled, it wasn’t a warm smile, but one that got on nearly everyone’s nerves.  Her graze went to meet Jonghyun’s. “What would you give then?” she stated. Key’s eyes grew large, he didn’t agree on anything like that.
“He has nothing to do with it! Plus he is human” the creature put it as if it was a bad thing to be mortal. The maiden’s expression changed to stern. He didn’t want Jonghyun involved, mostly because he didn’t know what the nymph wanted from the other.

Jonghyun was oblivious to Key’s words. “What would you want? You can help him right?” the human questioned and was, without realizing it, almost ready to sell his soul in order to save the creature.
The lady’s interest was sparked. She came to the shore and gestured to Jonghyun to come closer to her. The young man did as she requested and ignored the other nymphs.

“You, Human, you must be so innocent, have you never heard of my kind?” the woman wasn’t too friendly. Key seemed to become somewhat restless and hostile. “He doesn’t need to know you” the creature was showing a new side of himself. “You have no business with him!” he demanded.

The hunter however didn’t seem to catch on what Key meant with that. “Please tell me your price” he said and gave the maiden a slight glare. The woman smirked in victory. “You reek of innocence, young hunter, give me some of it and I will help your pitiful friend.”


Jonghyun was highly confused by the nymph’s request, his innocence was too vague for him to comprehend. The nymph just chuckled and Key huffed.

“Give me your first kiss” she demanded. The woman seemed to be a bit friendlier, but still, she was as direct as ever. Jonghyun didn’t owe anyone his first kiss and he truly didn’t care for it.

“Very well, I will” the young hunter stated. The woman came closer and smiled, sending shivers down Jonghyun’s back. The contact between their lips was brief and the male didn’t do anything, he just let the woman do as she pleased. It wasn’t anything like the stories he heard from the women in his village, then again, he was a man, but that didn’t stop him from wondering how it might have been. 

The nymph’s lips weren’t soft and there wasn’t anything that could have made it special. It was an exchange. The woman pulled back and went to heal Key. The maiden didn’t look at the woman and seemed to be very upset. Jonghyun couldn’t put his finger on it.

All the black markings on Key’s feet disappeared in the blink of an eye. Jonghyun became curious and moved closer to the other.

“Does it hurt….you know…healing?’ he questioned with a certain sincerity in his voice. It made the other shiver. “Yes I’m fine now” Key got on his feet and walked back to his willow. The other didn’t know why the creature seemed to be so upset.

Before Jonghyun knew it, the nymphs disappeared and Key climbed up his tree. The hunter got somewhat frustrated. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair and looked up to the willow. He knew how to climb a tree, it wasn’t that hard, but the branches were dense for some reason.  Jonghyun decided that the branches were worries for later. The male started to climb the tree, he knew he had to steady himself with his arms, which wasn’t too much of a problem since he actually did have some decent arm muscles. Jonghyun was able to get a good hold of the bark and used that to go up the tree faster.

He was amazed by the fact that he actually had to make a great effort to get up to where the branches started. Key climbed the tree in a matter of seconds, whereas Jonghyun took at least a few minutes.
When he was finally up, sitting on the branches, he had to catch his breath. His graze went up, Jonghyun noticed a slight whimpering. He assumed it was Key. The male steadied himself on the branch and reached for a higher one. The male climbed in the direction of the sound. He had to climb quite a bit, but then again, the willow was huge and very old.

Jonghyun held his breath when he noticed a small tree house appearing in the dense branches. The male continued to climb until he reached one of the windows. There were some fur skins and some woven blankets, but that was about it. He scanned the small house and noticed Key sitting in a corner. Jonghyun put his feet on the wooden floor and slowly made his way to Key’s side. The creature got startled when Jonghyun came too close.

“What are you doing here?!” the younger demanded. The other knew he had been wrong to just enter Key’s home without asking, but for some reason he couldn’t bear seeing the creature sad.
Key looked Jonghyun directly in the eyes. “Well? “he demanded. The young hunter just stared at the creature, there were still so many things he didn’t know about Key, but he didn’t even care for that for some reason. He was following his instinct, which told him that the other needed his protection.

Jonghyun moved closer and Key flinched. “Don’t touch me human!” he was clearly more upset than the male had anticipated. Jonghyun had hoped that the maiden would have been able to process the past events.  He decided to just sit down next to the other, their shoulders barely touching, side by side,  just to listen to what Key had to say.

“Why did you agree? To give away…you know, that, to that nymph!” Jonghyun chuckled slightly, it seemed to him that the other wasn’t too pleased with the help.
“Well that’s what she asked for helping you, you’re better now, right?” he asked carefully and hoped he wouldn’t upset the other.

“I never asked you to do that, don’t do stupid things with stupid nymphs” the maiden huffed and looked away. Jonghyun just smirked.
“Right, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again” he offered and since Key turned his head back to face him, he assumed he was forgiven, but the other didn’t look at him, but outside.
Key’s eyes grew large, forcing Jonghyun to look outside as well. He didn’t recall it being late. The male noticed that it was getting dark at an abnormal pace.
Suddenly the sounds that could be heard started to distort. It hurt the human’s eyes and he started to scream in pain. It was then that he noticed a disgusting blood smell, it reeked. Key didn’t seem to be as affected by the strange phenomena and was quick to act. He grabbed Jonghyun’s face and covered the male’s ears with his hands before pulling him close, forcing the hunter to close his eyes.

Ever since Key was shivering, Jonghyun knew something was terribly wrong.


Oh gosh I'm so sorry I'm this late with updating D: 
I had midterms and they were horrible, but I'm back and thanks to some friend the plotline of this story is getting more complex than I had originally wanted (yay...)
But anyway~! I'm going to give you guys some saying in this story, it's a very simple choice. 

Red or Green?

Choose wisely~! 

Lastly, my thanks goes out to all of you, I know I'm a horrible author for not updating in a while, so thank you for sticking with me for now! <3 
And also a special thanks to aniangel07thank you for the picture, it really captures the mood of the story's season. 



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Chapter 13: This was a really good story~ I enjoyed it a lot ^^
ShipJongkey #2
Chapter 13: Wow that really was an interesting story and a great read!
Chapter 13: This story deserves sooo much more attention than it already has. I really liked this, if you couldn't tell :P
Anyways i think youre an amazing writer :)
Sententious #4
Chapter 13 was so enrapturing. I couldn't stop reading it, and I cried tears of happiness. It was so touching.
Whoaaa, u created a good storyline. I though key was gonna commit suicide or smthing like that. Haaa, u make a nice ending ^^
Whoaaa, u created a good storyline. I though key was gonna commit suicide or smthing like that. Haaa, u make a nice ending ^^
Chapter 13: Beautiful ;___;
At first I was thinking of what a waste of time reading is (since I had tons of HW 2 do) but then ADDICTION BABY~
Yep a 180 flip from start to finish. Love the grammatical structure of the sentences by the way :)
shikihime_hunhan #8
Chapter 13: Awww amazing story! So very well written :)
vesevour #9
Chapter 13: Just a question.Did you watch Brave before writing this story?Cuz it sounds a bit like Brave.Anywayz nice story<3
Chapter 13: I loved! They are back together! However I didnt quite get the part about what I guess is Taemin, i love it tho!