
Willow Maiden


Before you start reading this chapter!

This epilogue is 100% optional, it is what MIGHT  have happened, I do encourage you to have your own vision on what might have passed after the ending, but this was one of mine, I had multiple, but this one suits the most tastes and I love this one the most! Thank you for going on this journey with me! Please enjoy my version of what might have happened after the ending of Willow Maiden!






Darkness, everywhere there was darkness.  Soft voices could be heard, but he was too weak to open his eyes.

                “Normal humans shouldn’t be able to cross, but since you have the mark and were blessed by a god, you have. You’re home now Jjong”


The man wasn’t able to make any sense of what he was told. After that the darkness left him unconscious. He didn’t know how much time had passed. He remembered going to his mother, crying his eyes out, but the pain never left him, but the fear did. The fear of taking the biggest leap he would ever take. He also remembered walking towards the bridge he had to cross. He didn’t have anything on him that day. It wasn’t needed, he wouldn’t know what to bring. The hunter looked back one last time and saw the wolf like god in the far distance, sounds distorting a bit. He didn’t know how to interpret that, but he assumed it was something good.

The last thing he recalled was setting foot on the bridge. After that there was darkness and he didn’t have any sense of time anymore. It was strange, but he didn’t fear it, he felt that everything would be alright.

After an unknown amount of time, he started to regain some consciousness, he could hear two voices speaking, a very familiar one and an unknown one. Though the unknown one was very young judging from its tone.

Smell, he smelled something as well. It was very sweet, not that the former hunter was too keen on it, but it brought back pleasant memories. Happy ones and sad ones alike. It reminded him of the one he loved most.

The voices spoke again and were a bit clearer this time. He could hear what they were saying.

                “Go on Minnie, try waking him up, we waited long enough for him to come home and wake up.”

Jonghyun knew that voice, but his body wasn’t ready to respond just yet.
Pressure, he felt something small and warm sitting on his stomach. He assumed it was a pet or a small child.
                “Come on daddy, I want to meet you, mommy to wake you up!”

The man was confused about it all. He and the one he loved were both male so the child couldn’t be his to say at least.

                “Come on! Minnie has been patient to wait and meet you since mommy took me in”

Then it sank in, his beloved must have taken the child in, most likely one that wasn’t loved by his parents either. Footsteps could be heard next, the weight was lifted and another came down, this time sitting beside Jonghyun. He could hear the child running off back to where he had come from.

“Come on Jjong, open your eyes, I want to see them, I want to show you everything, tell you everything.” He knew that voice very well. “I want you to hug me and tell me everything as well, please wake up.” The voice was starting to sound sad, but then suddenly there was a loud bang and the weight lifted and went away, leaving the male to his thoughts.

He had wanted to wake up now. Sounds came from what he assumed was a kitchen, some more clattering and a soft cry that sounded like the child he had heard before. He wanted to see, to know, to love and to help. The former hunter forced his eyes to open with all his strength and when he did he was greeted by the sunlight shining down on his face. He sat up quickly and inspected his body very briefly before standing up.

He was in a double bed, in a room that was well decorated, dried flowers hanging from the ceiling. Jonghyun heard the commotion once again and opened the door that would lead to the sounds. As he opened the door he noticed that there was a living room, the sounds were coming from a bit further away. There was some simple furniture in the room. He continued to follow the sounds. Even though his legs were a bit shaky, he managed just fine.

A smile came to his face as he leaned against the door frame. The little child was crying because he had apparently dropped something and the other was trying to calm him down. It was clear that the child had been taken in and wasn’t theirs by blood but that didn’t seem to really matter.

The child was the first to spot Jonghyun standing in the door frame. After which Key looked up as well. The little boy ran over and demanded a pickup by raising his little arms in the air. Jonghyun was happy to comply and looked over at Key.

His beloved’s knees had given way, Jonghyun was alarmed and rushed over with the boy still in his arms.

                “Key? You ok?” he asked sounding very concerned. Soft sobs were heard and the little boy gripped Jonghyun’s shirt a bit tighter.

                “Key? Hey” he used one hand to lift the other’s face. “I’m here…I love you” he offered.

Key was tired of it and just swung his arms around Jonghyun’s neck, kissing him right away. Jonghyun had missed the feeling of his beloved’s lips on his. They could both hear the little boy giggling and squealing, not soon after they broke the kiss and looked at the boy.

                “Mommy and Daddy kissy” the boy sounded more than happy to see that. Key smiled and kissed the boy’s cheek. Jonghyun didn’t need any kind of explanation from Key over the child, it felt as if the boy, he assumed was nicknamed Minnie, had always been theirs. Key looked Jonghyun in the eyes and smiled, his smile was more radiant than it had been in the past.

                “Welcome home”



And that concludes this story. I hope you enjoyed going on this journey with me and if you want to go on another journey with me please subscribe to my upcomming story.


ALSO don't forget to enter the giveaway~!

Thanks for sticking with me till the end~!

<3<3<3 comments are love~!

Until we meet again~!

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Next chapter will be delayed TT.TT Mian!


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Chapter 13: This was a really good story~ I enjoyed it a lot ^^
ShipJongkey #2
Chapter 13: Wow that really was an interesting story and a great read!
Chapter 13: This story deserves sooo much more attention than it already has. I really liked this, if you couldn't tell :P
Anyways i think youre an amazing writer :)
Sententious #4
Chapter 13 was so enrapturing. I couldn't stop reading it, and I cried tears of happiness. It was so touching.
Whoaaa, u created a good storyline. I though key was gonna commit suicide or smthing like that. Haaa, u make a nice ending ^^
Whoaaa, u created a good storyline. I though key was gonna commit suicide or smthing like that. Haaa, u make a nice ending ^^
Chapter 13: Beautiful ;___;
At first I was thinking of what a waste of time reading is (since I had tons of HW 2 do) but then ADDICTION BABY~
Yep a 180 flip from start to finish. Love the grammatical structure of the sentences by the way :)
shikihime_hunhan #8
Chapter 13: Awww amazing story! So very well written :)
vesevour #9
Chapter 13: Just a question.Did you watch Brave before writing this story?Cuz it sounds a bit like Brave.Anywayz nice story<3
Chapter 13: I loved! They are back together! However I didnt quite get the part about what I guess is Taemin, i love it tho!