Stalker Jae-hee?

Revenge of the Fat Boy

After Class:

Seunghyun's POV:

"Hey... I was wondering if you would... want to go to a coffee shop or something...with me... ?"

I glanced at her, waiting for the answer.


Jae-hee's POV:

Ohohohooho... OOP THERE IT IS. So obvious he was trying to play hard to get, but he couldn't resist MWAH! Hmm... should I say yes? Or should I say no? Or should I say yes and then no but then fake it out at the last second and say yes? OHAHAHOHOHO ALL THESE CHOICES! This is my favorite part in the dating game.

Mmmm, better say yes right away or I might scare him off... You know how these types of boys can get!

Jae-hee's Guide to Guys:

                   Seunghyun:  - Successfully Classified -

                            A) Personality: Tough exterior, but super shy and marshmallowy on the inside. Sensitive.

                            B) Hobbies: Hmm... he asked to go to a coffee shop... so....

                                                 Most likely plays the guitar and writes poems secretly.

                   Course of Action: Girl should take the lead - NO mixed signals (he won't understand and might run the other way)

Process Complete.

Turning towards him, I flipped my  gorgeous, long hair. This was almost too easy... heh silly boys ^ ^ Grinning in triumph, I opened my mouth to speak. But instead of words coming out, I gasped. A small, tiny, eensy-weensy gasp.

Seungpoop wasn't asking ME. HE WAS LOOKING AT THE SMELLY GIRL! This... this is too much. In the beginning of class, he was only paying attention to her, and now HE'S ASKING HER ON A DATE? Tch... is he blind?!!! When you have an expensive, fine- piece of steak... YOU DON'T EAT THE AWKWARD POTATO HANGING BY THE SIDE! (you see the metaphor?)

Then, even worse... Seunghyun turns towards me and snickers. "Hey... your mouth is wide open. Bugs might fly in if you're not careful." Reaching over he closes my mouth with a hand, and locks eyes with me. At first I thought we were having a moment... you know... a MOMENT. But then I see this incredibly y awful smirk forming on his lips.

And his eyes... his eyes...are reallyreallyreally... cold? Ummm.. what's his deal?

Tiliting my head to the side, I watch as the little couple walk away, chatting the whole time.

Hmmm... to follow or not to follow? That is the question my dear friend.



A/N: Sorry for the super short update! If I have time, I'll update again today !!! XD


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Chapter 4: Interesting x3
Waiting for more :D
Chapter 3: Hahahahah I love SeungHyun here XDD
I don´t like Jae Hee, but I have to admit, she makes me laugh XDD
Chapter 2: Waaa this is so interesting >o<
Kekeke SeungHyun you´ll have your revenge *__*
Chapter 1: Poor SeungHyun ;____; POOR baby TT__TT
Wah, I hate her! xD
This sounds so cool *0* I´m going to read it! x3
Onepenny #6
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update :)

I wouldn't mind if my finger landed on Kwon Jiyong ;)
infiniteforeverloved #7
Chapter 4: nice update unnie!
Chapter 4: ...well you updated :) don't you need to study for latin though? i've given up on french...after 20 minutes...
Doughboy, smelly girl, awkward potato... Hahahaha! I know I'm gonna enjoy your writing! Do update soon ;)
infiniteforeverloved #10
hi goldfish unnie >.< I like your story
XD you're gonna win! Hwaiting!