Lee Taemin meets Lee Jinki



Taemin's everyday had always been the typical, the boring and the unimportant.

He wakes up, slides down the bed, grumble about waking up too early in the morning and drags himself to school after the daily argument with his mom who often referred to it as 'the forbidden' the word that must not be spoken - at least not in front of her.


                                How could I have been damned with a son like you



As rebellious and easy going as he may seem to be, he maintains an excellent row of marks in his academics. Students often question his credibility. Why of all the high ranking nerds in the university, he's the untouchable genius who 2nd’s the ranks, in record of 2 consecutive years and probably would end up sweeping it away again this year.


I've never seen him study. If I didn't know better he probably bribes the professors or threatens them even.


A soft-hearted, hardworking introvert he is indeed but apparently, no one sees him as such, those who have him in the wrong.

Never blaming the rest of the world though, he maintains an image rather connected to the perception of the public, a very stereotypical image so to speak


                                 An anti-social, - jerk


And as if to establish the actuality of that stereotypical uncertainty Taemin is in detention – again – by false integrity provided by the school itself. 

Now Taemin is in a bad mood, needless to say, having accused of vandalizing the fountain in the pavilion with no valid proof in official’s part who proclaimed the notion because one: Taemin was the only one there at that time and two: he looked…guilty.


So…he looked guilty? What a reasonable verdict.


Having said all that, by now, he is continuously glaring at the various vandals written on the desk, the silence burning as he precariously claim innocence in his head


                                 Because your opinion does not matter


 Then he glares some more.


 Some time mid ‘detention time’ and all, he dives in a new form of frustration, a very unusual guest/addition in detention – a.k.a. prison.

 He maintains a high university reputation plus a studious and sophisticated image; Taemin’s only competition for the top rank, the one who always…always pushes him down second, that person, Jinki.

Now his glares are completely directed to Jinki. Observing how the senior clasp and unclasp his hands, obviously uneasy and not used to the clammy, rough environment of detention. That and he’s also wondering how the studious top 1 student of the whole uni got detention in the first place


Not like he’d do as much as break a locker door or something


Yet he can’t help but sink his mind into it.




And it was his 3rd time that minute. One more grumble and he’s going to have to shut the geek up – he’s adding more noise in the already boisterous classroom.




There it is.


“Hey, what’s your problem!?” Taemin sets his gaze on Jinki’s squinted expression, while the other - whilst acknowledging his presence – had done nothing other than lean forward towards the desk like a desperate baby giraffe.


“I’m talking to you Lee Jinki.”


Somehow the name was all it took to get Jinki’s undivided attention allowing Taemin to take in more of his features.


Tiny slits for eyes, broad shoulders, seemingly refined nose and fat plump lips and…why am I stating all of this again?


“Hello? I thought you said you were talking to me?”


“Yea, what the hell were you grumbling about and leaning on the desk for? It bothers me.”


“Oh sorry…Teacher confiscated my glasses.”


“Why?  You hid notes in there or something?”


“No. I was wiping the dirt off the lens.”


So he leaves the situation alone, facing the front and refusing to let the senior see his face probably crying out ‘dirt off the f—ing lens!?’ besides, it’s not like he’s blaming the guy for having a hard time to see.

He tries to get back to trying to get himself to sleep despite all the hullabaloo inside the classroom, he’s used to all this. The paper throwing, shouting, chair dragging and all, yes he’s used to all that. What he is not accustomed to, however, is the constant mumbles and groans from beside his seat and by now he’s reaching the point where one more strike on his nerve then he would be forced to pluck Jinki’s tonsils out.






“O.MY.GOSH. Jinki shut up! Are you that blind!?”


“Well technically-“


“Oh, Shut up.”



Taemin's everyday had always been the typical, the boring and the unimportant - until that one typical day in school, that one boring class and the unimportant accusation – it was.


He marches to a single bench gazing in amusement, for a minute, the average who currently has a book glued to his lashes from the close proximity, struggling to read despite the obvious complexity of it. He lets framed spectacles fall towards the resting lap of the person sitting on it in a daze.


He waits until he’s sure Jinki could see him clearly until he spoke.


“Got them in the drawer, figured they’re yours considering the girly neon in-frame and the thick-as- lenses. The Lee Jinki pen written id sticker popping on the side is a dead giveaway.


The senior nods and hums as thanks with a beaming grin then resumes to reading – much more comfortably now with the glasses.




“Well what?”


“I was expecting a thank you. The least you could do really.”


Jinki raises a brow and chuckles. Cocky little thing


“Really?” He chuckles again. Taemin figures Jinki without the frames seemed more agreeable than the one with the weird specs – like he warps into a different person – or into an .


“Why are you talking to me so casually anyway, are we close?”


Indeed. He agrees. He has been speaking to him quite casually since their first official meeting.

He’s known Jinki for long that’s for sure, but until that time in detention they hadn’t really met nor spoken to each other in any way.


Embarrassed, he huffs and abruptly turns to walk away while he figures he still has that tiny bit of pride left in his system.





A/N: RANDOOOOM! as I said. lol. Planning to make this a series but as usual...it's up to you :) <3 For now...it's a drabble

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Chapter 2: great job, Taemin you really shouldn't drink so much; it was so sweet of Jinki to take care of him like that.
Chapter 1: keke, poor Jinki, she can't take his glasses off him and put him in detention just coz he was cleaning them; and poor Tae getting blamed for something that he didn't do, what's there problem.
Aw Taemin, don't drink so much... T___T<br />
Jinkiiiii~♥ :3<br />
I'm glad you continued this, I love it. And you didn't do badly at all! XD
shinminji #4
Woah <3 Thanks for all the love. I'll try my hardest to make it through the end yaknow :) <3
sarangheyyy #5
Erowindangle #6
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep going with this! This is really well written! =] I would subscribe if you continue this ^_^
Pffffffffjsdhfkjasgd this is awesome! If you do make this into more than a drabble I'll definitely want to read it! :D
FINALLY. FINALLY AN ONTAE FANFIC THAT ISN'T TY. I gotta admit, half the ontae fics here are written poorly and were probably only created to aid the author in visualizing their ual fantasies. But this story is actually written well, even though some parts were a little fragmented and hard to understand. For the most part, great writing style and PLEASE CONTINUE THIS!! I don't want to be left with all the other horribly written ! Please continue, you write Jinki as such a cute character~