Together with the friends I love

Crazy adventures with my six boyfriends- I MEAN ALIENS

Mighty Mouth ft. Soya - Lalala

(the title is one of the lines in the song I thought it matched pretty well tbh ~ )


YEOBO~ TIME FOR LUNCH!" Yongguk called up on land. 

You stopped with splashing water in Jongup's face and ran up on the beach. Jongup watched you in amusement and shook his head as he trudged out of the water. 

"Food!" You happily exclaimed and slumped down on the blanket Yongguk had laid out. Yongguk chuckled and opened one of the tupperware boxes that he had packed during the morning, when everyone else was asleep. 

You happily sniffed on the food and smiled in content. "It smells delicious, Xiexie." Yongguk sheepisly scratched the back of his head with a small smile. "Thanks, yeobo." 

Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup walked up from the water and sat down on the blanket. "Thanks hyung for calling us up." Youngjae sarcastically said and shook his head to dry his hair. 

Yongguk blinked, oblivious to his sarcasm. "But I didn't." 

Daehyun rolled his eyes in annoyance and grabbed one of the chicken wings and began to chew on it. You and Jongup giggled. Jongup sweetly fed you one of the Mandus and your tastebuds cheered at the delicious taste. 

"Wait a second," You swallowed your food and looked around the beach. "Where's Himchan and Zelo?" 

As on cue, you heard someone call your name. You turned your head and saw Himchan and Zelo running towards you. The both aliens were shirtless, only wearing their swimstrunks and their hair was dripping wet. Small drops of water hit their exposed skin and you felt your face slowly heating up. 

"Where have you been?" Jongup curiously asked. "Himchan wanted ice cream and I had to go with him, I don't know why, and when we got there the ice cream stall had closed. Then a little kid accidentally hit-"

"IT WASN'T AN ACCIDENT! I SWEAR TO BUNNIES THAT SHE KICKED ME ON PURPOSE!" Himchan defended. Zelo rolled his eyes, "Whatever. This kid kicked Himchan's leg and he got a little mad and then the kids' father came and I had to drag Himchan away from there unless we wanted to be thrown out  of the place." Zelo simply explained. He saw all the food on the blanket and his eyes widened, "Daebak!" he slumped down next to you and sloppily began to devour all the food. 

Yongguk gave Himchan a stern look, "What have I said about losing your temper at innocent childs?" Himchan looked down at his feet in guilt, "That I'm an immature and you're going to shove your foot up my if I ever do it again." he mumbled. 

Yongguk nodded, "Correct." He got ready to stand up, but you grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "Stop it. You're only going to hurt him and cause a ruckus, do you want that?" You gave him a stern, yet soft look. 

Yongguk sighed in defeat. You beamed at him and let go of his arm. Himchan smiled widely and patted your head, "Thank you princess." he blew you a kiss and sat down in front of you. 

The seven of you happily ate the food Yongguk had made and you made a big show to express how delicious it was. 

Yongguk chuckled and reached out to ruffled your hair. "I'm glad you like it, yeobo." 

Youngjae looked between you and Yongguk suspicious. "What's with the petname? You're not even married."  Yongguk scoffed, "How do you know? Hyojin is my dear wife since long ago, if you didn't know that." 

"I can't see a ring on her finger so I have to say no." Daehyun pointed out after examining your both hands. "We're mentally married." Yongguk shrugged and popped a strawberry in his mouth. 

"That's called stalking, hyung." Zelo narrowed his eyes at the leader. "No, we're married." Yongguk stubbornly said. 

"Do I have a saying in this?" You asked. "Nope." The aliens said in unison and continued with their discussion. You sighed and took a sip from your bottle of water. 

Jongup nudged your side with his elbow. You turned your head to him and blinked. Jongup nodded his head towards the water, then at a pair of two buckets by one of the shower stalls. A knowing grin spread across your face and you nodded. 

Jongup and you slowly stood up, not wanting the rest of the aliens to see you. You took the buckets and walked to the water to fill them up. You had a hard time containing your giggles and you breathed out more air through your nose instead. 

When you were just behind the five aliens, you lifted up the buckets above them. At that time, Youngjae looked up and saw the two buckets above his comrades. "Look-"


You and Jongup poured the water over the aliens and they got drenched in a matter of milliseconds. Luckily, you had eaten all the food so it wouldn't get ruined. 

You and Jonup burst out laughing at the sight. They looked like drenched, miserable dogs who just had been bathed against their will. 

Finally, the aliens reacted. Yongguk and Himchan glared at Jongup, fire burning in their eyes. "MOON JONGUP!" The roared in unison. Jongup stopped laughing and gulped upon seeing his furious hyungs. "I-I-I-"

"YOU'RE DEAD!" The two oldest sat off after Jongup, who quickly ran away. 

Youngjae, Daehyun and Zelo mischievously looked at you as they stood up, slowly starting to approach you. "Hyojin-ah~" 

You gulped and began to back away, "G-g-guys, it was just a little joke, I can-IEK!" You shrieked as the three aliens grabbed your arms and legs. They began to carry you towards the water and your eyes widened. "NONONONO!" 

"1....2...." Daehyun counted down when they just by the water. "DAEHYUN NO!" You pleaded. "3!" On three, they all threw you towards the deep part and you landed safely into the blue water. 

"JUNG DAEHYUN! YOO YOUNGJAE! CHOI JUNHONG!" You roared as your head hit the surface. "YOU'RE DEAD! I'M GONNA RIP OUT YOUR S SO YOU NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO PEE!" You declared and sat off after the running aliens. 





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Sorry guys, but I'm pretty tired today so I won't be updating :( Sorry


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ilovesteakandzelo #1
Chapter 42: himchan go buy some slippers somewhere and leave me alone!!!!!! you !!!! i want my big baby!!!!!
ilovesteakandzelo #2
himchan looks like a ert... i laughed so hard at what they like and dislike..when did Gukkie like war movies??? lol jk
Chapter 18: GAWS MY FEELS..... I'm not mcuh of a fan of BAP but reading this story makes me fall inlove with them ^^

Love the story ♡♡
First Chapter New Reader
Here I go~
Chapter 62: part 1 finished!Go to the part 2!!lets go go!!
asian7707 #6
Chapter 62: Omgz i flipp n luv this fanfic. Its amazing thank u for makeing it.
I cant wait to read ur sequel now^^
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 22: I love reading this but I must say this is unbelievably hard to read in the cursive-USB font
andriella96 #8
Chapter 62: Omg I loved it thank you very much for creating an awesome fanfic for us fans :)

Loved it and I'm soo happy you made a sequel :D
LittleAsianNinja #9
Chapter 10: we can turn into bunnies, now thats manly! I just died at this part XD lol