Please Stop Time (Toki Wo Tomete)

It was a bright sunny morning that wakes the girls and boys up.


Soo Jin was the first one to wake up and went to wash up then headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast. While the others wake up after her and get them ready for work.


Soo Jin’s outfit:


Hyun-Ae’s outfit:


Chung-Ae’s outfit:


Jin-Ae’s outfit:


Mi Hi’s outfit:



 Hyun-Ae was the first to finish and went to the living room and turn on the T.V. Then Chung-Ae, Jin-Ae and Mi Hi came after. Hyun-Ae turns to the news channel to see what news will be there when DBSK just have an after party yesterday. She turns it on and it was breaking news very big on the front of the T.V. and draws all the four girls’ eyes to the TV. They watch to see what it was.


News: Hello this is Cha Hyuna and there’s a very important new to those that are a fan to DBSK.


 (Chung-Ae and Hyun-Ae heart stop for a second and look at the screen without blinking, while Jin-Ae call So Jin to came and see it also. Soo Jin came to the living room and hears the last part of “a fan to DBSK”)


We have very important news that will make all the fans go crazy, cry, and mad if possible. Sorry to those those are a Yunho fans.


Hyun-Ae yells to the TV, “What is there that is wrong with Yunho. Hurry and say it.”

Chung-Ae was anxious as well, while the other three just stay there quiet and watch what the reporter was going to say.


News: Here’s a picture of what we got from the party and guess who’s in that picture? Well who else can it be, Jung Yunho the leader of DBSK holding a girl in his arm outside of the hotel where the party was held at and… she seem to be in a hurry. Guess she didn’t want people to know that’s why she rush herself back inside so no one can get the news. But there is no secret to it, we have the picture to prove it and it is not Photoshop. But you fans out there come back and see what Leader Jung Yunho has to say.


“What was that?” says Chung-Ae.

“Is that for real?” say Jin-Ae while still shock to the new.

“Okay okay, you guy can stop begin so surprise. They can’t have girlfriend or what?” says Mi Hi.

“The problem is that…” says Soo Jin.

Chung-Ae interrupts, “It is Hyun-Ae, who is on that new that the media has taken.”

“Are you sure about that,” says Mi Hi.

“YES!” says Jin-Ae while looking at Hyun-Ae.

“I….I…I… didn’t do anything,” says Hyun-Ae and can’t find the words to say.

“Then what was that on the TV then,” says Chung-Ae.

“It was just an accident,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Okay,” says Soo Jin and continue, “Go and grab something to eat and get ready to go to work. No one knows who she is anyway so don’t worry about they finding us and getting us involve. It will be fine.”

“I hope so!” says Jin-Ae.

Mi Hi, Jin-Ae and Soo Jin walk to the kitchen while Hyun-Ae was still confuse and lost about the new. Chung-Ae just looks at her and asks her, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m sorry. I thought that it wasn’t a big problem,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Not a big problem, huh, you know that I am a fan too,” says Chung-Ae.

“Are you mad at me for not telling you?” says Hyun-Ae.

“I’m mad cause you didn’t tell me and make me waits to hear it from someone else,” says Chung-Ae.

“But… I didn’t want anyone to know. It was just an accident that I to bump into the JUNG YUNHO,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Okay, I’ll forgive, I just want to know how you feel that’s all,” says Chung-Ae.

“HUH, what would I say? I am happy, I am about to die,” says Hyun-Ae.

“YES!” says Chung-Ae.

“NO!” says Hyun-Ae.

“WHY?” says Chung-Ae.

“Cause this already bring him headache and I don’t want him to be mad about things like this, okay,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Awww…. Forget it. I won’t be able to get you to say anything. Let’s go eat before those three comes and ask us things,” says Chung-Ae.

They both went to the kitchen and eat their breakfast. Then they all went to work except Soo Jin. She didn’t start until noon time. So she decides to go grocery shopping for the house.



When they all wake up, everyone went to the kitchen to grab some cereal and went to the living room and watch TV. When Changmin turns the TV on, the news was on and all their eyes were glue to the TV. Yunho open his mouth and couldn’t believe what he was hearing and seeing.

“Hyung, I thought that it was only me who was looking for girls but look at you,” says Yuchun with a shock face.

“What is this hyung?” says Junsu pointing to the picture on the side.

Everyone look at the picture and see that it was Yunho holding a girl in his arm.

“Hey, I didn’t even get to hug any girls and you did already,” joke Yuchun.

“Shut up, it was just an accident. She bumps into me and I was trying to call…” says Yunho.

“Her!” says Yuchun pointing to the girl’s face.

“No!” says Yunho.

Yuchun was teasing Yunho back and forth, Junsu and Changmin just look at Yunho and Yuchun, while Jaejoong was zooming out of the conversation and was thinking about the girl at the party who was appealing to his eyes when the news mention about the party.

Ding Dong Ding Dong….

“Yah, the door,” says Changmin.

“Shush!” says Yunho.

“Could it be…” says Yuchun.

“It can’t be!” says Junsu.

“Yah, Jae, are you with us,” says Yunho.

“Huh,” says Jaejoong coming back to them.

“You go open the door,” says Changmin.

“Why?” says Jaejoong.

 “Cause,” says Yunho, “and I can’t”

“Huh… Fine,” says Jaejoong.

While Yunho was hoping that the media didn’t find where they live and come asks him about the untrue story about him. Jaejoong opens the door and greet.

“Hello,” says Jaejoong and walk back to them.

“Who is it?” says Yunho.

“Someone that will make you lose your career,” teases Jaejoong.

“Yah, be serious, who is it?” says Yunho.

“It’s just me,” says the Manger walking in behind Jaejoong.

“HELLO” they all greet.

“Tell me what you guys are planning to do?” says the Manger.

“Nothing,” says Changmin looking at Yuchun and Yunho.

“It was just an accident that I cause,” says Yunho.

“Okay. Now that they news is like this. We have to stop your schedule for today and see what SM say and see if we can solve it before it goes out of hand,” says the Manger.

“What about the girl?” says Yunho?

“She just has to think that it is a dream and we’ll find her first and solves it before the media finds her,” says the Manger.

“Am I going to talk to her or you?” says Yunho.

“I can, since it will affect you,” says the Manger.

 “But…”says Yunho.

“You want to talk to her, “says Yuchun with a smile on his face.

“No,” says Yunho.

“Okay then it is settled so just do what you want to do today and we’ll continue work tomorrow. Oh and you four don’t get into trouble or else it will even be bigger, okay,” says the Manger walking out.

The other four nod their head and look at the Manger walk out of their apartment. Then Yuchun turn to Yunho.

“So you’ll just going to let our manger talk to her?” says Yuchun.

“Yeah, is that wrong?” says Yunho.

“Yes,” says Jaejoong. When he was saying that he was putting himself in Yunho’s shoe, if he was to bump into the girl that he was thinking of then he is going to take grab that chance.

“WHY?” says Yunho.

“Maybe she is meant to be with you, U-KNOW!” says Changmin.

“Hey when do you think like that,” says Junsu.

“Ummm… I don’t have to. I just think so,” says Changmin.

 “Okay. I have enough. Since we don’t have to work today, I am going to the field to play soccer so is anyone coming?” says Junsu.

“Sure, I’ll come, but later when I’m done with this mess here and sneak to the field without anyone knows,” says Yunho.

“Why don’t we all go and have some fun and enjoy the view of a beautiful day before everything turns upside down,” says Yuchun.

 “Okay, then get your shoes on and let’s go,” says Junsu.

“I’ll come later so go ahead. I want to go visit my mom before going there,” says Jaejoong.

“That’s fine,” says Junsu.

 “Wait! Same here, I want to go visit my mom and brother before my schedule become pack again,” say Yuchun.

“Okay, then since everyone had there plan, then why don’t we go visit our family first then meet at the soccer field later then,” says Jaejoong.

“That sounds good!” says Yunho.

“Okay, then I’ll go first cause I want to book the soccer field first then I’ll go visit my parents and Junho. So see you guy later. Wait what time?” says Junsu.

“Maybe around 2 or 3 o’clock is that fine?” says Jaejoong.

“Sounds good,” says Yuchun.

“Okay, see you guy later than,” says Junsu and walk out of the apartment.

The others get themselves ready and head out before the media can find where they are.


Junsu’s outfit: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lTPkgLhmkQs/S4PbYwBu4BI/AAAAAAAAA5Q/tZxYOAOCJtk/s400/9016ab8cbea58109b1d51ae89a73fb13.jpg

Jaejoong’s outfit:


Yuchun’s outfit:


Yunho’s outfit:


Changmin’s outfit:



Everyone was ready to go out and spend the free time they got.


When Junsu head out with a cap and sunglasses on from the apartment, the media saw him. They follow him without him noticing. When he reaches his car, he looks at the window of the car before opening and saw media. He tries to ignore them by walking away from his car and walk out of the parking.  The media stills follow him. He pastes himself to walk faster and tries to loose them without letting them know that he knew that they were following him. As he continues to paste himself, he is also trying to not let people know that he is DBSK Xiah Junsu. He keeps on walking into big crowds. He finally looses the media and smile to himself for succeeding. Then he headed to the soccer field. While walking there he accidentally meets someone.

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