Press Conference and after party

Please Stop Time (Toki Wo Tomete)

DBSK got out of their car and walk to the press conference where it was held at Novotel Hotel and so was the after party. The press conference held at around 5 o’clock and last up until 6:00 and thirty minutes to get ready for the after party. 

The hotel:


 (This is what they are wearing)

The mc starts off by saying, “This is what you guys been waiting for………. DBSK…. Here they came!”

DBSK walk to the stage and take their seats, in the order they stand. They all say, “Hello, we are DBSK.”

MC says, “Okay, now we can start the show.”

The fans all scream from their lungs and yell “DONG BANG SHIN KI”

All DBSK did was smile and say “THANK YOU!”

“Okay, calm down and let these gentlemen say what they prepare for you fans,” says the MC and continue “Let’s start with the leader Yunho.”

“Well, first of all, I want to thanks Cassiopeia for waiting for us to return. Right now we are preparing our album for the fans and we hope that the fans will support us. Now I’ll let Changmin say what he need to say,” says Yunho.

“Basically, Yunho hyung has said it all. I would say that we will work harder.”

Junsu interrupt saying, “We miss you Cassiopeia and we hope that you guys will come out and support us.”

Everyone laugh at Junsu sudden words when it wasn’t his turn yet.

 “We’ll do our best!” says Jaejoong.

 “Thank you for coming out!” says Yuchun.

After each members say their thanks, the MC start off asking some question about them.

“Here is the first question that the fans want to know the most. Do any of you guys have girlfriends?”

DBSK all laugh and smile.

“So that mean you guy do have girlfriends,” say the MC.

“Ummm…well we…” says Junsu.

“So you don’t have one then,” says the MC.

“No. I don’t have one,” says Junsu.

“Oh, so how about the other ones than,” says the MC.

“Um... We don’t too. We are too busy with our schedule so we don’t have time to find one,” says Yunho.

“Oh now I see…” says the MC.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding,” says Yunho.

“Now lets start with your album in Japan and what you guy prepare for the fans,” says the MC.

This make the fans all go crazy and yell, “DONG BANG SHIN KI!!!!!!!”

DBSK just smile at how the fans react. Each member didn’t say much about the album because they didn’t even know the theme or wrote any songs for the album yet. But each member tries their best to make the fans happy. They talk and answer questions that the MC asks.  The MC finally says, “Dong Bang Shin Ki is having an after party that some fans request when they come back to Seoul. Surprisingly there will be one and you fans should be happy!” The audiences scream and yell with all their breath.

“Okay okay, calm down. But there is a limit to the tickets and there are only five ticket that are left,” says the MC.

DBSK just laugh and smile at the crowds that are going crazy.

The MC starts off saying, “We will have five lucky fans that will get to go and sorry for those who can’t go. But if you are the lucky ones then I’ll see you there will DBSK.  Okay, do you guy have your ticket when you guy enter here. We’re about to draw some tickets. Here we go!”

The audiences took out their tickets and look at the number without blinking.

“But let’s make this exciting. Let’s have Dong Bang Shin Ki draw these numbers out so that it would be more special,” says the MC.

The audiences scream and says, “DONG BANG SHIN KI…………………”

“OKAY. Now let’s finally start the drawing. This will be the last thing that we are going to do with Dong Bang Shin Ki so everyone look at your ticket and wait to hear your number from them. Let’s start with the leader Yunho,” says the MC.

“I guess so,” says Yunho getting up to the MC to draw a number from the box.

“EVERYONE here come the number,” says the MC.

Yunho smile and look at the audience and says the number, “it is 11141294.”

One fan got up and screams and the camera went to her.

“Okay, you lucky one that was pick by the leader. You will get to go to the after party. Now lets have the youngest one comes up and draw,” says the MC.

Yunho walk back to his seat and sit and pat Changmin to go up. Changmin got up and walk to the MC.

“Here goes the number….” says the MC.

“The number is 11062395,” says Changmin.

“Wow, this number is lower than the one that Yunho got. There goes the second one,” says the MC.

Changmin walk back to his seat and look at Jaejoong to go up next. Jaejoong went to the box and laugh, which makes the audiences scream.

“Hey, you are supposed to draw not make the fans go crazy,” says the MC.

“Sorry,” says Jaejoong while laughing, looking at the box and slowing taking out the number.

The fans yells, “HURRY………….”

Jaejoong smile and calls the number, “11119227.”

“There goes the third lucky one. So be ready for the four one,” says the MC.

Jaejoong sit and Yuchun got up. He walks the box and put his hand in the box. He looks at the fans and smiles and looks at the box again.  The fans scream at Yuchun’s smile.

The MC cut in, “Yah, hurry everyone is waiting for the number and wants to know who’s  the lucky one chosen by you.”

“Okay,” says Yuchun and pull out a paper and he read its, “11048606”

“Okay now we are down to the final and last ticket for the day. So fans get ready for your Xiah Junsu to pull the last one that you waited for,” says the MC.

Junsu laugh at what the MC says and peek at the box. When he was about to pull out the number, the fans start to says, “Angel pose, angel pose, angel pose”

Junsu laugh and didn’t know what to do.

“Go ahead and do it Junsu,” says Yuchun while laughing.

Junsu look at the members and they all laugh.

“So Junsu, the famous pose that you start with, will you do it for the fans before you pull that number out,” says the MC.

Junsu look at the audience and the audience yells, “DO IT! DO IT!!!!!”

Junsu laugh before doing his angel pose. He finally did it and laughs again. He finally pulls the number and read it, “11911216.”

“Okay that’s it for today. We have all five lucky fans. Which they can come pick up there tickets after the show here. Everyone thanks for coming here and hope you all enjoy the show,” says the MC.

“Now let’s thanks the fans also,” says Yunho.

All members got up and bow and say, THANK YOU!”

They exit to go out of the room and walk the elevator to go up to rest and get ready for the after party. While DBSK left the room, the party room was getting ready.

The party room:


Hyun-Ae was at the place since she left home and was there the whole entire time putting thing in place and getting things ready for DBSK to come down. The place was done and ended at the same time as the press conference. So she can leave the place also. When she was about to leave, her boss came in and give her a envelop. She opens it and saw five tickets to the party. She looks at her boss and asks why. Her boss told her that since she organizes the party then she should go and see the compliments that they will be giving her. She smile and say thank you and left the place so she will be able to come on time.


DBSK in their room in the hotel


They just wear their press conference clothes and were just resting in the room to get some time for themselves.

“How long will this after party?” says Changmin.

“It shouldn’t be long,” says Yunho.

“Hey, we should be happy to see some girls and be able to talk to some of our friends that are is coming to our after party,” says Yuchun.

“”Yah, why are you looking for girls. Don’t you know that we won’t have the time to spend with them,” says Junsu.

“I know but hey it isn’t bad to talk to some, right,” says Yuchun looking at Jaejoong to get help.

“Hey, don’t look at me! I am not helping you with this one,” says Jaejoong.

“Well fine. I will just do it by myself but if I caught you guy looking at girls then you’ll see,” says Yuchun while pointing to each one of them.

“You’re one flirty guy that can’t stay still for hours without girls,” says Changmin.

“Okay. Stop with the girls’ thing. Just let him do what ever he wants,” says Yunho.

“Right. So I will see if you guy are the first one or me,” says Yuchun.

They all just continue talking about girls. Yuchun finally dig it from the guys and they all start talking.

“So do you guy have anyone special that you guy are looking forward to,” says Yuchun.

“”Hey, why are you asking that question,” says Junsu.

“Well, we are talking about girls eventually,” answer Yuchun.

“Let’s just see how it goes,” answers Jaejoong.

They talk and talk about the party how it is going to happen and what kind of girls that they are going to see.


Girls’ house

Hyun-Ae finally arrives at home and went inside and sees that everyone was home. They all were sitting in their chairs and talking and catching up with one another. Hyun-Ae sits down and looks at her friends one by one. She smiles.

“What are you smiling about?” says Chung-Ae.

“Well, I got some tickets here to go to a party so lets all get dress,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Whose party is that?” says Jin-Ae.

“You’ll see when we get there!” says Hyun-Ae.

“Wow. A party, I want to go. I just got here and there’s a party. That sound fun but what kind of party is it,” says Mi Hi.

“It’s a really nice one so everyone get up and gets dress,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Okay,” says Chung-Ae getting up and walking to her room to get ready.

“Wait,” says Soo Jin.

“What is it?” says Hyun-Ae.

“Who say that I agree to go? I am tired from work and I don’t want to come home late and don’t wake up in time for my work,” says Soo Jin.

“I agree with Soo Jin about saying that I will go also,” says Jin-Ae.

“Hey, you two. Didn’t I tell you two that we are going to a party today and now making excuses here,” yells Chung-Ae.

“Hey, stop it. Let’s stop the argument,” says Mi Hi.

“Come on. I work really hard to get these tickets and they are limited to get so please go,” pleases Hyun-Ae.

“Okay, I’ll go,” says Soo Jin, didn’t want Hyun-Ae to waste her hard work.

“So how about you,” says Hyun-Ae looking at Jin-Ae.

“Well, I still….”

Chung-Ae interrupts, “She’s going. Even she says no, she lost the vote so stop wasting time and get ready for the party. I feel that it is going to be a fun party.”

“How do you know that,” asks Mi Hi.

“Well I will make it fun for you, then,” says Chung-Ae.

“Thank you!” says Hyun-Ae.

Jin-Ae didn’t have a good feeling about the party. She feels like it is something that she never wants to attend at all. Her face looks worry. While everyone is walking to their room to get dress. Chung-Ae looks at Jin-Ae and she was not walking so she walks behind her and pushes her to her room. Everyone was looking through their closet to see which dress that is good for the party. While Jin-Ae just sits there on her bed and thinks about the party and hopes that what she is thinking isn’t going to be true. She finally got up and looks through her closet to see what she wants to wear. They all was dress up and was ready to go. It didn’t took them long  to get themselves  ready.

Jin-Ae’s outfit:

 Soo Jin’s outfit:

Mi Hi’s outfit:

Hyun-Ae’s outfit:

Chung-Ae’s outfit:


They went inside Jin-Ae’s car and drive to the place that Hyun-Ae told her to go. They arrive at the place and went inside the hotel. Hyun-Ae leads them inside because the others one didn’t know where to go. Hyun-Ae was looking if the party has start yet. She looks at clock at the wall in the hotel and it was already 7:30. They all walk to the door of the party and show them their tickets. They walk in and it was very pretty.

“WOW!” says Chun-Ae.

“It should be cause I work really hard for it,” says Hyun-Ae.

“Wait. You did all this decorating?” asks Mi Hi.

“Yup,” answer Hyun-Ae.

“Wait. Don’t tell me that this is …..” says Soo Jin.

“YUP,” answers Hyun-Ae.

“You mean. This is DBSK after party that you were working on and they will attend it also,” says Chung-Ae.

“Yes,” answer Hyun-Ae.

“Are you for real,” says Chun-Ae with happiness in her eyes.

“Okay, then I am leaving first. Find your own ride back home,” says Jin-Ae.

“Hey. You came here already so might as well stay. Okay. Don’t leave,” says Mi Hi.

“She’s right, Jin-Ae,” says Chung-Ae while begging her to stay.

“Didn’t I tell you guy that I don’t want any thing to dealt with them,” says Jin-Ae.

“YES! But I organize this party and you’re not even going to support me at all,” says Hyun-Ae.

“She got a point, Jin-Ae, “says Soo Jin and continue, “Just stay for a while and we all can leave after the party start.”

“FINE. But if something happen, you know what it is like,” says Jin-Ae.

“YES!” says the four of them.

They all went to find a table to sit. There were many celebrities that came. Chung-Ae was so happy that she can see some of her other favorite ones in there also. Hyun-Ae was just waiting for DBSK to enter so she can see Yunho. Jin-Ae was not even interest to know if they are here or not, all she wants to do was go home and leave that place. Soo Jin was some what happy that she was there but still can’t believe that she can see Junsu for real. Mi Hi on the other hand didn’t know DBSK at all but know a little when Chung-Ae was telling her. She was waiting to see Yuchun, how he looks like and how he acts like. They were just sitting and didn’t want to get up. Hyun-Ae’s phone rings and she look at it and it was her boss. She told the other that she is going to go outside and see what her boss wants. She leaves them and walks out. While DBSK was coming down, Yunho wanted some fresh air.

“You guy go in there first and I’ll come in later,” says Yunho.

“Did you plan to meet someone outside,” teases Yuchun.

“No. I just want some fresh air since we stay inside the room like forever,” answers Yunho.

“Okay,” says Yuchun but find it fishy.

The others went inside and Yunho went outside. When he was outside getting air, he took out his phone and was about to call home when someone bump into him. They both drop their phone and he catch the person that bump into him. When he catches her, there was someone that took pictures of him catching her. But that person was hiding from afar so no one saw it. Yunho catch her but his face was very close to hers as well. She blush and look at him. She tries to get out of his embrace but fail and made him catch her again. Yunho smile at her and made her blush even more. She didn’t know that the person that catches her was the one that she was waiting forever to meet. That person keep on snapping pictures and the picture looks like Yunho kiss her on the cheek. Yunho pulls her up and she apologizes for bumping into him. He just smiles and says that it was okay. They both bend to down to grab their phone. She was too embarrassed so she picks up her phone and walk back very fast. Yunho smile at her acting and walk back inside or else Yuchun will start to assume things. 

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