Please Stop Time (Toki Wo Tomete)

Junsu finally stop and Soo Jin was behind him. The media turn to him and Soo Jin. Junsu pulls her to the side.

“Is it true that you have something with DBSK Xiah Junsu?”

“Are you two dating?”

“Does anyone know about your relationship?”

More and more questions shot at them. Soo Jin was too shock and surprise at the questions that were ask by the media. She didn’t know that they can assume to a whole new level. She was just there and looks at Junsu to see what he was going to say.

“Is there anything that you and she have that we don’t know?” asks the media.

“Are you the one that approaches her?”

Junsu spoke with, “There is nothing going on between us. It was just an accident when I was trying to run away from you guy. I don’t know her at all but the news just twist and turn.”

Soo Jin was surprise to Junsu answers.

“Now that you have heard from me, you guy can ask her too?”

The media turn to Soo Jin.

“Is that true?”

Soo Jin didn’t know what to say.

Soo Jin’s POV:

What happen if I say the wrong thing? Will it affect Junsu more or will it stop.  I don’t know what to say, Junsu. I don’t want it to happen anymore but what am I suppose to say.


“Hello miss, are you going to tell us?”

“Ummm….. it is true.”

“Then why did you let him kiss you?”

“It was..n’t a… ki...iss…”

Then Yunho barge in and caught the media attention.

“The leader of the group. Is there something that you want to clear it up too?” asks the media.

“YES! I want to say that there is nothing going on between them at all.”

“Then how about you then?”

“Well….. for… me...” look at Junsu for help.

“Are you going to say something?”

“That is all for today. Please call the company if you guy have any more question,” says Mi Hi coming out of the blue.

“Who are you in the first place?”

“I am their manager.”

“Looks like a pretty one for a manager. Is this your plan to put them all in a scandal?” asks one of the media.


The media was getting more intense. They started to shove and push to get close Junsu, Yunho, Mi Hi, and Soo Jin. Mi Hi was in front of the media so they were pushing her back and forth to get close to Junsu and Yunho. While Yuchun, Jaejoong, Changmin, Hyun-Ae, Jin-Ae, and Chung-Ae was at the door looking, then Yuchun finally move forward to where Junsu and Yunho was at. He came up to where the media was pushing Mi Hi and pull her hand so she can be behind him. The media saw it and started taking pictures of them.

“Can you guy please stop. We will try our best to answer…,” says Mi Hi with a tired voice.

Yuchun just ignore what she was saying and pulls her away.  Yunho walk back to the door and took a big sigh. While Junsu pulls Soo Jin’s hand but the media stop them before going into the house.

“Wait wait… why are you holding hands with her if you two are not dating nor have no connection?”

Junsu looks at his hand holding Soo Jin’s hand. Soo Jin pulls her hand out and looks the other way so that Junsu won’t look at her and say that it was fine. Junsu ignore the question and walk while Soo Jin was behind. The media ignore Junsu and gather around Soo Jin. They around her and starting questions at her all at once. She just stood there and didn’t know what to say. Her friends saw her stuck with the media and they all run toward her.

“STOP IT! Can you give us some space to breathe!” exclaims Chung-Ae.

“Who can you be?” asks a media.

“One of her friend!”

“Then do you know that your friend here has something with Junsu?”

“Of course she does!”

“Chung-Ae,” shouts Hyun-Ae.

“So can you tell us what their relationship is?”

“Whose relationship are you talking about?” asks Chung-Ae.


DBSK at the door…

“Hyung, what are we going to do? They are surrounded by media?”

“We have to get them out before it gets bad,” says Jaejoong.

“HOW!” asks Yunho.

“Just follow me then,” answers Yuchun.


Yuchun walks and the other follow. They were in the middle with the girls. The girls look at DBSK and wonder what they are doing.

“So what is the plan?” asks Yunho.

“Just does this,” says Yuchun and grab to whose ever hand was next to him. He held it up and run into the crowd. The rest of DBSK just look at Yuchun and back to each other. Changmin follows and grab onto the girl that was next to him and he dash right into the crowd and run as fast as he could while pulling on the girl’s hand. Junsu look around to see if Soo Jin was still there. He saw her and walks up to her. Soo Jin saw Junsu and start to back away. While Yunho just grab Hyun-Ae’s hand and run, then Jaejoong was left there will one girl.  He looks at the girl that was left. He saw her and can’t believe that it was her, the one that he keeps on staring at the whole entire time when they were there.

 Jaejoong’s POV:

It’s her! What is she just standing there without moving? Does she know that I am looking at her right now? Junsu hurry and leave with the girl that you want so that I can decide what to do here? No, wait Junsu don’t take her hand, take the other girl hand? Wait I am I talking to myself when everyone is running away from this place.


Junsu keeps walking toward Soo Jin and she keeps on stepping away.

Junsu’s POV:

Why are you walking away from me? I am trying to help you here.


Soo Jin’s POV:

Stop coming toward me. Can’t you see that there are so many media. I don’t want you to have more troubles. STOP COMING! Please.

Junsu just continue on walking until Soo Jin stops. She turns and was about to run but Junsu grabs her hand. She lost balance and was about to fall fat on her face but Junsu pulls her into his arm. The media saw it and started to take pictures. The media started to be excited since Junsu and Soo Jin was hugging each other in front of them. Soo Jin notice that she was in Junsu arm and push herself a little to have space between them. The media all run toward Junsu and Soo Jin. When the media run, they push Jin-Ae back and forth where she couldn’t get out. She also tries to get out of the crowd but it was too much force. The media just shove her out of the way and run right into Jaejoong. She didn’t know that there was someone in front of her. She just knocks him down with her.  Some media saw and started to take picture of that also while trying to snap some of Junsu. The media just totally ignore Yuchun, Changmin, and Yunho running and focus on Junsu and Jaejoong. Junsu took the chance and pulls Soo Jin’s hand and run toward the bus stop where a bus just stop for people to go in. While Jin-Ae didn’t feel pain at all but when she opens her eyes, she was on top of someone. She looks at him and notice that it was Jaejoong. She blushes and got up so did Jaejoong. Jaejoong looks at the media and pulls on Jin-Ae’s hand. They both run toward the girls’ house.  


Yuchun and Mi Hi

They both run and stop close to a park. They look to see if the media was still following them. Yuchun saw a bench and walk toward it while Mi Hi follow.

“Why did you do that?” asks Mi Hi.

“Is there any other way that you can do?” answers Yuchun.

“Well then how about the media?”

“I don’t know, if they are not following us then it should be fine. Right!”

“Well, my friends?”

“They have the boys over there so your friends should be fine.”




“Don’t be mad? You won’t look pretty?”


There was someone taking picture of them. They didn’t know that there was someone. Yuchun pinch Mi Hi’s cheek and the person took picture of it.

“Smile and don’t frown. You look horrible when you are like that…” teases Yuchun.

Mi Hi just walk away and Yuchun runs to follow her. The whole scene was taken down.


Changmin and Chung-Ae

They both run into a preschool school. They went inside and sit down to catch their breath. Chung-Ae looks at Changmin and then looks away.

“They seem to be so happy.”

Changmin looks around to see who Chung-Ae was talking to but there was no one.

“Hey, Changmin.”


“You know, I didn’t expect you to come to our house.”


“Never mind, I think we should head back now.”

Changmin’s POV:

What is wrong with her? She seems so happy earlier today. Now, all sad and depress. Why do she looks so tired? Is she felling okay?



“Let’s go before they find us here.”

Chung-Ae got up and was about to walk but she couldn’t and fall back down. Changmin catch her. *flash snap flash snap*

“Are you okay?”

“Yea, maybe twist my ankle but I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure about that. Do you want to go to the hospital?”

“It’s just a small twist. I should be okay.”

They walk out of the school and back to where they came from.


Yunho and Hyun-Ae

They run into the street market where there were so many people. Hyun-Ae looks at Yunho.

“Is there something on my face?”

“No.” (Shyly)

“Huh… where should we go?”


“Should we eat here or should we keep on walking?”

“Huh…” looking at people staring at them.

“I say what should we eat?”

“I…ummm…” look at her hand and Yunho was still holding her hand.

“Well, what did you say?” look at her.

“Ummm…. Can you let go of my hand?”

“Oh, sorry. I forgot. Sorry for holding your hand.”

“It’s …. Ok…ay…”

“Okay. Now let go and find a place to sit down. You must be tired from all those running.”


“Let’s sit here. I think we can have some time to rest before heading back.”’

“Here… but... look?’

Yunho looks and saw that people looking at them and taking picture. Yunho forgot that it was in public and people know who he is. Yunho nod and got up and pulls Hyun-Ae’s hand again and walk away very fast.

“I guess .I kind of forgot that I was a celebrity.”

“I think we should just go back to my house and see if your members are there?”

“That sounds right. Let’s go!”

They walk back but not into the market where people can see them.


Junsu and Soo Jin

They were inside the bus and there were a few people. They took out there camera and started recording. Soo Jin saw it and makes spaces between her and Junsu. She walks and sit down while Junsu follow her. He sits right next to her. She scoops away. People in the bus keep staring at them and whispering to each other. It was making Soo Jin worry and scare at the same time.

“Um… can you please sit in a different sit so that they won’t spread anymore rumors about you?”

“Well, I drag you here so I’ll take the responsible to protect you until you are safe back home.”

“But… don’t you know that this will cause more scandal.”

“Oh… sorry about that but I can’t leave you here and let the media attack you again.”


“No but, just sit still until we reach a place.”

They sit next to each other. Soo Jin looks outside and Junsu just stare at her wondering why he keeps helping and protecting her.


Jaejoong and Jin-Ae

They lean on the door so the media can’t open it. They both breath heavily. Jin-Ae laughs and Jaejoong looks at her.

“Sorry, it’s just a day for me.”


Jin-Ae walk away from the door and didn’t know what to say or do.

“Um… can I get a water bottle or something to drink?”

“Um...sure, I guess!”

Jin-Ae walks to the kitchen and grab two water bottles and hands one to Jaejoong.

“So, you and your friends live in this house?”


There was silent between them two.

Jin-Ae’s POV:

What is this… something that they planned for me? Au...huh… I don’t know what to do. Why did I end up with you too? Can’t you see that I am having a hard time seeing you here? Jaejoong, why are you here now? Wait, it’s just a dream, when I wake up tomorrow, he won’t be here with me at all. It’s just my illusion of you here with me, right.


Jaejoong’s POV:

Why does she look so uncomfortable? Is it me? Am I the trouble for her? Why can’t I say that I am sorry or so anything that can let her knows that it is alright?


Jaejoong, Junsu, Yunho, Changmin, Yuchun’s POV:

Why do every time I am with her, I keep forgetting that I am a celebrity and should not do these things.


Everyone arrive at the girls’ house again. They all look at one another.

“I’ll take you guy home now. Maybe the media has die down since it is already dark,” says Mi Hi.

“Okay, let’s go boys. Sorry for the troubles hat we cause for you guy,” says Yunho and bend down to apologize.

 “It’s okay, it was our fault too,” answers Hyun-Ae.

“Hyun-Ae,” Jin-Ae whispers.

“okay, let’s go now!” says Mi Hi.

DBSK got up and bend down to apologize to them. Mi Hi took them home and came back. It was an exhausted day for the girls and DBSK.  But it was a good night sleep for all of them.



News everywhere on the T.V. channel:

DBSK has found their loves and is really to reveal it to the world. But there are still some missing holes that we are trying to find. That’s not all; we took some amazing pictures to prove that they do have girlfriends and are in a good relationship. Here is a picture of Junsu hugging and holding onto this girl named Shin Soo Jin. Then Jaejoong with a girl named Ha Jin-Ae which she was ontop of him. third, Yuchun with their manager named Choi Mi Hi, where he is pinching her cheeks. Fourthly, we have the leader Yunho holding hand with the same girl that was on scandal with him at the street market and her name is Oh Hyun-Ae. Finally the youngest member, yes the youngest member with Im Chung-Ae at a preschool school where he was hugging her tightly. Now what do you fans out there say. Do you believe it or not. All we need is for their agency to tell us the truth. RIGHT!!!! Stay tune for more information about DBSK……


Everyone was surprise. They all form an O shape on their mouth. Then phones started to rings non stop. There are media outside their house. There was no way to escape. The girls can’t even go to work due to too much media and people yelling and screaming outside. DBSK just look at the crowd from where their apartment was at.

The girls didn’t expect to have such a mess at all. They still peep trough the window and then close immediately so that the media can’t take pictures of them. They sit in their chair and look at the T.V.

“I’m sorry for bring them here,” Mi Hi apologies.

“Hey, it’s not your fault,” says Jin-Ae.

“That’s true. You didn’t except it to happen,” Soo Jin comfort Mi Hi.

“Cheer Up! We can do this. It’s not something that is impossible to do,” says Chung-Ae.

“Yea, come on! We have five of us so all we need is to stay strong and everything should be fine, right,” answers Hyun-Ae.

When Hyun-Ae finishes her sentence, there was a loud knock on the door. Couple second later; they hear glass breaking from the window. Chung-Ae went to look at the window and she saw some angry fans that were throwing rocks. Chung-Ae turns around looking piss. Hyun-Ae asks what’s wrong.

“They think that they are all that. HUH!”

“Chung-Ae!” says Jin-Ae.

“Where my laptop? I want to pen pal my friend. I don’t want to deal with this thing anymore!”

“Calm down,” says Jin-Ae.

Chung-Ae turns on her laptop and log in to the fan website while the others just hope that they won’t break into the house.

 Things was getting pretty intense at the girls’ house while DBSK just watch it on T.V. DBSK just get chill down their spine hoping the girls doesn’t get hurt badly from their fans.

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