The Gunshot

Last Breath

Teen Top looked at the gang standing in front of them and smirked. They were easy.

“Get them!” the leader of the other gang, named Do Hyun, yelled.

Teen Top easily avoided all their attacks and beat the crap out of all of them. Do Hyun had managed to move away though as Teen Top had been beating everyone else up. *I’m not going down without a fight.* he thought to himself, smirking.

L.Joe smirked as he kicked the guy in front of him in the face. *This is too easy.* he thought. “Nice job guys.” CAP said, hi-fiving all his dongsaengs. L.Joe smiled. He was used to this life. He had practically grown up with these boys at the orphanage. *They’re my family. And that’s how it’ll always be. We all have each other’s backs.* “HYUNG LOOK OUT!” Changjo’s panicked voice rang out, snapping L.Joe out of his thoughts. He looked up just in time to see a bullet flying towards him, and Do Hyun’s smug face. Then he out.


Kim Haneul sighed and looked out the hospital window. She had cancer and had been stuck there for the longest time. She had no family, and her friends were all long gone…she had a lonely life.

Suddenly, she heard yelling in the hallways. She stepped out of her room and saw a blond-haired guy being wheeled in a stretcher. He looked half-dead, but still drop-dead gorgeous.

Her heart started beating fast as she watched him being wheeled past her. For the next while, she couldn’t think properly, so she decided to take a walk to clear her mind. When she got back to her room, she noticed the blond guy sitting in the room next to hers. Haneul’s eyes widened and she took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

L.Joe looked up and saw a girl coming into his hospital room. “Annyeong! Kim Haneul imnida~” she said, bowing her head slightly. L.Joe didn’t answer. She took a deep breath before saying, “What’s your name?” “L.Joe.” he mumbled. *Maybe she’ll leave if I answer a few of her questions.* “Oh. Well, my room is right next door, so I thought I’d drop by.” *Or not.*

For the next hour or so, Haneul kept trying to talk to L.Joe, and eventually, he started answering her and talking too. For the next few days, it went like this, Haneul visiting L.Joe’s room and just talking to him. Eventually, his wall came down and he came to enjoy the company that Haneul provided.

At the end of the week, Teen Top came to tell him some news. They noticed Haneul there. “Yah, eat, pabo! You’re so thin!” L.Joe said. Haneul giggled. “Am not!” L.Joe reached out and grabbed her wrist, shaking his head. “Look at your wrist! It’s so thin!” Teen Top watched them and chuckled, amused. *It reminds me of how he was with his little sister before she died.* CAP thought to himself. “Hyung! Good news!” Ricky exclaimed, finally entering the room. “You’re getting discharged next week!” Chunji yelled out. L.Joe’s eyes widened and he broke out into a huge grin. “Seriously?? That’s awesome!”

Haneul on the other hand was kind of sad. She was happy spending time with him. *You knew this was coming Haneul. Don’t be so upset, you pabo.* She quickly forced a smile on her face. “That’s great news, oppa! I know how much you hate hospitals.” L.Joe nodded, smiling. “Exactly! It smells like…death here. It creeps me out.” He said, shivering. He frowned. *After this, I won’t see Haneul anymore. Oh well, it’s for the better anyways. Gangsters can’t get close to anyone, anyways. I was just used to her company in this lonely hell-hole. I bet after I leave I’ll completely forget about her.*


For the next week, L.Joe and Haneul talked a lot, and they felt like they had known each other for their whole lives. On the day before he was supposed to get discharged, he surprised Haneul by going into her room instead. “Oppa??”

L.Joe grinned. “Let’s be rebels today.”
“Bwoh? Rebels??”
“..What do you mean?”
“Let’s sneak out. You know, go out and do something fun.”
“Where are we supposed to go?”
“Anywhere you want.”
“So…can we go to Lotte World?”
“Lotte World??”
“Truthfully, oppa…I’ve never been there. I’ve been in the hospital most of my life and I’m not allowed to go out for the whole day.”
“What the hell?? What kind of Korean has never been to Lotte World before? We’re going there right now.”
“Really?” Haneul smiled, excitedly. “Yay!!” She attacked L.Joe in a hug.

After changing into normal clothes, Haneul and L.Joe carefully made their way around the hospital, trying not to get caught. They had made it to the door when suddenly, “Haneul-ssi? L.Joe-ssi?” a voice called out. Their eyes widened and they looked at each other. “RUN!!”

They ran out of the hospital laughing. “We are so dead when we get back.” L.Joe said, grinning. “I know.” Haneul responded, grinning just as big. “Oh well, who cares? Let’s just enjoy the day.”


“Omo! There’s so much stuff here!” Haneul squealed excitedly. They had finally arrived. “So what do you want to do first?” L.Joe asked grinning. “Let’s go on that one!” she said, pointing at a roller coaster. L.Joe’s grin grew wider. “Let’s go.”


After an exhausting day filled with tons of rides, L.Joe and Haneul sat down on a bench, exhausted. “Can we go that store quickly, oppa?” Haneul asked, pointing at a gift store. He nodded and walked over with her. “Oooh, that’s sooo pretty!!” Haneul exclaimed pointing at a necklace. L.Joe chuckled. “That’s a couple necklace, Haneul-ah.” She pouted. “I’ll go look at something else.” She said, making her way to the other side of the store. L.Joe shook his head, with a smile on his face. “I’ll take that, please.” He said to the worker, pointing at the necklaces. She nodded, saying, “You two are so cute.”

After leaving the store, Haneul asked, “Are we leaving yet? It’s getting kind of dark…” L.Joe shook his head. “One more ride.” He took her hand and lead her to the Ferris wheel. It was lit up in the dark. “Oh, it’s so pretty!” The two of them lined up and when they finally got to the front, they happily got in, sitting in front of each other. Haneul looked outside, admiring the view. “So pretty! “ she said again. *Yes you are.* L.Joe thought to himself. He cleared his throat. “Haneul-ah. I have something to give you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the necklaces from before. She gasped. “Oppa you bought it? But who will wear the other one?” “I will, of course.” He reached over to put the necklace on for her, and she felt her heart pounding at the closeness. He stared at her a bit before leaning in. And he kissed her. “Don’t ever forget me. ” he whispered after he broke the kiss. *It would be impossible to.* Haneul thought to herself, heart still pounding.

When they got back to the hospital, they were in big trouble. But since it was night time, the head nurse just sighed and told them to never do it again. They both nodded and went up to their rooms. “Goodnight. ” they both said.

The next morning was a sad one. L.Joe was leaving that day. He was getting discharged. “Well…this is goodbye, I guess. We’ll probably never see each other again.” L.Joe said. He pulled her into a hug. After finally breaking away, he patted her on the head and left.


For the next few months, Haneul felt lonelier than ever. She had nothing to do, no one to talk to. She looked at her necklace and sighed. It was the one thing that she treasured, the only thing that motivated her to do anything. *He probably forgot about me by now. I’m probably stupid for keeping this when he’s probably thrown his away already.* she thought to herself. One day, a knock came on her door. Surprised, she opened it. Her eyes widened and she screamed. Then everything went black.


“HYUNG, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!” Niel yelled, bursting into their hideout. CAP turned. “What is it?” “L.Joe’s hospital friend…Haneul…” L.Joe sprang up. “What about her??” “It’s Do Hyun.” Chunji said, appearing behind Niel. “He saw you guys hanging out at Lotte World that one day. He’s kidnapped her.”

L.Joe was furious. “Let’s go. We’re leaving. NOW.”


Teen Top burst into the club. “Where’s the owner?” they yelled. “U-u-upstairs.” The bartender answered, frightened. They nodded and ran upstairs, just in time to see Do Hyun enter a room. They ran in and froze. They saw a frightened-looking Haneul sitting there, tied up. Do Hyun turned and smirked. “I knew it. She is important to Lee Byunghun over there.” “YOU BASTARD!” L.Joe yelled, ready to punch him in the face. “Not so fast. I’ve got a gun and a hostage. I would be careful if I were you.” Do Hyun smirked. “Damn you.” L.Joe spat out.

Haneul looked at L.Joe. He looked better than she remembered. He had pink hair now, but he still looked the same. She quickly hit herself in the head mentally. *Yah, Kim Haneul! Even at a time like this, you're STILL thinking about how good-looking he is??*

A fight broke out between Do Hyun’s men and Teen Top. Seeing his chance, L.Joe looked across the room at Haneul. What he heard next made his blood run cold. “Shoot her. We don’t need her anymore. Kill her. Now.” Do Hyun said to his men. L.Joe’s eyes widened and he sprinted across the room.

There was a gunshot. Everyone looked up. “L.Joe.” Haneul whispered. L.Joe just looked up at her, smiling, as he fainted, clutching the place where the bullet had wounded him.


L.Joe woke up and saw a sleeping Haneul holding his hand. He smiled and unconsciously reached up to touch his necklace. She stirred and gasped. “L.JOE! You’re awake!” Everyone crowded around him. “Yah, Lee Byunghun! You scared us!” Chunji complained. “Yeah, we thought you were dead!” Changjo exclaimed. L.Joe chuckled. “Come on guys, have more confidence in me. What kind of gangster would I be if I died because of a simple bullet?”

“A bullet to the head actually, Lee Byunghun-ssi.” A nurse said, walking into the room. “Even if you’ve woken up, we’re still not sure if you’ll survive yet. You were recently shot a few months ago, and a second bullet, especially to the head, doesn't help at all. If you do not die within the week, then you will most likely survive and after we run a few tests, you may go. This week is crucial though. You must not leave your room at all, araso? You must stay here, and do not disconnect any wires. If you do, then your death is not my fault in any way.” L.Joe nodded. “I understand. Stay in my room for a week and I will probably live. If not, I’ll die within the week.” The nurse narrowed her eyes. “This week is like a trial period. Don’t blow it. Oh, and Kim Haneul? I need to speak to you privately. Follow me.”

The nurse and Haneul stepped outside for a bit, but all of Teen Top could still hear what they were saying. “Mianhe, Haneul-ssi, but the treatments aren’t working anymore. Just like L.Joe-ssi, you only have this week to live. However, unlike him, it’s not a trial period. It’s definite. I’m sorry.” With that, the nurse bowed and left.

L.Joe felt his heart break. *No way…*


The week passed by very slowly for Haneul. It was like counting down the days she had left to live. It was hard for L.Joe too. He had a huge decision to make. Finally, he called up CAP. “Hyung…I need to talk to you. I need to tell my decision.”


Haneul sighed. It was finally her last day of living. She sat down on her bed, tiredly. She could already feel her body giving up, as if she would and could die any moment now. She was sad. These days, she hadn’t been able to meet up with L.Joe much either. He had been trapped in his room, and she had been trapped in hers.

All of a sudden, her door opened. She gasped.

“You can’t be here. You’ll die. Go back!”

L.Joe shook his head and calmly made his way in.


“CAP hyung. I know this will be hard to hear but-”
“I support you 100%” CAP said, cutting L.Joe off.
CAP laughed. “You think I wouldn’t notice that my dongsaeng is in love? Well I did. And I know what you’re going to do. I think you should go for it. It’s something you have to do. I’ll tell everyone else, they’ll all understand. So…good luck.”

CAP pulled L.Joe into a tight hug, got up and walked to the door. He stopped, turned around, nodded and gave him a comforting smile before walking out the door.

*End of flashback

“Stop talking, Haneul-ah. I can see how much energy it’s taking you. So just be quiet. And hear me out.” L.Joe walked over and sat on the end of her bed. He reached into his shirt…and pulled out the necklace. “I still have it.” He said quietly. Haneul reached into her shirt and pulled out her identical necklace too. L.Joe smiled. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you still have it.”

“Look, Haneul-” “No, wait. Let me talk. I know I’m sick, I really do. But I need to tell you this before I die. I…I love you L.Joe. Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I just knew there was something special about you.” Haneul burst into tears. L.Joe pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear, “Saranghae, Kim Haneul. So don’t cry anymore. Please?”

Haneul looked at him, shocked. He smiled and brushed a tear away. He lay down beside her on the bed, hugging her. And with that, they both breathed their last breaths.



[A/N] Okay, to be honest, I don't even know if half the stuff that happened is possible. Can you die within a week because of a bullet to the head??? Idk... oh well.. By the way, I'm not sure if any of you guys realized, but I called the chapter "The Gunshot" because that's how it started and ended. The first gunshot brought them together and the second one made them die together, so yeah, just thought I'd explain that.

Anyways, I've never been a huge fan of oneshots, so I'm surprised that I'm actually writing one. :o

I hope you guys like it!!! Please comment and let me know what you guys think~ ^^

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Haneulxxx #1
Chapter 1: ;~; so sad but really really nice
Chapter 1: I agree, it is a beautiful ending!!! Where do you get these ideas?
kishgeneston #3
Chapter 1: Omo!!!so beautiful !!! They died together:;(((
Chapter 1: I'm crying omfg ;-; that was so beautiful.
Chapter 1: this was sooo sweet :33
but sooo sad too ;u;
Chapter 1: This story is sooo sweet i loved it but its sad how they died together :(
nuuuuuuuu im not crying :'c
i like it sfm brb ugly sobbing well done!
tinado58 #8
Chapter 1: Nooooooo!!! It's so sad! I cried! :,(
Light-baekhyun #9
Chapter 1: He is shot in the head but he still manage to wake up!!!