Past Love


"I like you, so don't forget me, okay? I'll come back for you, I promise."

I shouldn't have treasured this memory for so long. But I did.


Song Gaeun. The name that Kris Wu, my childhood crush, forgot so easily.

At least he's back. He's changed from a sweet boy to a huge flirt, but as least he's back. My past love.




-17 years old

-pretty, but very modest and sweet

-always wears a necklace that she got when she was younger



-18 years old

-huge flirt

-Gaeun's childhood crush


I've been wanting to write a one-shot for a while but couldn't think of an idea...

I finally thought of one though, and I'll be posting it tomorrow after my exams are over.

I'll also be fixing my description a bit, as well as my title, because I think it's lame rn..

...Kris isn't even my bias omg, but I felt like he fit the character I wanted LOL.

Hope you guys enjoy this oneshot<3



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crazyexotic #1
Chapter 1: I like it...
Chapter 1: awwww.... so cuuuteee!!!! :)
glasskun #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^