The Definition of Love

The Definition of Love


Being an avid Jongkey shipper myself, I’ve read a few stories on these two, all of which being… *cough *cough*

So I thought, since there seems to be so many Jongkey fics, why not balance the universe a little and add a touch of… “fluff” you could say… I guess…? o.O But yeah, anyways, do enjoy the love story of these two~~



Key and Jonghyun had been friends for a while now and each had feelings for the other but neither knew how to express these feelings.

Key had trust issues and didn’t know if he could open up even more than he already did to Jonghyun and in turn, Jong didn’t know if Key would even accept his feelings.

Being neglected and abused as a child can really take a toll on someone’s emotional and mental well-being… and Key knew that more than anyone else.

He had only ever related these horrible experiences to Jong, his Dino, who is always there for him. The only person he thought he could ever even try to fully trust. Kibum even remembers that one time he was crying uncontrollably after the memories of his most sickening experience came back to him with a bang. He heaved and cried, muttering to himself that he wasn’t important but then Jonghyun came along and cupped his face in his hands, gently wiping the tears away. He then pulled Key into a soft, nurturing hug and kept uttering the mantra “You are important. You are loved” over and  over to him.

Remembering that, Key finally made the decision. He would try his very best to try to fully trust Jong, the only one who ever even tried to get to know him better.

With this revelation propelling him forward, Key ran from the bleachers in their school’s field where he usually sat to think in order to tell Jonghyun his feelings. He ran into the building looking left and right for the only one he loved, when he felt himself being pulled into an empty classroom.

With wide eyes now returning to normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Jong: Key-bear. *He smiled*

Key: I need to tell you something. *he looked down and sighed* I don’t know if I’m ready to trust anyone as yet. I don’t know if I have the capability to love anyone yet. And I’m sorry for that.

Jonghyun looked away, as sad as one could ever be.

Key: BUT…

Jong looked up with every ounce of hope.

Key: I can assure you that you aren’t just anyone. I… I… I love you, Kim Jonghyun. And I trust you. Please don’t do anything to break this trust. I don’t know if you’ve realized, but I have a kind of fragile heart. It’s been trampled on way too much and I wouldn’t like to know what I’d do or what would happen if the only one I’ve ever felt a connection with breaks that bond.

Jonghyun smiled, a smile more dazzling than the Sun. Overjoyed, he picked Key up wedding-style and spun him around.

Jonghyun: I LOVE YOU TOO, KIM KIBUM!! I’ll never ever, ever, ever trample on your heart. It’s an honour to even be the one with enough ability to mend it for you.

Key, still in his arms, looked up at him and grinned.

Key: Ahhh, what did I ever do to have met such the perfect person!?

Jonghyun: Aigoo, I should be the one asking that.


After that, they both began dating. These two dorks, Key being the fabulous dork and Jonghyun the manly dork but indeed, both dorks. They’d have the most sentimental dates, whether it be frolicking together on the beach or just cuddling up at home watching lame and boring movies with the occasional horror movie so Jonghyun could wrap his arms around Key. Not that Key was really afraid or anything, he just wanted to feel Jonghyun’s arms around him.

It didn’t take much time for them to become the envy amongst their friends because of their amazing intimacy and understanding of each other; it was just pure chemistry. Even their straight friends were jealous since they couldn’t achieve this sort of level with their girlfriends or boyfriends.



Key sat alone on his luxurious, off-white loveseat in his, quite extravagant, living room at home, reminiscing of all of his dates with Jonghyun, as he always did whenever he was alone and it was quiet enough for him to just THINK. He did, however, find it strange that his precious dinosaur hadn’t called or texted him for the entire day as yet. He picked up his phone and looked at the time; it was already 5PM!

No “good morning, my love!” text.

No “Bon apetit, ma cherie!” lunch text.

No “I already miss you because I love you so much!” text.

No “anything at all” text

Just… nothing.

Key began to worry that something had gone wrong with Jong and decided to call him. This sincere act was fabulously and conveniently met with… voicemail.

Kibum began to worry even more now and started pacing up and down, not even having the slightest clue of what to do. Not wanting to be a completely over-reactive drama queen, but knowing that that is what he truly is anyways, he decided to go to the police station to file a report right away. After grabbing his Louis Vuitton bag, Key was about to walk over the threshold but at that exact moment, his phone began to ring, one of Beyonce’s songs as his ringtone of course. He looked at the screen and saw that it was Jonghyun. He was eternally relieved.

Key: DINOOO~! I was so worr-

Suddenly Key heard another man’s (soft) voice in the background, “Yah, Jonghyun hyung, come over here. I need you to help me choose. It’s got to be perfect.”

Key: W-who’s that?

Jonghyun: Don’t worry about it. Anyways, I’ll be home in an hour. We’re going out for dinner tonight. Let’s try to look our best, okay?

Key: Yeah, okay, no problem but still, WHO IS THA-

Jonghyun: Gotta go, love ya babe, just get ready alright?”

And he hung up.

Key was exasperated at how Jong was acting but he couldn’t for the life of him refuse dinner or a chance to show off how fabulous he was in public. He spun on his heels, off to go to his bedroom to plan the perfect outfit as he said…

Key: Psht. I always look my best.

Jonghyun entered through the door only to see his dear Kibum dressed in the highest quality black Armani suit one could find, perfectly polished black Gucci shoes and as expected, a baby pink dress shirt underneath.  His hair was so well coifed and yet, he still wore a dissatisfied expression. He tried not to alter this expression in any way to show his feelings for how handsome Jong looked in his Dolce and Gabbana outfit.

Jong: Waaaw, you look ama-

Key: Who was that in the background on the phone?

Jong: Don’t worry about that, Key-boo.

Key: How am I not supposed to worry about that, Jonghyun?! You were with some other guy! I thought you said you’d never hurt me! You know I have t—

Jong: Trust issues? Yeah, I know. I know that more than anyone. I still don’t know why you can’t trust me though. Haven’t I shown you how much I care already? I haven’t hurt you in any way, love. Please, realize this.

Key sighed and looked down. Normally no one could get through that thick shell of his, or find the code to unlock his troubled mind, but Jonghyun just knew how to do it all.

Key: You’re right, I’m sorry. So you’re really sure it was nothing?

Jonghyun: Positive.

Key: Well then. Let’s go to this wonderful dinner you seem to have prepared for us and just have fun, okay?

Jonghyun: Gladly.

With that, Key put his arm around Jonghyun’s who led the way to the car and drove them to the restaurant.


Key: OMO. This place is so… so…

Jonghyun: Ha, I don’t have a word for it either. You could say glamorous but I don’t think that works either.

Key: Of course not… *O*

Jonghyun did a light laugh then led Key to their table, in a more quiet part of the beautiful restaurant where they could talk, laugh and just enjoy each other’s presence. He pulled out Key’s chair for him and utilized all his gentlemanly manners. (xD)

Key: Ahhh, jjinjja. You really didn’t have to do this.

Jonghyun: No, I needed to. I intend to treat all the important people in my life with the utmost care and responsibility from now on, starting with you.

Key could feel the tears well up in his eyes. He had certainly never had someone even treat him the right way before Jong… far less to say he was important to them and MEAN it.

Key: You’re always telling me how important I am to you… but each time I hear those words come out of your mouth, there’s a new feeling. Always a feeling of pure joy and love towards you, but it still feels new. As if you’re telling me for every one of the people who said it…but didn’t mean it, for those who didn’t even have the courtesy to say it and for those who couldn’t have honestly cared less. For this, I thank you.

Jonghyun looked on at the love of his life with such sincerity and awe, even a brief passer-by could feel the intensely burning passion he held for Key. He felt absolutely overjoyed at the fact that he was making Kibum happy, which was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

They finished their dinner and Jonghyun began to lead the way to the park. Key just went along with it, he thought it was a good idea to walk off all the calories he had just ingested [he had to stay fabulous of course v_v]. The two walked with each other, hand in hand, in a sort of blissful silence which Key was semi-glad for. But Jonghyun broke the silence.

Jonghyun: Key, what do you see?

Key: I see… trees. And a road…which we’re on. *He laughed* Oh and expensive cars… which I want.

Jonghyun just laughed and continued walking. As the park began to spring into view, he asked the question again.

Key: I still see the same thi-- *gasp*

Key suddenly forgot all words he knew as he saw the park.

There were fairy lights and beautiful, handcrafted lanterns everywhere. In the pavilion located in the centre of the park, Key could see carefully draped pure white silk, bouquets of blood red, white and, obviously, pink roses in classy vases on three, also gracefully silk draped, tables. Everything was accented in gold and the place gave off a royal feeling. Set in the middle of the already magnificent pavilion, was a throne. Fit for a King.

Jonghyun ascended the steps up the pavilion then reached out his hand toward Key. Key, still flabbergasted and unsure of what was occurring, held Jong’s hand and slowly ascended the steps as well. But before Key’s feet could land on the last step, Jong gently knocked them from under him and scooped him up in his arms. Key made a cute, little squeak out of shock and Jong just smirked.

He carried his precious love to the throne and set him down carefully on it. Key looked up at him, still utterly confused and not knowing at all what to say. Jonghyun whistled, apparently summoning someone and out of the blue, came Taemin. He was holding a pure white pillow, with gold t with a beautiful, diamond shaped casing on top of it.

Key stared at it, mouth gaping and eyes ready to pop out of their sockets. He shifted his view rapidly between the case and Jonghyun, wondering if he was dreaming or not. Jonghyun took the diamond case off of the pillow and said…

Jonghyun: Thank you, my wonderful and ever-so-helpful ring bearer, a.k.a. my supposed other lover Key heard on the phone earlier today.

Key blushed a crimson red as he realized he had overreacted earlier for absolutely nothing. Jonghyun, after watching Key’s facial expression of realization, turned back to Taemin.

Jonghyun: I do think the choice of going with all three blood red, pink AND white roses was a good choice, Key seems to love it, sometimes I think you know him better than I do.

He looked down a bit embarrassed while Taemin beamed brightly and Key looked at him with a “That’s my boy!” expression.

Taemin then walked down the pavilion steps back into whichever crevice of the universe he had initially stepped out of. Jonghyun turned to Key with loving eyes.

Jonghyun: As you can see, I tried my best to be as romantic as possible…but I still needed help. *sigh* Moving on though… my most beloved Key, even before we became friends, I knew there was something about you that I liked. I didn’t know what it was but it was there and I couldn’t ignore it one bit. I didn’t want to at least. After getting to know you better, I realized you weren’t really the most trusting person and that I’d have a hard time in my quest to make you mine but I willingly took up the task. I still remember that day where you revealed so much about your past to me and that was when I knew for sure that I was put on this Earth for the specific purpose of caring for you and protecting you, no matter what came my way. And I still have every intention of doing this. But in a way that I hope makes you feel more comfortable and able to trust me even more. So, Mr Kim Kibum, would you me the great favour and immense honour… of marrying me?

With this, he knelt down on one knee and slowly opened the diamond shaped casing to reveal the ring. It was set with three main diamonds: a huge pink one and 2 normal ones at its sides. The rest of the ring was encompassed with little diamonds as well. On the underside of the ring there was a little cursive “K + J” engraved also with an infinity sign.

Jonghyun: It signifies that you and I should be together forever… infinity for that matter.

Key became so overwhelmed with emotion that he found it extremely hard to even reply. Such a simple word. “Yes”. Yet it wouldn’t come out. Suddenly, out from behind some rosebushes, someone yelled out.


“Da heck is he doing here? And what kind of sorcery are these magical bushes? Hiding grown people and stuff… wait… how many more people are there...?” Key thought. But he finally mustered up enough of his voice from way down deep in the pit of his stomach and let out a faint, almost inaudible, squeak of a “Yes”.

Key and Jonghyun both embraced each other tightly, both knowing for sure that this was the person I was going to live the rest of my life with, happy evermore. Many, MANY people came out of hiding from the Narnia bushes and cheered for the couple while exploding champagne everywhere in order to wish them their best.

It was one of the best memories Key had, right up there with the actual wedding which had been even more extravagantly fantastic. All the memories began to flow back to him, one by one, in their own little special slideshow.

The beautiful wedding, how much he cried when they exchanged their vows, everyone’s speeches full of humorous well wishes, the amazing food and of course… Jonghyun himself.


Their honeymoon night. [Rawr ;)]


How Key used to do all of those girl group dances to entertain his dinosaur. [Rawr AGAIN ;)]


The horrifying mess the kitchen would be after Jonghyun was finished attempting to make dinner.


Their trip to Paris… their trip to Venice… their trip to Hawaii… (they travelled a lot okay? -.- xD)


Just all the memories, even the ones that seemed so insignificant at the time, came rushing back.


Key was sitting on the little swinging bench in their garden, rocking slowly back and forth, reminiscing about the fifty years he had spent married to Jonghyun. And then about the fact that he had been ever so unfortunately taken away from him ten years ago. He began to speak softly to himself.

Key: Yah, Kim Jonghyun. I know you’ve been watching over me these past ten years and I know you’re the one who’s been giving me strength to deal with everything on my own. Even though you’re not here in your fleshly form… I still feel your presence. Our bond can never be broken. It is something too precious and too strong to just float away…

Right now, I can feel that it’s my time as well, and that we’ll soon be reunited in heaven. Where I can tell you how much I’ve missed you over the years, how much complete trust I have in you, that you are my everything and that I love you with all my heart…

He clenched his fingers even more tightly around the note Jonghyun had left him and his wedding ring, the two things which kept him sane during the time without his beloved. While looking on from the garden at the very house where most of his best memories took place, with a silent gasp, Key left the mortal world. His spirit carried on in order to be together with Jonghyun yet again, as the only perfect couple to have ever lived should be.


Jonghyun’s Note

Dear Key,

If you’re reading this… then damn, it means I’ve failed in fulfilling my purpose of protecting you for all of your life. As I think about it now, I’d be glad to never have lived a single day without you but knowing the pain you might go through without me by your side takes any sort of that joy away. I’m so sorry.

But have you ever wondered why I call you Key? It’s because I always felt like you knew me… you knew everything about me and I had no problem with that at all. You were the key to my soul. To my heart. To my mind. A terrific master key, able to unlock every part of me. I may or may not have meant that in a erted way. But all this note is really trying to say is that, even though I’m not physically there with you anymore, I’m always with you. And I love you.

I hope you read this every day, ‘til the day the universe decides it’s time for us to be together again, and that it gives you strength and helps you in continuing to realize that what we have is… the definition of love.

Forever yours,

Dino. :3




Yeah, so that's my story.

Such a beautiful relationship, one I could only ever hope to have... >.> (Damn you Koreans for raising my standards so exceptionally high -.-')

I hope you enjoyed it, if not, then head on over to the section like you might have been looking for in the first place :P

COMMENTS? Por favor? They are greatly appreciately. ^_^

No seriously, comment. -_- LOL xD <333333333333

Thank you for reading. ~~(^.^)~~

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iphamm3425 #1
IMMA read noooww
Chapter 1: well myeong yi ah,this is ur unnie here.sniffle sniffle* so beautifully sad.soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobbbb*
DaSangtaeIsDubu #3
phiiee #4
Chapter 1: Duuuuuuuuuuude the ending was beautiful yet so sad. At leat they'll be together in the end.
Woohoo! Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 1: so beautiful TT_TT
i cried :`(
susumiya08 #6
Chapter 1: that was just beautiful!! TT_TT I just keepcrying like an idiot as if there were no mom watchin'me like "my poor daughter has gone mad finally" hahahaha thank u for writing ^_^
iloveyoub #7
i cried :'( this is so sad. i loved this ♥
RukiKazama #8
Chapter 1: Was it supposed to make you cry ?
Because I did <3
Love it~ :'D