An Unexpected Change of Heart - Chapter Six

An Unexpected Change of Heart


Krystal had lied...okay she didn’t completely lie, she did have scripts to go through but she wasn’t doing that yet. When she had left Amber’s room she instantly left her dorm and went up a floor to SHINee’s dorm. She knew Onew had schedules, musical rehearsals, but, as far as she knew Key was free for the day. She knocked on the door, hoping she was right and smiled wide when Key opened the door.

“Oppa!” She said cheerily “just the person I wanted to see”

Key looked confused but let the girl in nonetheless, his eyes following her as she happily went over to the couch and sat down. He closed the door and looked at her, folding his arms over his chest.

“Are you after something?” He asked simply, making Krystal laugh and shake her head.

“I just wanted to ask a few things Oppa, come and sit down” she patted the seat next to her and Key did what she said, though not without mumbling about ‘rude and disrespectful dongsaengs’ but that just made Krystal laugh more. Key always acted so uptight and Krystal found it hilarious but everyone knew he was a softy at heart.

“Is this about Amber?” Key asked and Krystal nodded immediately, there was no point in dragging this out “I have no idea what is wrong with her if that’s what you are going to ask”

Krystal shook her head as that “no, I know what’s wrong with her and I need your help”

Key looked curious, his nosey side coming out, but he instantly said he wanted to help because, not only was Amber’s current issue messing up their rehearsals he was actually genuinely worried about the girl too. She was his friend after all and a pretty close one too.

Krystal explained everything quickly, she didn’t go into detail and she didn’t let too much slip, instead telling the older boy exactly what he needed to know. That Amber was crushing on Onew and that she didn’t want to tell him ever which would mean sulky, mood swingy, Amber and that was the last thing anyone wanted. Key couldn’t help but laugh at all this, surprising Krystal.

“So you’re saying that Amber likes hyung?” Krystal nodded and Key laughed more “Hyung!? Why? You’d think she would have fallen for Henry or something”

Krystal shrugged “i don’t know why but it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that she has done and I want you” She prodded his arm “to be my detective”

Key nodded slowly "your detective?"

Krystal nodded happily and explained that while she would try and find out more from Amber and try to make her confess to the SHINee leader Key had to find out as much as he could about his hyung's feelings for the rapper. Key agreed, though slightly reluctantly, before suddenly thinking of something.

"Surely you should be on Jessica's side here. She's crushing on Onew too and she's your sister"

Krystal understood why he was saying that, family comes first right? But, at this stage she didn't see herself on any side. She saw Amber as family too and until she knew exactly who Onew liked she was going to be neutral on the matter. If he liked Jessica then she would help her but, if he did like Amber then she would be on her side. Because, really, what was the point in trying to force Onew to like one girl when he already liked the other?

As she explained this Key nodded along with what she was saying, it all made complete sense now it was explained and, she was right, it wouldn't be right to try and force Onew into liking anyone. So, their mission now was just to find out which girl he liked, if either...or at least which girl he showed more interest in.

The pair spent about an hour plotting, trying to think of the best ways to find out what they needed to know without making their intentions obvious, before Krystal left and went back to the dorms with their plans complete and ready to go. They both silently hoped their plans worked, this situation needed to the sorted once and for all.

Krystal picked up her script when she returned to the dorm, ready to carry on practicing. But, before she started, she went to check on Amber. She quietly opened the door and peeked inside to find Amber asleep, hugging the jacket tightly and the younger girl sighed quietly at the sight.

"I'll do what I can for you Amber" she whispered as she closed the door and left the girl to sleep "I promise"

Author's notes:

This one is only a short chapter but I'll make it up to you all with a longer chapter tonight.

Everytime I log on I have new subscribers and comments, it surprises me every time haha. 

There is a bit longer to go yet, this is a pretty long fic, so I hope you don't get bored ^^

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Chapter 14: This was cute. I found the story through a recommendation page and it was an interesting read. I would have really liked to have seen a little bit more before the scene in the dance studio to give us a better idea of 'not falling in love' Amber, but beyond that, a lot of it was mostly relatable. The fear of rejection and worry and self-doubt on both sides was certainly easy to see and while I do think Krystal encouraged things a bit too much between HenBer, sometimes we do need that sort of nudge to make things happen. I was a little confused by Amber's personal confusion (since the general consensus was that she'd been talking about Jinki for about three months now), but how everything finally played out was nice in the end.

My favorite chapter was definitely the last one. haha It gave us a nice time jump with delightful flashbacks and their own jittery nerves about the announcement to the public. Well done overall and good job for finishing. ^_^
ToffeeBits #2
Chapter 14: I've just got to say.....

I'm all teary eyed and shi- ;u;

This was a really good one author-nim!
Chapter 14: I love how the story progressed. It wasn't too fast nor was it too slow. My heart squeezed from time to time and I just, Onew's too sweet ugh. This was beautifully written. Good job!
Thanks for sharing this! c:
Chapter 14: aaaaawwwwhhh... OnBer what a really cute and rare couple.. I so Love them

krystal has a point about forcing someone to love another when his heart already belongs to someone else..

thanks to the help of Krystal, Key, and Henry.. without them Onew wouldn't have the courage to confess to Amber..

I know it's hard to accept rejections.. it really hurts and heart shattering

great story authornim^^
Chapter 14: Thid is sweet.. the fear of reJection is really evident ^^ i like how their emotions escalated until they can't hold it in anymore.

I like that Henry played a role in making onew realize his feeling for amber ^^ very lovely eventhough it is relatively short

Onber is now on my shipping list ^^
Chapter 14: Thanks for this awesome fic. Waiting for more great fic to come
Chapter 14: No,dear author. Thank YOU.
I had imagined Onew and Amber secretly dating. Even before this fanfic. haha
I would read any OnBer stuff you make. :)
Thanks again for writing this.
Chapter 14: Kamsahamnida for the great story and hope can read your other amber stories
Archon #9
Chapter 14: WHUT it's over already?? :( sadface
lwyCarmen #10
Chapter 14: =.= I hope this story becomes reality~ Amber and Onew 4ever~