Day 1: Introductions

Undercover Girl


Day 1:

“Let me see his profile,” Yongjae made a grab for the manila folder.

Yong guk easily pushed him away as he assessed the file of the new B.A.P. member. It was confidential information and he took much pleasure withholding it from the rest of his band mates.

 It made him feel important. 

He found the information disclosed quite…interesting.

Manger Kang cleared his throat, “Please welcome our seventh member, Kim Nali-Ssi” 

The B.A.P. members looked up in anticipation as the newest edition to the team stepped into the door room. He was a skinny boy that stood at 5 feet and 3 inches with girlish features that included a small nose, a round face, and wide brown eyes. Already groomed by the official B.A.P. stylist, Chocolate, Nali had shaggy black hair tinted to a rustic hue and wore baggy jeans paired with a leather jacket to create an illusion of more prominent, masculine shoulders. The overall effect was…pretty. 

“I look forward to working with you, please take care of me,” Kim Nali-Ssi bowed nervously.

 His voice was deep but soft, almost like a girl’s.

“Kim Nali-Ssi will be a sub vocal and instrumentalist. He will start working with you on the fourth mini album. So please work well together,” Manager Kang explained.

With those last words, the manager left the rising stars with their newest band member. Nali stared awkwardly at his feet while the B.A.P. members lounged on the large couch. She was the odd number out. The foreign person that didn’t fit in and they all knew it.

Yong guk decided to break the tense silence with a warm greeting, “Welcome to the family.”

He initiated a group hug, which resulted with a startled new singer and awkward half-embraces.

“T-thank you Bang Yong guk-seonbae,” Nali said shakily.

With a comical expression, the leader shook his head and smiled, “Call me…Hyung.”

Himchan casually slung an arm around the new member and asked, “So, who do want to room with?”

“Actually, Kang said that Nali will have his own room,” Yong guk answered.

“What? That’s not fair. Why does the newbie get special treatment,” Yongjae pointed out.

The leader changed the topic to avoid any arguments, “Nali-ah is special. Did I mention that we will be touring to America after recording our fourth album?”

“No way! I’m so excited…I want to meet Kanye West,, eat fast food, flirt with American girls…” Zelo continued at an escalated pace that could only belong to a rapper high on sugar.

“JunHong, it’s not a vacation,” Jongup laughed.

“I wonder what the fast food tastes like,” Daehyun mused, “Mcdonals…KFC…Chik-fil-a…hmmm.”

Yong guk cleared his throat over the excited chatter, “Enough, we will talk about it later. Now everyone, get ready for bed. I’m going to show Nali his new room.”

Yongjae whispered into Daehyun’s ear, “Is it just me, or does the new guy smell like…flowers?”

Daehyun shrugged behind his mask, “I kind of like it.”

 The two band mates separated from the group and Nali was lead to his own dorm room. The room was occupied by a neat bed, his suitcase, a desk and a door to a small private bathroom. 

“Thank you…Hyung,” Nali bowed.

“No problem, see you in the morning,” Yong guk slowly took his leave.

The door closed and Kim Nali was left in the dark room in a pool of relief. 

The newest member harbored a secret. Stripping off the bulky clothing, Nali released the bindings on her , carefully doing so after the door was locked. Kim Nali’s secret was the fact that ‘he’ was a ‘she’. She was aware that only the manager and the CEO knew, and she was to keep it that way. It was an impossible mission, but one she mustn’t fail at it if she intended to continue her career.

Running a hand through her short boy locks, Nali sighed, “How am I going to pull this off?” 

After settling into the dorm room, she took a hot shower and afterwards curled up in the bedsheets. With her eyelids drooping under the heaviness of sleep, Nali was on the border of crossing over until her cellphone blasted Beethoven’s 8th ringtone.

Glancing at the caller ID, she cursed, “Dammit.”

In English, she spoke harshly, “Do you have any idea what time it is over here, Olivia?”

A scoff could be heard on the other end, “Whatever. I’m calling because mom wanted to know if you’re alright…and I better receive B.A.P.’s latest album all signed by next week.”

“It’s not my job to carry out your fangirl wishes. If you’re expecting anything, than come to South Korea and meet them yourself,” I rolled my eyes.

“Argh, you ,” She whined.

“Love you too.”

The line was abruptly cut and Nali grinned. Her little sister’s familiar voice brought her a sense of comfort that almost helped her forget the predicament that she was stuck in. Olivia’s voice reminded her of home, and why she was here- to become an accomplished musician. After the anxiety of meeting the B.A.P. members faded, she was able to slip into an easy sleep.

Yong guk was shuffling through Kim Nali’s ‘secret’ profile that Manager Kang had entrusted only to him. Of course he already knew everything about her- he was the one that scouted her in the first place.


Name: Kim Nali

DOB: 09/28/1996 (17)`

Bunny: chuchuMato (purple)

Job: sub vocalist and instrumentalist (violin)

Background info: Born in The United States, MO. Highest level of education was received in Fort Myers High School. Kim Nali studied music, plays the violin, piano and guitar. 

: Female


He gingerly brushed his fingers over the girl’s picture. It was Nali before her transformation into a ‘boy’. The girl in the photo had cascading black hair that framed her delicate face and brown doe eyes. A sincere smile graced her features providing a natural glow that he admired. She was beautiful. Seeing her male form for the first time surprised him, yet he still found her attractive even with her long hair sheared off. It was cute, and he gave kudos to Chocolate for successfully hiding her feminine body behind the bulky clothes she wore. Although in the past he had worked with women, he didn’t know how to work with a woman pretending to be a man. Yongguk wasn’t sure if he was comfortable living with a female, yet he was excited by the fact he would be able to interact with her more. He supposed it would be entertaining to watch Nali’s performance as well as her interaction with the B.A.P. members. But it also made him nervous.

Nervous because he did want her to be discovered by the other members.

When she first opened her eyes Nali was momentarily disorientated by the unfamiliar room until the memory of last night resurfaced in her tired head. Automatically putting on her black framed glasses, Nali turned towards the digital clock by her nightstand and read 4:35am.

Yawning, she cursed her terrible jet-lack and tossed around in her bed in search for sleep. After five minutes of restless shifting, she surrendered and stood up to get dressed. Her stomach growled in protest to the lack of food being consumed, so Nali shuffled out of her room towards what she assumed to be a kitchenette. To her surprise, the light was already on with a lone figure sitting at the table with a paper and pencil at hand.

“Yong guk Hyung?”

The leader looked up from his work, “Can’t sleep?”

“Jet lag,” She said briefly. 

Nali walked closer and stole a glimpse of the characters scrawled on the paper held in the Hyung’s hands.

 “I’m working on the lyrics for the fourth album,” He answered the unspoken question without even looking up.

“You work at 5 in the morning?” Nali asked incredulously. 

“I don’t consider passion as work…” Yong guk muttered.

Without Nali’s knowledge, she found herself reading aloud the rappers words in her normal voice. Bang caught her feminine tone and looked at her with one eyebrow raised. 

She instantly corrected herself with a hoarse cough, “Nice lyrics,” Nali smiled awkwardly, “You must be hungry. Can I make you anything to eat?”

“Anything is fine, thanks,” He eyed her one more time before returning to his work. Nali did not see the small grin exposed at the corner of his lips.

Nali turned away to hide her blush. That was too close. However, she couldn’t help but lose herself in the creative assemble of words created by her idol. She harbored a secret respect for the leader that was akin to something like the tender affection of an admirer. But of course she was in no position to pursue these feelings for a band mate, especially posing as a male. Nali shook away her private thoughts and focused on the current task at hand; making breakfast. Sweeping through the sparse pantry, she managed to scavenge the raw materials she needed. Nali executed each step perfectly with the hands of a culinary artist. Soon the pleasant aroma of pancakes, bacon, and eggs wafted through the dorm earning the attention of the sleepy B.A.P. members.

“Why do I smell food? I didn’t even think we had any,” Jongup yawned.

Junhong shuffled into the kitchen, “What smells so good? Whatever it’s mine.”

“I didn’t realize Nali was a chef. What good luck,” Himchan entered.

“Finally someone that can cook,” Yongjae stole a piece of bacon from the stove.

Daehyun appeared from behind  Yongjae with sparkling eyes, “Food!”

Everyone ate with much fervor as they consumed everything in sight. The members praised Nali as if she were a God that fell from the heavens. His cooking abilities allowed him to simulate into the group.

The leader spoke over the clang of eager utensils scraping against plates, “You pass. Kim Nali will now be in charge of cooking,” He shoveled some eggs into his mouth before continuing, “So, I heard you’re from America. Do you have a girl waiting for you over there?”

Nali choked on her orange juice, “W-what? No! Not really…”

Yong guk sent her a Cheshire smile.

Nali blushed and gaped for a few moments before she was saved by Kim Himchan, “Give the poor boy a break Yong gukkie. Look at this face,” Himchan tugged at Nali’s cheek, “He probably has the American girls at the palm of his hands.”

He winked and Nali simply nodded.

Jong up asked curiously, “Do you miss America?”

Nali sighed in relief for a normal question, “Yeah, I have family still living there. I also miss my friends-”

“Have you every met Chris Brown-seonbae?” Jong up interjected.

“Do you have any hobbies?” Yongjae said.

“I love to sing, play the violin, eat, cook, and play video games,” she answered.

Zelo lit the room up with a smile, “Nali-ah, want to play some video games with me and Jonguppie? We just got Call of Duty III yesterday.”

Nali beamed in return, “Yes!”

The three youngest members scrambled to the gameroom, leaving the cleanup duties to the four hyungs. 

Yong guk watched them leave with an amused smile on his face.

Kim Himchan looked over and spotted the leader’s smirk, “What are you smirking about?”

“Nothing,” He shook his head.


Author's Note

Hey wassup everyone! I hope you like the story, this is my first story so sorry if I made a mistake, or if it's stupid :)  

OMG Did you guys know B.A.P is coming to LA like this week!!! Also I heard they were working on a new album AIYFLDGBUKY I LOVE B.A.P!! <3 I swear if they don't get rookie award Korea is going to see a new side of me!

Lol sorry I am very spazzy right now, anyways hope you like the story!! :)


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ShinYumiBABY #1
OMGOSH!!! B.A.P 비에이피!!!
Chapter 4: Wow, that was fast. Everyone's discovering her secret left and right. I wonder who will be the last one. xD
Kpopwarrior6 #3
Chapter 4: OMG YAY!!!! Took you long enough jeez! LOL JK anyways! I totally loved it!1 So many insiders! I was laughing the whole time! Espech at the back flip part..... *cough cough sorry bout that.... But uh yeah! AWWWW at the last part. You and JongUppie! Sharing yoh meat! Get it girl! LMAO but yea. OLIVIA GOT ACCEPTED INTO SM ENTERTAINMENT! What about me though!? Gosh this Olivia person is getting on my nerves K bye
BAPBiased #4
Chapter 3: OMG I love Himchan he is such a lol please update soon!!
darlingx #5
Chapter 3: omg, i'm watching to the beautiful you right now, AND I JUST LOVE THIS PLOT.
update soon~
Kpopwarrior6 #6
Chapter 3: LOL YAY!! and omg Yongguk with getting annoyed by everyone reminds me of a certain asian in orchestra today :))
Kpopwarrior6 #7
Chapter 2: Who's this Olivia person?? She sounds oh so super annoying. You should just kill her off
BAPBiased #8
I'm so curious of what is going to happen Please update soon!!!