Hospital Visit And A Promise Made.

I Remember You From a Dream.


On the other hand, Kevin and Kiseop where still not moving from their previous shock. Did that guy seriously landed his eyes on them? Did he really did so? Lots of question where going through both of the young men’s minds. Kiseop have been in rooms with people before and they never seem to notice him there. So why did this man….

“Did…did you think he saw us?”

“Can people not see us? I thought they couldn’t but he seemed to be able to.” Kevin said to the older.

“I seriously have no idea. This is the first time that a human is able to see me.”

Just when Kiseop finished talking, the hospital room’s door opened to reveal a middle age woman and man. They both ran to Kevin’s bed, where his body rested peacefully and not moving. “Oh, my poor son. Of all people, it had to be him.” The woman said in peace but with a tone of sadness in her voice.

The man hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. It looked obvious that he was trying to comfort him.

Kiseop and Kevin just stood watching the old couple hug for minutes and talk to the kid in the bed. They were sure sad.

“Do you know them?” Kiseop asked Kevin. Kevin faintly smiled.

“Yes. Those are my parents.” Kiseop stared at Kevin while Kevin himself stared at his parents. “I’m glad though.” Kevin chuckled and face palmed himself, but in a good way.

“Why? Did they never visit you while out of the hospital or something?” Kiseop asked concerned.

“This is the first time in years that I see my parents talking nicely and acting this way towards the other. I’ve thought they were going to soon divorce. It’s good seeing them like this, I guess” he was smiling, and for what Kiseop could see, it was a true smile from the heart.

“Listen Kev, I promise I will get us out of this state. I promise you’ll be able to see your parents like this more and more because, I want you to smile like this more.” Kiseop smiled his brightest smile to Kevin so the younger would see that he was going to be dedicated to see. This was a promise and an oath he was doing to Kevin. He was going to accomplish it for sure.


Later that day, Kevin parents where still on their room and Kevin’s mother cried a few  times. Kevin felt really bad since he couldn’t console her and tell her that he was fine. He wished he could’ve hold her and embrace her, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Suddenly, the doors opened fully and revealed a young man with what it looked a science lab coat. He looked really weird. He looked built for his age and he was sure energetic.

“Well, folks, I’m sorry to tell you this but the visiting hours are over and I have to ask to leave this room immediately.” he said and grin. Like I said, he was hyper.

The woman nodded and kissed Kevin’s body on the forehead saying her goodbyes and they both left the room. The man stood still smiling at the beds where both of the non-moving bodies where. Suddenly he turned his body and was now facing the two floating spirits next to him.

“Hi, my name is Soohyun, and we have a lot to talk about.”




WOW. This chapter is soooooo short. I almost cry for how short this was seriously. Anyway, I haven't updated in a long time since yada yada I've been busy.........

........reading One Piece. <3 <3 <3 


Anyway, I'd like to thank all my readers and new subscribers for everything. n.n Love you all.


If you guys like, you can follow me on twitter??? no? okay T^T but if you change your's the link xDDD    <------ or just look for me, cuz I'm pretty sure this link will not work. xD

bye bye guys ! muah!

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Chapter 4: What will happen to Kevin and Kiseopp, update soon please xD
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseee.i can't wait anymore ^^
erialc #3
Chapter 4: I wonder what Soohyun and Hoon are going to do to the boys. I'm kinda worried. :(
erialc #4
Chapter 2: Woah..... Blue sparks.
Chapter 1: The first chapter was good. Im assuming that boy is Kevin lol update soon
Kisippi #6
update soon^^