


  • Getting image...


Should Kevin and Kiseop confess in the next chapter??

  • Yes!! Make it happen!!
  • NO!!! Draw it out!!!
  • I don't care...

Personal Message


About Me

Work, Work, Work. Tralala, I work a lot on these fics. Kekekeke

Okay, I'll stop lying. I'm lazy.

Haha, I hope you enjoy my fics and I will so totally try to finish every last one!!

I love all my subbies and readers (even the silent ones).

Feel free to leave me requests or ask questions.



Well, about me...hmmm? I don't guess--I know I'm flipping awesome. Lol, and a huge dork. I do weird things. I'm sure I'm insane. I would love to be a mortician or work at an asylum. I'm weird. I have a few friends who are all different but we all enjoy each other. I'm a teenager so of course I have school so I can't update fast like rabbits have .

K-POP...I need it. If I don't...I'll go back to being sad and just not awesome like I am now.

Vinseop is my OTP. And come on...they're perfect for each other.


That's about it.
