I Did EXACTLY What My Heart Told Me To Do


First, I'm ing pissed off. Why? Because someone (I'm not going to say names) copied off of my AFF. They took my story line and inspired it to make it seem like it was their own. People, if you want to use my story line, ASK ME! I wrote this story on my own and with my own ideas. In return, I get somone who is copying me?! I understand that some stories can sometimes be similar to each other but, THIS GIRL PUTS THE SAME TITLE AS ME?! WTF! The story line is remarkably similar! SHE IS ALSO SUBSCRIBED TO MY STORY! I'm so ING pissed off. Starting tomorrow, I will put my stories on private to where only my friends can see it. To all my subscribers and readers out there, if you want to continue reading my fanfics then add me. DEUCES!


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MinjiLee #1
Chapter 1: Yay!!! Finally they are together again!!! >_< love this sequel!!
Chapter 1: loved the sequal