I still can't believe he's mine...



It was one of those nights again where Nerissa has to stay awake for a while longer again because her husband is still not home from work. Even though she hates staying awake since she has work the next day, it's all worth it, because her wonderful husband works hard as a singer. That singer is known as Key.


Key...I still can't believe he's mine...Nerissa thought, finding herself smiling. But all of that was blown away when her bedroom door opened.


Coming inside was a little kid. Her kid. Her son. He's a five year old, and he's like a mini kid version of Key. Key said that he wanted a son that looks like him, and that wish came true.


“What are you doing, Little Kibummie? You should be asleep, you got school tomorrow.” Nerissa said, watching Little Kibummie walk to the bed.


“I know, mommy. But I miss daddy. I want to see him before I sleep.” Little Kibummie said cutely.


Nerissa gave in, and pulled her son up onto the bed with her, holding him. Little Kibummie asked for some stories about his mom and dad. Stories like how did they meet.


“Well...” Nerissa turned pink in the cheeks. “I actually ran into daddy on accident. I was walking the streets of Seoul. It was my first time there, so I didn't know where anything was. But at the same time, the city was so beautiful, I was sightseeing. But while looking at some beautiful buildings, I ran into someone on accident. I apologized before even looking at him. He said it was okay, but for me, I thought I was hearing things. I thought I heard Key's voice, and I had to look at him to make sure I was wrong. But now, my mind didn't tease me. It was Key. And-”


“And since she looked lost, I decided to help her for the day, since I didn't have a schedule to follow.” A voice continued the story. “By the end of the day, we had a great time. I didn't want to lose her, so I gave her my number. Everything else went from there.”


Opening the bedroom door, Key came through the door. Little Kibummie jumped off the bed and ran to him. “Daddy! You're here!”


“Hey!” Key squatted, hugging his son. “Aren't you suppose to be sleeping? You need to sleep so you can be all ready and awake for school tomorrow.”


“I missed daddy.” Little Kibummie said, his eyes are big, looking into Key's eyes.


“I missed mini me too.” Key smiled.


Nerissa giggled. Mini me...


“It's time to say goodnight, Little Kibummie. How much do you love mommy?”


“This much.” Little Kibummie said cutely, spreading his arms wide open.


“Whoa~.” Key had a surprise look on his face. “That much? Well, do you know how much daddy loves mommy?”


Key did the same as his son, spreading his arms wide. “This much.”


Nerissa started to blush at how cute her husband was being. Then out of no where, Key came by and kissed her forehead. “And that much too.”


Nerissa looked at Key. Seeing him with that heart warming smile made her heart melt. Key went back to Little Kibummie, picking him up.


“I'll take him to bed. I'll be back.”


“Goodnight, mommy!” Little Kibummie said, waving to his mom.


Nerissa nodded, watching the two leave the room. She smiled to herself again.


I still can't believe Key is mine...and that we have a Little Kibummie....

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Chapter 1: awwwww~ so sweet! >.< :3
hithere-- #2
Chapter 1: Wah~ So sweet!
Chapter 1: how sweet of key! hehe