

He was everything I’d ever wanted, everything I’d ever dreamed about. When he smiled, my entire heart would sink into my chest, and the butterflies in my stomach would multiply.

He was perfect to me.

He might have never had the highest opinion of himself, but I thought he was beautiful. I spent days upon days with him, sharing my thoughts and feelings of my home life, relaying every single detail to him. He would listen to me, occasionally give me advice, and tell me of his own family.

In a sense, we grew up together. He was my best friend, and I was his. I felt like he was probably the only person that even cared to know much past my name, and I confided in him. He was my knight in shining armor, providing comfort when other kids picked on me or when my good-for-nothing mother proved just how little she cared about me.

But this isn’t just about him. It’s about someone else, too.

Someone who had always confused me – someone who still, to this day, confused me.

And this is my story, my much unfinished story.


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lonelyleap #1
Chapter 24: Amazing story I must confess that in some parts I almost cried. I also have to say that I love all of your stories since I read them all I love the way you write t your stories. I hope you keep writing more stories like this. I would like to add that I wouldn't mind if this story had a sequel but that is only if you want to do it.
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 24: wow! daebak! kurigo super awesome! sequel please? hahah :D i really love the way u wrote this, even if the chaps is longer than the ffs i usually read.. ;] and i love jaejoong here, even though hes like that outside but inside it isnt.. i really love the way he and mui interacts too.. i dislike changmin here, and when i say here.. HERE only, i love him u know lol :D actually all of them the DBSK now plus the JYJ .. :)
pepperoni #3
Chapter 24: Its awesome! I think it really happened or it will happen to someone in real life. You're such a good writer and a story teller. Mind if you write a sequel or an epilogue? Hihiihie!

Btw, it's really hard to find stories here that contains so much maturity and profound words to ponder. I like it. Hoping to read more from you.
Chapter 24: this is just awesome!!! i've never read a fanfic like this's mature but not rated mature, like grown up mature. I was thinking if the writer was somewhere near Jaejoong's personality I would love to be her friend and ask for some love advice.

i don't know if it is but your English is great like it is. The words you used are over flowing and your Jaejoong is so one of a kind.. I was a bit confused about the 'then' and 'now' once in a while but the great story made me forgot.. =)
Chapter 24: Nooooooooo! I never wanted this story to end! :( Alas, good things must always come to an end. Thank you for a very well written story that made me cry a few times. I can't wait to read more of your work.
SoulRugger #6
Chapter 19: I've your story and every single one of your characters. Even Jaejoong for being mystically dark and annoying at the same time. Good Read. Keep it going~
Chapter 15: Poor Jaejoong, Mei should have been honest with him. He still would have been upset but at least he wouldnt have felt betrayed. :( Update soon ^^
So I waited for your updates but then I jusr decided if it's on winglin I should go read it there instead and ohmygod my feels ;~~; You dear author just gave me such a big a heartache... and thrill too tbh ;) It was an amazing read :) And your writing style is too awesome <3 Everything was just pure awesome :D