Thank You

The Complicated Life of a Presidents Daughter

We got to the restaraunt in what seemed like no time -though the car ride was dreadful. Baekhyun parked the car and started to walk inside, leaving me in the car. I wasn't surprised by any means, but it was still very annoying.

Aish, you crippled Baekhyun? Can't open a door? 

I got out in a rush, I didn't want the guy to ditch me and have me eat by myself. But when I got inside I found Baekhyun standing next to the waiter. "Ah, there she is!" Baekhyun said with a bright smile, he walked over and put his arm around my waist, "You ready to eat?" He smiled. At that point I was too stunned to say anything, so instead I nodded and smiled to the waiter.

"Right this way then." The waiter said just before leading us off in a direction I wasn't aware of, mostly because Baekhyun had moved his hand to put in mine, he swayed our arms and smiled until we got to the table. He even pulled out my chair for me once I went to sit down. The waiter gave a sickining look before handing us our menus and walking away. I shot a glare to Baekhyun, "What the hell was that about!" I whispered loudly.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Our parents are two very powerful people running for office -yours has already been in forever also. Don't you think they might have someone watching us? If so then we need to act like we get along and are enjoying ourselves." Just before I could say anything the waiter came back and I could see he was trying his best to not have a disgusted look on his face. "What can I get you?" He asked dryly, I smiled and opened my mouth to answer, but Baekhyun beat me to it.

"Water for the both of us and the meat buffet." He looked over and gave me a wink before handing both menus to the waiter. With a scoff he walked off as he scribbled our order down on the notepad.

"Why did you get the meat buffet?" I asked.

"Because that's what they have here to eat, meat." 

"But-" I stopped once I got that 'annoyed' look from him. I placed my hands in my lap and twiddled my fingers around to avoid any conversation with Baekhyun. Neither of us said anything while we waited for the waiter brought back our food. 

What am I going to eat?

The waiter came back with a couple plates, our water, and meat on a scewer. Baekhyun loaded his plate with the meat while I took very little. "Are you sure this is it for now?" The waiter asked, I nodded and smiled. The waiter walked away and left me staring at my plate.  

"Ya! What's wrong? Your meat not cooked?" Baekhyun asked as he pointed his fork at my food, I gave him a slight smile and brought up my hands. "No it's fine!" I took the fork, picked up a piece of meat, and put it into my mouth. Baekhyun nodded and continued eating.

The meat was gross, squishy, revolting, and it was just terrible. I couldn't bring myself to chew it and I could feel an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Without a word I stood up and ran to the bathroom, leaving Baekhyun sitting at the table looking like a dumbfounded child.


When I got back to the table I found Baekhyun gone and the check -plus tip- sitting on the table. I looked around and saw a figure out the window walking towards a car. I ran out and caught up to him quickly.

"Ya! Why did you leave!" I yelled. But as soon as I caught my breath and focused I saw that it wasn't Baekhyun I caught up with, it was the man from the house. I bowed quickly "I'm sorry" and walked away quickly. But he grabbed my hand more quickly than I could get away. I turned and pulled my arm, but his grip only tightened. 

"Let me go!" I yelled, as I frantically tried to pry my arm away from him. He started to drag me into the bushes, and I only then yelled louder. 

I closed my eyes as I felt myself be thrown to the ground, my head hit the grass hard and I was dizzy as I looked up. 

Baekhyun was throwing and dodgeing punches, he kicked the man and he fell to the ground. He leaned down and whispered something to the nearly unconcious man on the ground before turning and walking in my direction. I was shaking hard as Baekhyun reached down and helped me to my feet. Once up, Baekhyun started walking away to his car -his face serious. My hand reached out and grabbed his jacket sleeve. Baekhyun turned around and his expression slightly softened, he turned to me and brushed his thumb across my cheek.

"Pretty girls shouldn't cry." He mumbled before taking my hand and leading me to the car. My breath was shaky and I foudn myself not being able to walk properly. He sighed and stood next to me, still holding my hand. He gave it a small squeeze once he heard my breathing return to normal.

"Let's get you home." He said as he lead me to the car.

Baekhyun opened the door and helped me in softly. He got in on his side and started the car, just like last time the ride was silent. But it was more comforting than the last ride. 

"What did you say to him? That man." I asked. That was all remembered clearly, was Baekhyun saying something to him, and I had to admit that I was very curious to know.

I watched as Baekhyun pondered my question seriously, "You know what, it's alright. I'm going to go inside now, goodnight." I got out of the car and ran inside very fast, I only glimpsed at Baekhyun as he was driving away.

Everyone was in bed asleep once I turned around and saw all the lights off. 

Quietly I ran up to my room, got changed, and fell onto my bed. 

Beep Beep Beep

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and opened it.

From: Unknown number

I told him if he ever touched you again, it would be the last thing he ever did.

Goodnight Soung Eung, I'm sorry...sleep tight...

To: Byun Baekhyun

...Thank you...

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Chapter 9: Baek is so cute when he's excited!!

Aww Baekhyun is so cute!~ Update soon please :3
Chapter 7: Why is it called confession?
Chapter 6: Aawwwwwww

Man i love ur story.

Update soon~
Omg baek and yeol! My feels afshms
ariunka96 #6
Chapter 6: im confused. what happened between chan and eung b4 baek honked. why was his face like that? can you explain? thanks and update soon although i know u updated twice. at least let me know when you'll update soon. thx!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. i hope something will happen btw them that night.
ariunka96 #7
Chapter 3: please update fast ASAP!
Chapter 1: Ohhh good. Seems interesting. Your welcome. I'm glad to be a subscriber. :3
Update Soon!!!!