No Humans Allowed: The Slums

No Humans Allowed: The Slums


                They got it wrong, she wasn’t Infected.

                She wasn’t.

                But they didn’t listen to her pleas no matter how loud she screamed or how many tears she shed. Dragging her by the arms, they forced her into The Slums.

               The Slums were known as the Living Hell of Earth. It wasn't a metaphor at all. Thorny vines encased the barricaded walls, making escape impossible. There were no ways out — there were only dead ends in this unholy labyrinth.

               Shacks of rotten wood, aluminum, and cardboard dotted The Slums. Wild mushrooms peppered the corners of these make-shift houses, replacing the perennial flowers that used to grow there. There was no life here, only the dead…and the undead. The Slums' condition didn't surprise her; she’d expected that even before she stepped foot into the city. Nothing could survive here. Her future was locked into two options: die and be the Infected’s food or turn into one of them.       

                Mijin suppressed a whimper as the last spark of daylight vanished. She raised her guard as footsteps crunched the dried leaves around her. She could hear fangs ground against each other, sharpening themselves for the meal they were about to catch.

               She needed to hide; she needed to find shelter before the Infected hunted her down.

               Frightened, she picked a crooked stick from the ground and held it like a dagger. In truth, it was neither long enough nor sharp enough to hurt anyone, but at this point she didn’t care. Having a stick in her hand was better than having nothing. Forcing her legs to move, she bounded deeper into the deserted town, hoping she would lose the monsters that were chasing her.

               They were faster than she expected. At times she could feel their hot breath on the back of her neck. She didn’t dare to look behind her as she ran down the desolated alleys.

               She wanted to go faster.

               She couldn’t go any faster.

               Tears in her eyes, she chose the nearest, sturdiest shed she could find and closed the door behind her. Even though she was masked in complete darkness, she could still hear them outside. Their claws scraped the outer walls of the tiny shed while their canines chewed away the wood on the door.

               Curling into a ball, she sobbed in silence. Her heart and mind locked in constant states of unrest.

               A high-pitched shriek escaped her lips when someone suddenly touched her. Warm fingers covered as a gentle voice told her to shush.

               “Calm down. They will go away if you calm down.” A masculine voice whispered behind her.

               She didn’t want to believe him but she had no choice but to follow his instructions.

               “Close your eyes and count to sixty in your mind. Everything will be okay.” he told her, keeping his tone low and gentle. His voice sounded like a lullaby, sweet, melodic, calming. She didn’t know whether he was trying to use that voice to pacify her or the monsters on the other side. Maybe both. 





                “They’re gone. We’re safe.” the boy said behind her, taking his hands off and shoulder.

                He was partially right. They were safe…for now.

                She spun around to face him, wanting to know what he looked like. The palms of her hands slapped over when she saw his hair and eyes. Golden glitter sprinkled his hair, illuminating the tiny shed with bits of light. He was shedding glitter. He was changing into one of them. He was Infected. She could see it in his dark eyes; they were becoming darker and pupil-less.

                “Don’t be afraid!” he tried reaching for her but she slapped his arm away.

                “Don’t touch me, you monster!” Mijin snapped as she backed against one of the walls. She raised her stick raised high above her head, “Don’t you dare come near me!”

                The boy swallowed, his face a collage of a million mixed emotions. Bowing his head in shame, he shut up.

                He had still retained most of his humanity but she could see the beginnings of the Change in him. It wouldn’t be long before he lost his mind and become a permanent member of the Infected. Right now, he was a victim. In a few days, maybe a week, he would complete his Change and be one of them. Nonetheless, he fought with himself, forcing himself to sing songs and recite poems daily to remind himself of what he was before he was bitten. He liked to think that they helped slow down the process, but maybe it was just wishful thinking. Maybe he wasn’t Yang Yoseob anymore. Maybe he was a demon in denial, a demon with Yoseob’s face.

                After what seemed like five hours, he finally dared to look at the girl’s face. She’d fallen asleep at the corner of the shed; a strand of dark hair curtained her face. Dazzled by her soft beauty, he forgot her warning and reached out for her. He hesitated for a second as her warning echoed in his mind. If he were smart, he would've pulled away and leave her alone. But he wasn't and he found himself being drawn to her in way he couldn't explain. 

                 Her pink lips parted slightly as he gently traced her cupid's bow. 

                 It was wrong but he wanted to kiss her.

                 But before he could, she opened her eyes and demanded, “What are you doing?”

                 Yoseob knew he could’ve lied to her. It would be so easy. He could even blame it on the Infection, but he didn’t want to lie to her. He was attracted to her and he wanted her to know that.

                 He told her blatantly. She recoiled from him and gave him a disgusted look.

                 “You’re one of them.” she told him, hoping that would discourage him.

                 “Not yet.” he placed a hand over his heart, “I’m still me.”

                 “But for how long?” Mijin asked, scoffing slightly under her breath, “You’re not human anymore.”

                 “I am.” Yoseob insisted, “I still am.”

                “Prove it.”

                He kissed her hard, slightly bruising her lips with his. She widened his eyes when she realized what was happening.

                Putting her hands on his chest, she pushed him away. Stammering, she asked, “W-what do you think you are doing?”

                “Proving to you that I’m human. I can still feel emotions. I still have my own thoughts and feelings. I still have human desires.” he touched his hair, catching the gold glitter in the palm of his hand, “I will turn back.”

                “How?” she asked.

                “I don’t know.” Yoseob squeezed his eyes, his shoulders cowering, “I don’t know how but I will find a way.”

                Mijin could feel the tightness in as she watched him battled with himself. She didn’t know where he came from or how he got the Infection but her heart broke seeing him like this. He wasn’t a bad person. He was desperate to escape this hell hole. In a lot of ways he was like her, stuck in an unwanted situation that turned them into society’s outcasts. Leaning forward, she hugged him, “It’s going to be alright.”

               It was a lie but he ate it up anyway. He would believe her for one night.

              “You’re not Infected so why are you here?” he asked.

              “I don’t know. They just pushed me in here."

              “You should leave The Slums. You don’t deserve this.”

              “We can’t get out of The Slums. Once you’re in, you’re in for life.” she told him, wondering if he even knew that.

              “There’s a way out. I will get you out.” He promised her.

              “You will? If you know there’s a way out, why didn’t you leave in the first place?”

              “I forced myself to stay. I don’t want to Infect people outside The Slums.” He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes, “But you deserve life; you deserve to live as you did.”

               Maybe it was the tender look in his eyes. Maybe it was his words or his emotions behind those words. Whatever the reason was, she was touched.

                “I will show you the way when dawn arrives.” He hooked his pinky against hers and shook it, “I pinky-promise you.”

                Mijin laughed slightly, “You’re so sweet.” She held his hand, interlacing their fingers together, “I will come back for you. I will find the antidote and cure you.”

                “Is there even a cure?”

                “I heard rumors about an antidote but I don’t know if they’re true. But I will try to find it for you. I’ll come back within three-days-time. You will be human again.”

                Yoseob smiled, “If you find the cure, you will not only save my life but also the lives of thousands of people.”

                “Let’s hope for the best.” She squeezed his hand, “Wait for me. Don’t give up…”

                “Yoseob. My name is Yang Yoseob.” He filled in the blank for her.

                “Yoseob.” Mijin smiled, “Don’t give up, Yoseob. You can fight this, you can win.”

                They didn’t dare to leave the shed until the sun was high in the sky. The Infected weren’t afraid of daylight but the warmness from the sunlight did make them move slower. She wished she hadn’t seen their faces because they were truly horrific to look at — they had distorted limbs, elongated teeth and nails that looked more like fangs and claws, and dark eyes that lacked empathy. Their pale, sullen faces honed in on her as Yoseob led her down a bumpy, stone road.

                 “Run faster.” he urged, tugging on her hand as they gathered a larger crowd.

                “I can’t run any faster!” she hissed back, her heart pounding with fear as a large Infected creature ripped the back of her shirt.

                Yoseob gritted his teeth. She would be Infected too if he didn’t do anything. Stopping for a second, he scooped her up in his arms and ran.

                “What are you doing?” she screeched, tightening her arms around his neck.

                “Saving you. You can’t be Infected as well. We’re almost there.” he turned a corner, reaching a patch of dried grassland. The walls were a couple feet lower here than other places. He would be able to get her out if she climbed over his shoulder.

                Setting her down on her feet again, he placed his palms in front of her, “Hurry. Jump.”

                Using his hands as a lift, she stepped on them before stepping on his shoulder. Catching the top of the wall with both hands, she pushed herself over the wall. Thorns scratched her arms, tearing parts of her clothes but she didn’t care. She was out. She was free.

                Mijin looked down at Yoseob, “I’ll be back. Wait for me, Yoseob.”

                He nodded, “Be safe…”

                “Mijin. My name is Mijin.” with that said she leapt off the top of the wall and escaped The Slums. She would keep her promise; she would come back for him. 

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Chapter 1: Really, really,really enjoyed this!!!!! Thumbs up!!!
Chapter 1: I don't normally beg for sequels, but asdfghjkl *bangs face on keyboard* I neeeeeed it. >.< this is just too awesome and too cliffhangery to not have a sequel. .-.
This is wonderful! its so well written! aaaagh my feels! please please please we need a sequeeeeel~ pleaseu~ pretty pleaseu! *puppy eyes*
HelloNuna #4
Chapter 1: Make a sequel!! It's amazing!!^^
yofunkeemonkEY #5
Chapter 1: Yeah! make a sequel! I want minjin to save yoseob! I love this story!
omgikwangmin #6
Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL Please make a sequel for this! It's so sweet...
<33 Please please :D