Prompt Number 5

GTOP Writing Fest

Prompter: obsidiansapphire

Object/Word Prompts: --

Action: Jiyong somehow gets turned into a little kid and Seunghyun has to take care of him and find a way to reverse it before the netizens finds out. As he takes care of mini-Jiyong, he realizes how much he cares about and relies on the normal Jiyong.

Dislikes: Non-con, character death, drug use

Other Notes: Story could have a bittersweet ending with Ji returning to normal and Seunghyun being stuck with his newly discovered unrequited love, but hopefully it will end happily. Either way, I’m sure it will be beautiful.

Author of story: feelthetempo


Lost Time by feelthetempo

Rays of late morning sun had finally began to penetrate the shadow that blanketed the large bedroom, disturbing the sleeping mass hidden under layers of blankets. Seunghyun rolled over lazily fumbling for his phone. He was rarely afforded the opportunity to sleep at his own accord and didn’t appreciate the sun’s interruption, though he was surprised that familiar ringtone had yet to awaken him.


He and Jiyong were to spend the entire day together at the leader's insistence; days off were few and far between recently, especially together, and he wanted to enjoy it. He looked at the painfully bright screen, 11:42. Even Jiyong seemed to be enjoying the chance to sleep. He would normally be beating Seunghyun’s door down by now. For once it appeared Seunghyun would have to be the alarm clock, so he reluctantly ventured out of the warm covers to prepare for the day.


His cab soon arrived at the other’s apartment complex. He headed through the large entrance way greeting the doorman and receptionist on his way up. Stepping out of the large stainless elevator, he walked down the long hallway that led to Jiyong’s door. Fishing his keys from his pocket he quickly made work of the lock, and made his way in.


The house stood in an odd silence. Jiyong’s usually neatly organized shoes lay disheveled at the door, coat thrown on the large white couch. Had he gone out drinking last night? Seunghyun was not quite in the mood to endure a hungover Jiyong all day today. He made his way to Jiyong’s door, knocking lightly.


“Jiyong. Jiyyyyong. This is your wake up caaalllll.” Seunghyun cooed, mildly wanting to annoy Jiyong as punishment for being the last to wake up. But he was met with nothing but silence.


“Ji? Ji are you in here?” He quietly cracked open the door and peered in.


The sheets of his bed were violently ruffled, Ji’s phone lie discarded on the floor. He must have been drinking. Seunghyun entered the room and reached for what he thought was Jiyong’s foot, but was met with nothing but empty space. He quickly pulled back the sheets to reveal not his friend, but a small child, no older than 3, curled on Ji’s side of the bed, soundly sleeping.


Seunghyun’s eyes went wide in shock. Where the hell was Jiyong and what was he doing with a child?


“Ji! Jiyong!” Seunghyun began to walk around the large apartment, not amused by whatever Jiyong seemed to be up to.


“Kwon Jiyong! This isn’t funny.” But he still found nothing but silence. A prickling sense of fear slowly began to creep into Seunghyun’s veins when he became distracted by a shuffle from the master bedroom.


He was met by the toddler sitting up, not quite fully awake, rubbing his eyes. Only now did he realize his shouting would wake the child. Maybe he could find out something, anything, from the little boy. Slowly he made his way to the little boy’s bedside, kneeling down to his height, hoping not to scare him.


“Hey,” Seunghyun gave the boy a soft smile, though the child had yet to look at him.

“Do you know how you got here?” The boy shook his head quickly before looking up to meet Seunghyun’s gaze.


In a single instant Seunghyun’s heart dropped, stomach twisting into deep knots. It was Jiyong. Regardless of age, he knew those soft umber eyes. He couldn’t prevent himself from rubbing the soft pink cheek under his calloused thumb.


“Yongie?” He tried his best to cover the panic in his voice. Those soft eyes lit up, lips turning into a big smile.


How could this happen? The knots in his stomach tightened at the thousands of impossible circumstances that could have led to this. But there were more important questions than why, it was how. How could he possibly fix this? He studied the small sleepy faced child before him, and knew he would have to figure out something.


“Don’t worry Yongie. Hyung will fix this.” He spoke softly, more for himself than the small boy as he took him into his arms. As Ji rested his head against what now seemed a large expanse of collar, Seunghyun felt the tight pain in his chest slightly ease.



Somehow, though he still isn’t quite sure, he managed to smuggle the fidgety child from the apartment to his own. This boy was definitely Jiyong. Constantly moving, even as Seunghyun struggled to dress him in Jiyong’s nephew’s extra clothes. What was he going to do? He couldn’t call the others in Japan, fully realizing how absolutely ridiculous he would seem. Hell, he wouldn’t believe himself if it weren’t for the small ball of energy that happily explored his new surroundings in front of him. And he certainly couldn’t let anyone see this. Who knows what would happen if someone else got a hold of him. Seunghyun shuddered at the thought.


So he sat, watching him. He nearly had a heart attack as Ji reached up, snatching several bear bricks from a low shelf. His house was certainly not child proof. He nearly snatched the toys back when he realized this was probably the only time in his life Jiyong would actually appreciate his collection, so he relaxed in his seat as he watched the bears fly and stomp and fight in the small boy’s little world.


Soon Ji came to his side, tugging at his pant leg.


“What is it Yongie?” Seunghyun cooed to ease the other’s pout.




Seunghyun froze, of course Jiyong would get hungry. But little resided in his fridge than white wine and take out that probably resembled a science experiment rather than food. Jiyong was always the one to cook when they were together. Jiyong would bring by containers of food his mother made when Seunghyun had long nights of filming, insisting he didn’t need it all. Seunghyun now stared at the furrowed brows of the pouty Jiyong and knew he needed to make a few phone calls.


After several minutes and some not quite flattering moments of begging and bribery, his sister agreed to drop off groceries, no questions asked. He collected the bags from the front door after he heard her knock, listening for her footsteps to disappear into nothing. He scooped up Jiyong and placed him next to the bags of groceries.


“Ready Yongie?” He smiled, shaking his head. At least he was confident in Seunghyun’s cooking…


So the attempt at food was far from successful, but he was relieved little Jiyong was far less fussy with his food than his full sized self, and was more than happy to munch on steamed vegetables and rice. Seunghyun reached over and wiped several grains of rice that clung to those full rosy cheeks.


Even as he felt his heart warm with every smile and laugh that came from the small boy, he was scared. He was the hyung, but even he had to admit he acted far from it. He was goofy and juvenile. He was the instigator of trouble between the boys and he cared more about his toys than what was probably normal. He was moody and maybe more than a little insecure. But Jiyong was always there. Whether it be with a stern look or whispered reassurances, he was always there. But now, when he felt he really needed him the most, he was gone.


Small hands broke Seunghyun from his thoughts. Jiyong’s small warm hands wrapped around his large cold ones, urging him up.

“Hyunnie,” he said coaxing Seunghyun to follow, heading back to the abandoned bear bricks.


Hearing the small voice, seeing those warm umber eyes turned up in smile made him realize that Jiyong hadn’t gone anywhere. He was still at his side, but it was his turn to need Seunghyun.


The toys soon lay forgotten, food working it’s way into Jiyong’s system. He wiggled his way onto the couch, curling up into the curve of Seunghyun’s side. He carefully waited until the little boy's breathing became slow and even before laying him out, mop of messy black hair resting on one of Seunghyun’s thighs. Fingers delicately danced on the boy's distinctly familiar yet unnaturally foreign features.


What if he couldn’t fix this? What if no one could? He felt a deep, resounding ache in his chest at the thought. Who would he go to when he couldn’t find the right word for a verse? Or for the order of new dance steps? Who would yell at him to come to the gym, or actually check if he had bothered to eat yet? Who would come over just to try his new wine? Who would he go to in the middle of the night, when the thoughts that beat in his head and the stress that weighed down his shoulders became too much for him to bear? Who would run their fingers through his hair and whisper everything would be brighter by the light of day? Who else could chase away his demons and ease the ache in his chest? He had to fix this. For them both.


He carried the small boy to his bed and tucked him in, careful not to wake him, knowing that even when small, Jiyong was the last person you’d want to rudely awaken. He silently made his way to the kitchen, cracking into a bottle of red to mull over the happenings of the day.


He needed Jiyong so much. Even when they were thousands of miles apart it seemed Jiyong was what helped him manage through the day. But did he love Kwon Jiyong, genuinely? The question was one he never had seemed to ask himself. But the more he confronted the idea the more he realized how long this love had dwelled in the depths of his chest, waiting for it’s release. It was in every look, every laugh they shared. Every unspoken conversation, every night by each other’s side. It was in the profound sense of loss that hung in his heart of the idea of Kwon Jiyong, his Jiyong never coming back. It was in the thought that he would never be able to share any of this with Jiyong. That his chance had passed him by.


His knuckles turned white at their grip on the thin neck of the empty wine glass. His destructive thoughts were halted by a warmth wrapped around his leg. Even now, Jiyong saved him.


“What’s wrong Yongie?” Seunghyun the soft mess of hair at his knee.


“Nightmare Hyunnie,” he spoke softly, tightening his grip on Seunghyun’s leg. Seunghyun let a small smile creep to the corners of his lips.


“Don’t worry Yongie, I’ll chase them away.” He scooped the small boy up and returned to his bedroom, bottle of wine forgotten.


He put Jiyong into bed again, but this time he pulled on his sweats and crawled in beside him. Jiyong snuggled close, burying his head in Seunghyun’s broad chest. Seunghyun brought his arms around Jiyong holding him close, as if he would slip through his fingers entirely if his grasp faded. He listened as the small huffs of breaths evened into a rhythmic pattern. He leaned his head down close, the boy’s hair tickling the tip of his nose.


“Don’t worry Jiyong. I’ll fix this. I promise.” His words came out in hushed whispers, lips gently pressed against the top of the boys head. “I love you. And I swear I’ll tell you every day and every night until the words fill every inch of your being, but please. Please come back to me. I can’t do this without you.” He pulled him closer, and fell into a restless sleep. Thoughts never straying from the boy in his arms.


He was gently awoken by a squirming in his firm hold. Just five more minutes. Just a few more minutes before he had to face the reality of morning. A groan came, much too deep for a child, and he shot awake.


“God… I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck…” A now fully grown, although rather disheveled, Jiyong groaned, twisting in the sheets uncomfortably.


“Jiyong!” Seunghyun couldn’t contain his elation, staring at the beautiful boy in disbelief.


“Ahh not so loud. I’m never drinking again…” he whined throwing his arm over his eyes, but uncovered that warm smile playing at the edge of his rosy lips.


Seunghyun felt his heart explode in relief. Jiyong was back. His Jiyong was back and by his side. Without hesitation he leaned down and pressed those full lips into his own, willing every overwhelming swell of emotion to be felt through that kiss. The realization of his actions hit him, and he quickly pulled back, praying the elbow that now seemed dangerously close to his face did not make contact.


He was met with those magnificent earthen eyes staring stunned up at him. He felt a deep, painful fissure begin to run the length of his chest. He began to completely pull away when he was roughly pulled down, lips crashing violently together. The fissure in his chest filled as quickly as it had formed, and was now overflowing with the warmth of Jiyong’s lips. They separated, starved for air, and all Seunghyun could see was that brilliant, perfect smile.


“Finally.” That honey voice escaped those flushed lips.


Seunghyun trailed breathy ghosts of kisses over every inch of the memorized, but infinitely alluring features of his face. The crest of his nose, the peaks of his cheeks, the dips of his eyes. He could feel the warm vibration of a laugh underneath him.


“What’s all that for?”


“I’m just making up for lost time.”


obsidiansapphire: so ADORABLE XD Don't forget to show the author your appreciation by dropping a comment (!

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Chapter 5: I didn't even wanted (and I didn't) to read the next part (^_^)
It's better than what I had expected ♥
free2bhappe #2
Chapter 1: Aww, this was incredibly sweet. I really enjoyed it. Your drabbles are always so cute, yet to the point.
Atenais #3
Chapter 11: Thank you all authors here. I already said thank you in their profiles. And I want to say thank you to obsidiansapphire for organizing this GTOP Writing Fest for us.
I can't wait to see next. ♥
Atenais #4
Chapter 7: About the piercing fic I have only one complain, you never said where Seunghyun had his one! I need to know!
This is super hot and you don't at , believe me!
Atenais #5
Chapter 6: First of all, sorry for letting comments in each drabble, maybe I should let just one long comment, but I'm afraid to forget what I wanted to write.
I really liked the way you interpreted the prompt number 2. I love when GTOP is rough and y. You could write a longer story, maybe a chaptered one. The small drabbles always make me greedy.
It's amazing the way they react to each other and I liked the detail about Seunghyun not being oblivious.
And I liked the song, it fits the fic.
Thank you!
Atenais #6
Chapter 5: Oh, I loved this story, really. I knew they were jealous of the girl. And the bet made everything more easy. I want to thank the girl too.
Of course, I only read the first one. GTOP is my weakness.
Thank you so much!
Atenais #7
Chapter 2: This one about male stripper TOP is so funny.
I would like to see this scene for real. And I bet he will look gorgeous with robot costume!
Atenais #8
Chapter 1: I'm not a fan of drabbles, because they're over to quick to my own good! XD
But I loved this one, it's so sweet. I love this kind of feeling between them, trust, security, friendship...
Thank you!
Jojokawaii #9