Second Reminder for Prompts

GTOP Writing Fest

I don't mean to pester you guys, but.... tomorrow is the day that I'm posting the prompt list and there has only been one submitted :( I'm going to make a few myself so that puts it up to four or five which doesn't seem like that many. This fest is to celebrate gtop and TOP's birthday. I really appreciate the people that have subscribed and commented. It means a lot. You guys should send me a prompt too (that's me not so inconspicuously dropping a hint :D). You know you want to ;)


"What are you wearing?"

Readjusting his skinny silver tie, Seunghyun chose not to answer Daesung right away. Instead he studied his reflection in the mirror for a moment, shivering as the silky end of the tie brushed across his bare chest.

"What does it look like?" he asked with a knowing smile and a quirked eyebrow.

"Like a-"

"A male stripper!" Seungri shouted triumphantly causing the crown on his head to slide a little off to the side. And of course it would be Seungri that got it right. Of course.

Taeyang shook his head slowly like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked like a samurai bobble head as he stood there in his costume. Daesung was looking anywhere but at Seunghyun's half ness. The leather of his red power ranger costume squeaked in the sudden silence of the room and almost matched the red shade of his blushing cheeks. It was Jiyong's reaction that meant the most though.

He was sprawled across the couch in his dinosaur costume taking up as much room as possible in an obnoxious attempt to annoy Seunghyun. So he had to stand in the middle of the room. While Seungri stared at him like he was a piece of meat. Crap.

Jiyong's arms were crossed over his chest, the head of his costume pushed angrily off with a huff and landing on the back of the couch with a bounce. "You look ridiculous."

Seunghyun smiled to himself. That brought today's score to 1-1. Awesome.

He stalked over to where Jiyong was seated and purposely moved the younger man's legs and tail out of the way. There was now plenty of room on the couch, but it was so much more fun to mess with Jiyong, so he sat as close as possible without actually landing in his lap.

Jiyong instantly tried to free himself, but he was caught between Seunghyun's bare chestedness and the arm of the couch. With a lot of struggle and a few obscene words, he managed to sit himself on the arm of the couch before swinging his arms wildly as he fell to the floor. Seunghyun laughed out loud at the disgruntled lump on the floor.


"We'll ask the manager to get the van started! Don't take too long!" Daesung shouted as he was Taeyang physically forced a protesting Seungri from the room. As soon as the door was closed he was shoved against the nearest wall.

"Women throw themselves at you when you're fully clothed. There's no way I'm letting you go to the party like this. I'm the only one allowed to see you," Jiyong growled as he trailed his hands over the exposed plains of Seunghyun's chest. How could Seunghyun argue when Jiyong sounded so sincere?

He found himself nodding in agreement as if in a trance. The next thing he knew, Jiyong had pulled a robot costume out of nowhere and was shoving him roughly into it. Confused, he blinked down at his now fully clothed body. Not even his wrists were showing. Huh.

"I win." Jiyong laughed as he brushed his lips against Seunghyun's. Suddenly brought back to reality, Seunghyun did the calculations in his head.


Well, there were worse ways to lose. Besides, there was always tomorrow.

"This time maybe," Seunghyun agreed happily as he and Jiyong went to meet their friends in the van.

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Chapter 5: I didn't even wanted (and I didn't) to read the next part (^_^)
It's better than what I had expected ♥
free2bhappe #2
Chapter 1: Aww, this was incredibly sweet. I really enjoyed it. Your drabbles are always so cute, yet to the point.
Atenais #3
Chapter 11: Thank you all authors here. I already said thank you in their profiles. And I want to say thank you to obsidiansapphire for organizing this GTOP Writing Fest for us.
I can't wait to see next. ♥
Atenais #4
Chapter 7: About the piercing fic I have only one complain, you never said where Seunghyun had his one! I need to know!
This is super hot and you don't at , believe me!
Atenais #5
Chapter 6: First of all, sorry for letting comments in each drabble, maybe I should let just one long comment, but I'm afraid to forget what I wanted to write.
I really liked the way you interpreted the prompt number 2. I love when GTOP is rough and y. You could write a longer story, maybe a chaptered one. The small drabbles always make me greedy.
It's amazing the way they react to each other and I liked the detail about Seunghyun not being oblivious.
And I liked the song, it fits the fic.
Thank you!
Atenais #6
Chapter 5: Oh, I loved this story, really. I knew they were jealous of the girl. And the bet made everything more easy. I want to thank the girl too.
Of course, I only read the first one. GTOP is my weakness.
Thank you so much!
Atenais #7
Chapter 2: This one about male stripper TOP is so funny.
I would like to see this scene for real. And I bet he will look gorgeous with robot costume!
Atenais #8
Chapter 1: I'm not a fan of drabbles, because they're over to quick to my own good! XD
But I loved this one, it's so sweet. I love this kind of feeling between them, trust, security, friendship...
Thank you!
Jojokawaii #9