Round One

Infinitizing Reality

A week had passed and I had no idea what to do. Tons of answerless questions ran through my head… did Dongwoo really expect me to call him? Was it even his real number? Why would he give his number to someone like me? It reminded me of the time in middle school when I received a Valentine’s card from one of the cool kids, I was completely confused then and I was completely confused now. Enough of this, it was time to bite the bullet …I dialed the number.

“Yeo bo sai yo?”

“Hey! It’s me.. Me being Rae Cheol, the smelly milk and cookies girl..” Oh god did I just call myself smelly? I need help. Why would I ever remind him of that? I didn’t have a plan and I was lost for words  but thanks to Dongwoo’s charisma, it didn’t really matter.

“YA! Hey! I was starting to think I was the one who smelled…Ahahaha!” He sure does have a great sense of humor.  “Me and a some of my friends were just about to go to the Seoul Pub. Wanna come? You can bring some friends!”

“Ummm, yea! That sounds great, I will meet you there.”

“Oh and make sure to shower first! aHahahaha! Adios!”

So this is really going to happen. I instantly called my girlies up and invited them out. They were aware of my previous encounter with Dongwoo and were beyond ecstatic that they too were going to have their own Infinite experience.

Within 15 minutes they were both at my house. We must have each tried on 15 outfits each before we came to the conclusion that there was no perfect outfit for this occasion. My final outfit was my green chucks, purple skinny jeans with my purple belt that had super sweet green dinosaurs on them and my Batman tank top. When it came to accessorizing, again, I was completely lost.  I just stared at my Infinite fan bracelets, they were always on me no matter where I went but for some reason I was kind of embarrassed by the idea of wearing them in front of actual Infinite members and wearing Bigbang or MBLAQ or Shinee bracelets also just seemed rude. I stopped and gave myself a doubtful glance into the mirror, when did I ever stress about which bracelets I was going to wear… I think I’m losing my mind. I glanced over at my two friends and I could see that they were going through the same dilemmas. I felt comforted by the idea of not being completely crazy by myself.

It’s action time!!!! We skipped out of the house and began on our journey to Seoul Bar. It was only about a 15 minute walk away so it wasn’t enough time convince ourselves that this was a crazy idea.

When we finally reached the door of the pub, we stopped and starred at each other, do we dare enter? My question was answered when I realized my legs were mindlessly walking forward and through the door. Thanks legs I don’t know what I would do without you. I did a quick 360° look around and  of course didn’t see them. Trying to avoid looking stupid, we sat down at the bar and each got a soju martini. About 30 minutes passed and I sadly looked down at my empty glass… “3 more martinis my man!!!” The bartender shook his head as he prepared our drinks. While we started our second martinis we hormonally disgusted our feelings for infinite because what else do people do when they drink?! Just as I was discussing how much more wonderful Dongwoo’s lips were in person, I felt a hand crash hard on my left shoulder. Just as I was about to turn around and give the offender a piece of mind I saw the wonderful face of Dongwoo. He must have been amused by stern eyebrows because he bent over in laughter. Oh Dongwoo, you can laugh at me all day and I wouldn’t mind. Once he recovered, he plunged his face into my hair. As I heard him take a deep breath in I could feel goose bumps going down my spine.  

“Good Job Rae Cheol! You smell delicious!”  Between the booze and Dongwoo’s compliment I could feel my face turning beet red.

“Thanks… I wanted to make sure I made up for the last time. I ride horses and I had just left the barn, I don’t usually just smell bad…” I don’t think Dongwoo was actually concerned about it cause he was already moving forward with the conversation.

“Who are these other two beautiful ladies you brought with you…Omo, Sunggyu is going to like that one, watch out he can be such an animal some times. Ahahaha”

“Well the Sunggyu bait is Kae Ti and this other lovely lady is Man Da”

“Well what have you guys been waiting for, we have been here for an hour already! Come on we have a table in the back but we were just about to start a game of pool! Come on Rae Cheol I already told the boys that you were on my team.” He gave me a wink and grabbed my hand and led me to the table of Infinite. I could really get used to this. As we reached the table Dongwoo lifted up my arm as if I had just won a boxing match and shouted “ See guys I told she wasn’t standing me up! Oh and she brought a couple of friends.” He lifted up both his eyebrows a couple of times in a suggestive manner.

“Your not going to introduce us?” I instantly new which person this sweet soft spoken voice belonged to.

“Omo! Sorry Hoya! I will make sure to start with you! Ahaha… So this is Hoya, the charming man next to him is Sunggyu, and last but not least is this goofy guy, Sungyeol. Now that that’s over with let’s play some pool!”

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Chapter 9: Haha so it was Hoya that stopped them. Great chapter author :)
Chapter 9: That chapter was as delightful as that beautiful gif at the top!!! That gif gave me so many feels and so does kaegyu. They are so cute!!! Kyeotpa! <3
Chapter 8: omo!! I love this fic. Dongwoo is my bias. Please update soon I want to see who opened the door
Chapter 8: omo!! eu! haha I want to know who that was!! I hope its sunggyu.. Good job author-nim! you gave me feels ;) kekeke
Chapter 7: Ooooo I wonder what happens later on in this good night ;) Maybe some sweet adorable Kaegyu and some sweet and dirty dongcheol hahaha dongcheol!! Yes please update soon
omo omo omo kissing!! the beach!!! This chapter was such a delight :) seriously I love Sunggyu. I love dongwoo too but for serious sunggyu.... sunggyu.... ;)
Chapter 4: This is my favorite chapter so far. I can so picture this. I like Kae Ti and Sunggyu in particular <3 <3 I'm a Gyu girl ;) More soon please!!!!!!
ELIFinfinitexo #8
Chapter 1: This was very good i love it <3 please update asap <3
Chapter 2: "as if i had just saw a monkey iron a shirt..." haha I love the places your brain goes... anyway. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!<3<3
Chapter 1: omo I love this story already!!! It's super cute and has a lot of personality! <3 Update sooooon!!! :D