
Why So Serious?

I have something to confess ahah I wrote this a long time ago but I just haven't been posting it SORRY

Its been a while since I have written anything though... I should really get back into the game.. I will start a story soon! anyways this is the end of this because i think I will ruin it if I continued on with the whole story^^




(goes from his POV to nobodies)




"Don't you dare close those eyes! Don't you dare close... Don't...." I begged shaking her unconscious body. I felt hot tears running down my face, I screamed in agony as I knew it was my fault. The ambulance came and they took her to the hospital. The ride there was painful, the people were doing anything they could but there was no response from Sue. I held her hand tightly, I was never going to let go of her.
The nurses rushed her on the beds and rolled her to the emergency rooms. I screamed telling them I wanted to go with her, no I needed to go with her, it might be the last time. I thought the dreaded thought of her dying and shook my head, "no... No....NO!!!" I yelled pushing the nurses and doctors who held me back, her body rolled into the room and the automatic doors slowly closed. They let me go and I fell to the floor in exhaustion.
"I will see her" I darkly said to the nurses as they turned around to leave. I suddenly smirked, this is just a stupid dream. A nightmare. I got up and dusted my pants. I smiled, 'it's okay Jiyong, you'll see Sue when you wake up and she will bring you tea like how she always does on Wednesdays.'
I sat on the bench still smiling,"I'll see you soon Sue" I said quietly to myself as I saw the doctors passing by. I waited for the nightmare to end alone.

6 months later...

My nightmare still hasn't ended, and I can't wake up. Sue has been dead for 6 months... The doctor told me about her illness that I never knew of. I chuckled darkly. "Stupid girl, why didn't you tell me before?" I asked the wall in front of me. I could see her, she would always be smiling now. Damn she was beautiful, if only I could see her once more. I felt water droplets fall on my legs, I slowly wiped the fresh tear that fell and closed my eyes, the tears flowed down my cheek and down my neck. I didn't feel anything now, now the numbness took over. I always thought that being numb wouldn't hurt as much but it was worse. It feels like as if dying slowly by needles was a better choice.
"If only I could sell my soul for just one day with her..." I thought out loud wiping the new tears.

"Jiyong-ah" I heard the sweet voice that I've missed. I opened my eyes, everything was white. It took some time to adjust to the light but I managed to see a figure up ahead of me. She giggled "Jiyong! You sleepy head" I saw her face and froze... It was Sue.
"H-h-how?" I shook as she came closer to me, I had so much to say and do with her but nothing came out.
"Come on! Lets have fun~" she cheered and I hugged her, the image did not disappear. She was not my oasis. She was real.
"Jiyong ah! Stop it I wanna go have fun" she whined but I wanted to stay like this forever. I didn't want to loose her again. I quickly changed and ran down the stairs holding Sue's hand tightly.
"Where are you going Jiyong?"
"I'm going out with Sue!!" I yelled happily and left the house.

His mother was worried, what was her son talking about? Sue is gone... His mother dialed a number she knew by heart by now.
"Dr. Shin? Its Jiyong... He is acting weird"

Jiyong was happy he could touch his love now, she came back! After she left him he never smiled but now he was smiling as if his lips would rip.
"I love your smile" she said tracing his lips with her fingers, Jiyong chuckled and looked in her gorgeous eyes he missed. What he didn't know was that he was looking at nothing but thin air. People passing by pointed and laughed at him swinging one arm around and looking to the side as if he sees anything.
Jiyong just smiled seeing the girl he wanted to see in months. He missed her so much his mind created her, made her real to him. He finally woke up from the never ending nightmare. He held her tightly and prayed this moment would last forever.
"What do you want to do?" She asked.
"Whatever you want"
"I've always wanted to watch funny movies!!" She cheered and they both went to the nearby cinema. He picked out the number one comedy and purchased 2 tickets. She loved popcorn so Jiyong got a big bucket and a large drink so they could share together. The movie was about to begin so they took their seats in the back. Jiyong saw all the couples in front of him and thought about all the other people thinking the same with Sue and him. More people started coming in and a man started looking at the seat beside him. The man sat down and without thought Jiyong pushed him out of the seat Sue was on.
"What's your problem!!" He shouted and all eyes were on them.
"Can't you see someone is sitting here?" He glared and waited for an apology but nothing was coming out of the mans dirty mouth. "Lets go Sue.." He grabbed her hand and left the theater as the lights started to dim. The man just watched Jiyong leave dumbfounded, "what just happened?" He asked his girlfriend and he took the seat.

"Jiyong.. You didn't have to do that" she calmed him down but he was furious. He didn't want anybody to hurt her. No one could hurt her when he was with her.
"Lets just watch a movie next time" he said with a sad smile. He wanted to make her feel like she was his princess.
"Can we go somewhere I wanted to go?" She asked and and he agreed because wherever she was, he would go without any argument. He would even go to hell with her. "Close your eyes" she ordered and he did as she asked. She leaded him into the park...
"You can open them now" she said and he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and it was the place his dreams started. The place they both confessed and lost each other. He looked around in fear of the place and shook his head furiously. "You need to accept the fact now" she slowly said looking down at the place where she last smiled."I want you to let me go now.. I need you to move on" she kept going but he just clutched into the Earths floor and started sobbing. He couldn't understand why his head was doing this to him. Why did she come back? Just to tell him to forget? But he couldn't and he would never even if he could because he was guilty for killing his love. He was a murderer. "You will meet another woman and you will move on like a happy man but if you never forget about me... I will be sad and I will miss you even more" he looked up to see her crying with plead but she was smiling. "I know it's hard forgetting someone but just pretend I was a dream like you thought I wasn't dead! Just think of me as a creation of your brain... Don't remember me as a real person" he screamed in pain. She was just here to help him, even when she left she came back for the last time to help him. She was an angel dead or alive. Even though Sue told him to forget it only made things worse, he just wanted to die so they could be together, the guilt will disappear and they could be together. He smiled just thinking about a gun near his head and the noose hanging from his ceiling. "Please don't think like that" she begged. "Live the life I will never live and just be happy, for me... I will be guarding you from above and I will never let you die from your own hands"
"I can't"
"You can and you will because this is my last wish"
"That doesn't change-"
"It should.." She stopped and laid on the ground like the last time.. He tried pulling her away from that spot but no, he couldn't touch her anymore. He panicked and ranked his hands through his hair a couple times biting his lips from screaming again. "Please listen to me..." Those where the last few words to him before she left him for the second time. He hit the hard ground and shouted in horrifying pain he wanted to end. He had the power to just die but he couldn't.. He had to keep that promise.

Jiyong laid on the soil and pulled on the grass around him. He was thinking about Sue, up in the clouds having fun smiling the smiles she wasn't allowed here on Earth. He finally got up and headed home. He swayed back and forth from exhaustion and he fell on the road. He had the chance to get up but he just stayed motionless. He promised to live but he was just a person, he couldn't keep that promise and he won't. He waited for the car to come and just end everything, "I'm sorry Sue, I just can't" he waited until he saw a car from ahead, he smiled and thanked the man inside who wasn't paying attention to him. This was like a present from the Gods, death to be happy. He looked up, here I come, he thought and everything went black.






anyways sorry for the really late update and horrible ending..


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this made me tear up:(
howcome #2
but well written
Chapter 1: D: There must be a sequel to this. She must survive! *Going on a mental tantrum*
Chapter 1: Thats all... *sad* SEQUEL........................
Chapter 1: 0.0omg you wrote this when you were in grade7? I was writing about dog and cats at that time
howcome #6
how is it personal? I am getting curious@.@
please update soon!