You Got Married

Forever Hello

Dara's POV:

After I saw the headline I read the article. The tears blurring the computer screen as I read on.

Taeyang and Jieun were paired up a year ago with scandals talking about 
being in a relationship with one another. After five months of those allegations
they got united in MBC's popular variety show WGM. Everyone has witnessed

their sweet and romantic acts toward one another. Especially Taeyang who even
sang to Jieun on their 6 month aniversary. The couple who is widely known as the
Hugging Couple since they are always seen hugging each other on and
offscreen of WGM. Now the real question is...Are they really dateing in real life?
There are many sources and situations where they are seen together even
outsitde of fiming for WGM....

I looked away from my computer afraid to read anymore. All this time I thought that I was the only one who got to see the sweet side of Youngbae..but I was obviously wrong.

I clutched my heart as I saw the video of him and her performing I Need A Girl and Slow Jam. I closed my eyes before I could see her giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

Leaving the computer open I slowly walked over to the couch and just held TamTamie close as I silently cried by myself. Then suddenly I heard the door opening and closing. I didn't bother to look who it was since I knew by the sound of his footsteps. I also didn't bother getting up. I just sat there crying waiting for him to come to me.


Youngbae's POV:

I finally got home after leaving Dara behind with the others. I was afraid that they might have told her, but I knew that they wouldn't do that. They were too afraid to hurt her again. And I wanted to tell her myself. I'm just so scared of seeing her crying face.

Scared on how she would react that I left her to do a filming with Jieun for WGM. I felt horrible, but I made a commitment once I signed that contract with MBC. And I can't back out since my only reason is Dara, but she is supposed to be 'dead'. I hit my head thinking I'm stupid for accepting it in the first place.

But I knew why I accepted it. I was lonely. I hated seeing everyone else happy while I was alone waiting for Dara. Then one day Jieun came into the picture and filled that void. Even though I was using her as a subsitute I knew I was wrong, but I couldn't help it. Dara wasn't there and Jieun liked me...

I sighed and opened up the door only to realise that it was really dark. 

Mhmm maybe Dara isn't home yet.

I passed by the kitchen and saw a laptop open. I went up to it and saw many articles and videos of me and Jieun on the screen. I panicked when I saw it. My heart stopped as I realised that this laptop was Dara's. I could barely breath as I heard the soft whimpers of someone. 

I slowly walked to the living room and saw a silhouette of someone sitting down on the couch. As I got closer I felt tears coming down my face once I knew who that silhouette belonged to. 

"Dara.." I called out to her. Afraid that she will disappear from my life again.

When I didn't hear anything back from her I came closer. I was right in front of her and could clearly hear her crying. She had her knees up to her chest. She was rocking back and forth while crying with TamTamie in her arms. I couldn't see her face since it was covered by her hands. But without even seeing her face you could feel the pain she is going through. 

I reached my arms out to her and held her in a hug. 

"No!" She pushes me away as she tried to shout at me, but her voice cracked.

"Babe please let me..." I try again to hold her, but she just gets up from the couch away from me.

"No Bae. No! I can't...I...I  can't believe you are married!" 

"I'm not! It's fake. You know WGM. It's all for show." I tried to convince her, but it's hard when you can't even convince yourself.

"You are lying to me..."

"I'm not. Please. You are the only one I love. You know this!" I grabbed her from behind. I held her close not willing to let go at any cost. "I love you Dara. I really do."

"I'm sorry. I don't believe you." I couldn't breath when she said that. "It's almost been a year since you guys have been married. And I bet you left me tonight to go to her." She said to my chest. 

I felt a stab in my heart as she got it right. I couldn't get the guts to admit to it. I shook my head no, but she just cries harder in my chest. 



I was caught of gaurd when she asked me why. I didn't know what she meant by it so I pulled her away waiting for her to say more.


"Why did you accept? You could have said no to getting married. So why did you say yes?"

"Cause I was lonely." I looked away from her afraid to meet her eyes. I didn't want to look at those big brown eyes filled with sadness because of me. 

"You were lonely? How do you think I felt? At least you had your friends Bae, but me...I HAD NO ONE! But I knew I knew that I will always have you to go back to with open arms."

She stopped for a minute to get her breath back. I took that time to look up at her and saw her slowly getting weaker and weaker.

"I never knew you could hurt me like this. Out of all people Bae even before my family you were the driving force for me to get my voice back. You are my voice, heart, and soul. But what am I to you?"

She looks at me waiting for me to answer. I knew the answer, but why couldn't I say it. The words just wouldn't come out. I was screaming inside my head trying to get the answer out. I cried when I saw her defeated look.

"I guess I'm just nothing to you now..." She turns around and falls to the ground.

I rush up to her and held her up.

"You aren't nothing to me! You are everything!" She just pushes me away again

"You said you would wait for me. But I guess I made you waited to long."

"I meant what I said. And I did wait for you. Everyday I was at that rooftop waiting for your return. EVERYDAY DARA!"

She just shakes her head violently trying to mute everything that I was saying to her.

"You are my girl. The girl I love. The girl I need!"

I must have said something that triggered her because she turns around and slaps me.

"Really? The girl you need? Then why did you perform OUR SONG with her."

I blinked my eyes trying to think of what she was saying. I looked at her confused.

"Don't try to act dumb Bae. You know exactly what song I'm talking about. Girl~ I need a girl~ does that ring a bell."

I felt my heart skip a beat realising what she was talking about.

"How did it feel to get kissed by her? Was it great?" She barely said out loud.

"It wasn't great. Throughout the whole thing I was thinking..."

But before I could finish she yells at me....

"NO BAE! That was OUR SONG. Your song to me! How could you perfom it with someone else? Especially the kiss part. And the wedding photo shoot had to be filled with flowers...damnit Bae..."

"Dara..I'm sorry...really..."

She starts walking away and I saw her gathering her stuff. I widen my eyes and run after her before she could walk out the door.

"No don't leave. Please..."

"I can't..I just can't face you right just hurts to much Bae.." She said inbetween her sobs.

I turned her around trying to see if she was serious. When I saw her eyes I fell down. She looks at me with eyes filled with pain and hurt. I could barely see any love or life in it. Before I could gather my thoughts from stopping her she already walked out of the door. 

I cursed, yelled, and punched the floor many times. I got up and thought of chasing her, but only saw darkness. I ran and ran, but found her nowhere. I gave up and went back to her apartment. 

I looked back at her laptop and cursed myself again. All those times I was with Jieun I thought of Dara. I never saw Jieun I always saw Dara. Jieun could never ever replace Dara she couldn't even take a piece of my heart since it all belonged to Dara.

I was so stupid. Stupid for doing this to Dara and most importantly hurting her. I went inside her room and saw the pictures she had put up. There were many pictures of her and 2ne1 and the YG family. I started choking when I saw the picture on her bedside table. It was a picture of me and her smiling. 

I clutched the picture as I layed down on the bed. I closed my eyes hoping to see her in my dreams.

"Hey Bae!" I saw Dara right next to me smiling so sweet. 

I bent down and gave her a kiss, but saw her in front of me instead.

"Dara wait!" I called out to her. I ran after her thinking this was all a game. I was laughing when I heard her laugh.

"Come on Bae you are so slow." I felt so happy as we ran together in the field of flowers. 

I finally caught up to her and gave her a hug, but then she disappeared away from my arms. The once beautiful field turned dark. I looked around calling out for her fearing for the worst. I saw someone across and ran to them. I saw it was Dara and held her close and gave her the biggest most heated kiss I could. I felt a smile crept across her face. I pulled away to look at the love of my life, but instead of seeing Dara's face I see Jieun's.

"What?" I was dumbfounded and I turned around to see Dara looking at us crying.

"Bae.." She turns around being led by a man. I ran after them, but got held back by Jieun. I pushed her off screaming Dara's name.

"Dara no!!! Come back! DDDAAARRRAAA!!!" 

Instead of her coming back I saw the guy turning around with a smirk on his face. And right in front of me he took her life. 

"NNNNNOOOOOO!!!" I sit straight up and was breathing very heavy. I felt the sweat dripping down my face and clutched my chest trying to get my breathing back in check.

"It was all a dream.." I said to myself as I calmed myself down. 

I layed back down when I saw that it was three in the morning. I looked over to my side thinking that Dara was there, but got disappointed.

"Oh...this is reality." I said when I remembered what had happened between me and Dara. I was about to close my eyes again when I remembered that it was three and Dara was still not at home. I got worried and looked at my phone to see a message and many missed calls all from Jiyoung.

Bae what happened? Dara called Bom crying. She found Dara in the middle of the park all by herself. Right now all of 2ne1 is at their dorm. Reply back asap.

I shut my phone thinking that it was way to late to reply back to him. Maybe I should go over to 2ne1's dorm to talk to Dara. I just really have this bad feeling....


Dara's POV:

I walked away. No. I ran away from everything. I couldn't stand being in the same room as Bae anymore. The pain and betrayal was all to much for me to handle right now. After I finally came back I find this out about him.

I should have never came back if I knew this was going to happen.

I walked around aimlessly not really minding the scene around me. I finally stopped and sat down on the bench. I wasn't crying I had no emotions. I just sat there looking up at the sky. I kept on stareing when suddenly someone stands in front of me.

I widen my eyes and I couldn't believe who was in front of me in the flesh.

"Hi sorry to bother you, but may I sit next to you. This is the only spot I have total privacy from reporters and..." He didn't finish what he was saying when he looked at my face more clearly. He was shocked as I am. Well probably more since my "death" was all over the news.

"You are Sandara Park...right?"

I just nodded my head not saying anything.

"Are you a ghost? Am I seeing things? Maybe I have been working to much."

I couldn't help, but laugh at him and finally spoke.

"I'm not a ghost and you aren't seeing things. But you might have been working to much. Sorry if I scared you. I can assure you that I am alive."

He sits down and just smiles. I blushed and looked away.

"Well that's good. Now I can finally say what I have been keeping to myself."

I turn to him confused and waited for what he was going to say.

"After all these years I finally can confess to my ideal girl that she is also my ideal." He looks over to me and smiles wide.

I gasped and couldn't believe it.


He nods his head and just laughs at me.

"Won Bin oppa you really mean that?"

"Of course. I was a secret fan boy of yours. When I heard that you died I got sad because I wasn't able to come out that I also choose you as my ideal girl."

I turned red and smiled, but quickly frowned when I suddenly remembered Youngbae. I look down remembering the hurt he just has caused me. Won Bin must have noticed my change of mood when he suddenly ruffles up my hair.

"I don't know what's got you so down, but don't let it get to you. Just remember this oppa is here for you." He points to himself while smiling.

He gave me a hug and I nodded my head. He lets go and sadly had to leave me. He said that he will keep in contact with me. So we exchanged phone numbers and he said his goodbyes.

Before he left he came back to me and told me one last thing. "One thing to know about love. Love is the most painful when it is with your bestfriend, but it is also the most beautiful." 

After he was gone I bursted out into tears. He is right. Youngbae is my bestfriend and lover. Even though I hurt so much right now he is also the only one that can make me the happiest. But I still didn't know what to do. So I called Bom while crying.


"Dara! What is wrong?"

"It much.." I said as I cried through the phone.

"Where are you right now? I'll pick you up."

After I told her where I was I hung up and kept crying. I must have been crying a long time because I was still crying when Bom came to me and found me. She had brought along Seunghyun. Once they saw me Seunghyun picked me up and carried me all the way to the car. I was in the back seat still crying as I held my body close to me.

We reached 2ne1's dorm and I guess Bom called the other girls since they were there prepared for me. Minzy gives me a hug while Chaerin my head.

Seunghyun left us alone as soon as Bom told him that she'll be staying at the dorm tonight.

Once he left all the attention went to me.

"What happened Dara?" Bom was the first one to speak.

"He is married...Bae is married.."

They all look down. I knew they knew. This was the big secret everyone was keeping from me. I cried harder and shook violently in Chaerin's arms.

"You guys knew...why didn't you guys tell me..."

"Unnie I'm so sorry. We thought Bae would tell you that's why." Chaerin said trying to calm me down.

"Unnie please calm down. Have a drink of water and explain to us what happened." Minzy said as she hands me a glass of water.

I sit up and after drinking the glass of water I told them everything that had happened awhile ago. Even to the moment where I met Won Bin. They all were shocked and could't believe that the problem escalated that much. They were speechless and couldn't say anything. Finally Bom broke the silence.

"Dara...Bae loves you he always had."

"I knew that. I know all of it, but I still can't help feeling hurt when I found out."

"You love him right?"

"With everything I have."

"And he loves you." Minzy added.

"I'm not so sure now..."

They were about to say something, but I didn't want to hear anymore. I didn't want to think about this anymore. My heart couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay then unnie." Minzy said with uncertantity.

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked the girls and they all just smiled and nodded at me.

We all got comfortable in the living room and watched The Titanic. I cried at the end and was about to suggest another one, but then I saw the rest of the girls all asleep. With all my strength I carried them one by one to their rooms. I went back to the living room seeing that it is only tweleve I put another movie on. This time I watched Moulin Rouge after that was done I still cried. I still didn't feel tired at all so for the last movie I was going to watch for the night I put in A Walk To Remember. Throughout the whole movie I kept thinking about Youngbae.

I love him so much...

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly heard the doorbell. I went to the door thinking that it was either Seunghyun or Jiyoung checking up on their girls, but I was dead wrong.

I looked in front of me and got scared. I was about to scream, but was being dragged and my mouth was getting stuffed with something. My last fight was locking and closing the door. At least the other girls will be safe. When they saw what I did they got more pissed at me and knocked me out. 

The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was the image of Youngbae smiling at me...


No One's POV:

"We only got one!" One man said as he threw the girls body the van.

"It doesn't matter. One is better than none. Especially since the one we got is such a big catch....


Sandara Park how much are you worth?"

The leader of the group said. He looked at Dara with a smirk on his face, ideas swirling in his mind on what he could do or get from her.




Hey you guys back after a long time of not updating. Hope you guys like this update.

Oh no Dara is in trouble!!! Will she be saved in time? Dundundun

Thanks for waiting and hope you like this!

You guys are the best! Love you readers <3333

Please don't forget to comment ^_^



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Oh my gosh I am so sorry I forgot to take it out of hiding >~< well here is the final chapter


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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 7: ayiieee thank God its a happy ending .. good job authornim
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 7: wow, am so happy with how you ended this story!
like what u said, Darayang isn't ending, though!
I don't know how to explain it, but, with all that's happening, I still strongly believe this pairing is real. And I'm not being delusional... I just have that strong feeling!
darayang4ever #3
Chapter 7: Made me cry knowing it's the end TT.TT
Lol we should a have a last chappy :3
Lol I LOVE the whole story!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
anonymousmysterious #4
Chapter 7: this story is so beautiful... loved it so much.... first of all thank u for updates but sad that the story has ended... u really are a great writer...
i thought u r going to let dara die this time but u didn't. loved the way u concluded the story...
ILuvTaeyang99 #5
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!!! I loved this fanfic! Authornim, this is officially my favorite story EVER!! I loved Goodbye as well as Forever Hello!! Thank you so much for writing such a brilliant fanfic, and I hope for more stories to come! I will support everything you do :D
Chapter 7: Yay! Dara's not dead! :D And I liked this story!
Chapter 5: Kya! I really hope that Dara won't die this time too... Please make her live! I'll be waiting for your update! I'm so excited for the final chapter!
Chapter 5: Omooooo... Another clifhanger °•(>┌┐<)•°!!! Authornim, u're killing all ur reader softly. Buhuhuhuhu what will happen to our cute santoki???? Will Ji be our knight or Bae? ╭(´̩ε `̩ )╮
anonymousmysterious #9
Chapter 5: first of all thanx for the update. i have been waiting for the update for long time.
now for the story, why did u have to kidnap or kill dara or put her into that situation? i hope she didn't die. don't tell me u r thinking to let her die this time for sure. plz don't do it. plz plz, don't let dara die.