Now or Never

Forever Hello

Dara's POV:

As I followed Youngbae to the back of the YG building I smiled as I felt his hand holding mine. It felt like we were running away to our honeymoon. 

I blushed at my sudden thought and kept my stare at the side of Youngbae's head.

I never knew someone could look this hot while running. I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly Bae stops. I look where he was looking and saw that there was someone there. 

I felt myself getting stiff as I realised who it was. I also felt Bae tightening his grip on my hand. I saw him look down at me and I saw the uncertantiy in it.

I felt myself heating up as I looked back at the person. I didn't want to see him. I wasn't ready for it and personally I just wanted to be alone with Bae. 

Damn it why the heck is Jiyoung here?!? 

I was cursing in my head as I saw the pain in Youngbae's eyes when he looked at Jiyoung and then towards me. I know what he is thinking right now. Bae must be thinking that I still have feelings for Ji, but I don't. I realised my true feelings and my heart only belongs to Bae. It was always his it just took awhile for me to realise it.

I was blinded by Ji's sweet actions and words. I made a fool of myself to think that he actually loved me. 

Aish this isn't the time to be thinking about how stupid I was. Right now I need to think of how to get out of this. I looked at Bae once again and saw that he was in his own world looking for a place probably for me to hide in.

Then out of nowhere I see Jiyoung turn around and making his way towards us. I looked at Bae and saw that he still hasn't noticed Ji coming our way. I grabbed him and went behind him hoping that I would be covered. I held onto his shirt and pressed my face to his back. I only had one eye out to see the current situation. 

Jiyoung was slowly getting closer and closer. I tightened my grip on Bae's shirt. I can tell that he was also frozen. We were both frozen. Our minds went blank as Ji started talking to Bae.

"Hey Bae. Are you our here to get a break from everyone else also?"

Bae didn't say anything as Ji spoke to him. But even if he keeps quiet Ji still kept coming. Then finally he was in front of us. As he spoke again I hid more behind Bae.

"Bae? Heelllooo Bae are you there? Oh you are with someone. Who is..."

I peaked out from Bae's shirt and saw him stare at me. His eyes became wide and his mouth stayed in O form. He tried to grab me, but Bae stopped him and gave him a death stare. Ji looks at Bae in confusion, but then back to me.

"Dara is that you?" He said that while his voice shaked.

This was not what I wanted, but I knew it had to happen sometime. I let go of Bae's shirt and showed myself.

"Yes it's me. Hello Jiyoung."

I let out a sigh as I grabbed Bae's hand. I looked at him and smiled. We both need each other right now. He looked back down at me and smiled. We looked at Ji and just waited for him to say something.

"Bu bu but I thought you were..."

"Dead?" I finished his thought without hesitation. 

"Am I dreaming right now?"

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Bae mouthing to him. "Is he really that stupid."

Bae laughs at what I said to him and just kisses me in front of Ji. 

"Ji you aren't dreaming right now. You are awake and seeing Dara alive in front of you. I'm more than enough proof also."

I saw Ji make a fist and for a split second looked away mad. But than he looked back at Bae in a whole different matter. I wondered what that meant, but at the same time I didn't really care about him anymore.

"So after all these made everyone believe that you were dead."

My breath hitched as I heard the cold tone in his voice. The betrayal, hurt, and most of all regret.

"Did you even think about everyone else? Or were you just thinking that it was better for you to disappear?"

I couldn't say anything and stayed silent as Ji kept on shouting at me. I hung my head low not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Dara answer me! You made us BELIEVE you were dead. For what? Huh? WHY?!?"

I flinched when he screamed at me, but was more surprised when I saw Bae punch Ji right in the face.

"SHUT THE UP JI! You have no idea what she went through."

As soon as Ji got back up he punched Bae back.

"Then tell me! For all these years I thought I was the reason why you DIED! Goddamn it Dara I didn't even get to say sorry!"

 It was the first time after a long time since I've seen Ji cry so hard like that. He knelt in front of me hugging my body scared that I will leave him just like that night. I cupped my mouth as I fought the tears that were making it's way to my eyes.

"You weren't the only one who died Dara. It was everyone! We had to adjust our lives without you in it. YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT WAS! YOU WERE OUR HUMAN VITAMIN!"

After he said that I couldn't hold it in anymore. I crouched down and hugged him back letting my tears flow down. 

I never really thought about the consequences my actions would have had on the others. I now know that I was being selfish. I held Ji in my arms saying sorry for what I have done.

"Mianhae Ji. Mianhae."

I pull him off me and get up to only see Bae look at me sad. I grab him and gave him a hug also.

"Bae I'm sorry. Was this how you also felt?"

I felt him nod as he pulls me in closer. I loved it when he did that, but I had to straighten this out with Ji. I pulled off Bae and gave him a kiss before I gave my attention back to Ji.

"I really am sorry. I really thought that everyone would be better off without me."

"Why would you ever think that?"

I hesistated before I answered Ji. But I knew I had to tell the truth.

"Because I hurt my bestfriend by going out with the guy she loves. And I broke the heart of the true man I loved. The group might have broken up because of me. And all those antis are right. I have no talent. I'm just a face. And even then I'm not as pretty as everyone thinks I am. 2ne1 is more popular than ever without me in it. I was holding them back. I was holding everyone back."

I looked up to see Ji's and Bae's reaction. They both had a pained look. Everyone in YG knows what I'm talking about. So many people always ask YG why he accepted me. Both Bae and Ji would always hear about it. Mostly about how close I am to the guys. There were even some antis that wished that I would just disappear. And when I 'died' they were so ecstatic.

Bae comes up to me and just caresses my face.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but you aren't useless. You will and be the only fresh voice of 2ne1. You blended all those powerful voices together. And you are right you aren't pretty. You are beyond beautiful. My true goddess."

He really does know how to make me feel good. All these years he never failed. I smiled at Bae and accepted everything he was telling me. I didn't know why I would accept it easily from him. Even though I heard it from other people for some reason when Bae says it it's like I know I can trust him. I know that he won't lie to me.

"Dara what Bae said is the truth."

I looked away from Bae back to Ji and smiled at him. Even though I know he only used me to get Chae jealous I still appreciate the old times when we were trainees and him and Bae took care of me.

"Alright let's stop talking about this depressing subject."

"Yeah. Anyways I still have to go back to the dorms to get my stuff so I could move in with you."

Bae looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows up and down. I blushed so hard that I looked over at Ji who was rolling on the floor laughing at us.

"Yah! Stop laughing!" I crossed my arms while I gave a pout.

"I'm sorry Dara, but you turned so red!"

"Even though it's hilarious you should stop rolling around the floor Ji you look like a crazy person."

"Fine fine. So does YG know you are moving and more importantly does he know Dara is still alive?"

Before Bae could answer I stopped him before he could say anything else. If anyone is going to tell my story it would be me.

"Ji you don't have to worry. YG knew all along that is why he insisted on not having a funeral. And Bae and I just came from YG's office to talk about Bae living in with me. He is fine with everything, but we have to keep it on the down low."

"That's good to hear. Are you going to tell the rest of the YG family?"

After hearing what Ji told me I had second thoughts. Maybe it's better to tell them now. Nothing will change if I tell them later. I looked at Bae to see if I could get an answer from him, but all he does is smile at me. I laughed inside my mind. I shouldn't always rely on Bae to make my decisions. 

"Actually I am. Ji can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Tell YG to gather all of the family inside 2ne1's practice room. There will be a surprise waiting there. But make sure no one goes in until Bae comes out and gives the 'Ok'."

Ji smiles at me and probably had a vague idea on what I had planned. With that situation explained he left me and Bae to make our escape.

Bae and I quickly got into my car and drove to his dorm. I waited patiently inside my car as Bae went up to get the essentials. Minutes passed by quickly and I got worried.

What is Bae taking so long....

Finally after an hour passed I saw Bae come out of the building. I was already irritated since Ji was texting me what time I'm going to do my little surprise. It was suppose to be half an hour ago, but because of Bae I had to ask Ji to post pone it for another hour. 

What made me more irritated was Bae was walking to the car as if we had a whole lot of time. I tightened my grip on my steering wheel as Bae finally reaches my car. 

"I'm back." He kisses me on the cheek and smiles. 

I looked at him in disbelief. I had to constrain myself from blowing up. So instead I took a breath and looked at him.

"What took you so long?"

I see him hesitating and looks outside of the window.

"I lost track of time when I got ready."

I knew that was an excuse. He wasn't telling me the real reason, but I brushed it off. I was scared to know what really took him all that time to do. I just closed my eyes and started my car. I sped down to my apartment ran inside and got a few things while Bae put his stuff. 

After we got everything settled and I got the things I needed we rushed back down to my car. Once we got on the road I felt like a racer speeding down the road. 

Before I rushed inside the building I had to text Ji.

'Is the coast clear?'

I waited for his reply and smiled when I saw it. 'Yeah come in through the back.'

'K. Remember make sure they don't come in UNTIL Bae gives the Ok'

I shut my phone and smiled at Bae totally forgetting what he did. I grabbed his hand and we rushed through the back all the way into 2ne1's private practice room.

After setting everything up I talked to Bae.

"Bae all you have to do is tell them to come in. I already texted YG to tell the girls to sing."

He nods at me and waited for me to say anything else.

"Okay you can go tell them now."

"Oh haha alright then."

As he walked towards the door I made my way into the back where they can't see me. I got worried, but I knew I had to do this.

"Hey everyone! Come on in. What are you guys doing outside?"

And with that I heard the footsteps of the YG family I had left behind a long time ago. My hear was pounding really loud and I was afraid that they might have heard it.

This was it...


No One's POV

"Hey everyone! Come on in. What are you guys doing outside?"

Bae had opened up the door of 2ne1's practice room only to be greeted by the irritated YG family.

The first person to speak was Bom.

"Aisht what is going? We had to wait so long only to be greeted by Bae? Where is the surprise?" You could really hear the annoyed tone in her voice. 

To calm Bom down Seunghyun grabs her hand and kisses her on the lips to shut her up at the same time. One by one everyone went inside 2ne1's practice room.

All of YG was there. 2ne1, Big Bang, Se7en, Psy, Tablo, Gummy, Jinusean, 1TYM, YG, and many other people. It took at least ten minutes for everyone to get inside the practice room.

Once everyone was in the room you could already see the couples being formed. YG looked at Ji and Bae giving them a smirk. Everyone was talking to one another trying to figure out what the "surprise" could be.

"Alright everyone queit down!" YG yelled which made the whole room quiet down. You could only hear the breathing from the people. He smiled and then continued on. "Anyways I called everyone here because of this surprise I said. First I want to thank everyone who came here and dropped what they were doing."

"Hyung can you just tell us what the surprise is." Seunghyun said. 

YG nodded his head and knew that everyone was on edge since this was the 'day' that Dara died. He had to speed everything up.

"Alright alright. I know everyone is irritated because they probably have had plans on celebrating Dara's death today, but this is exactly why I called everyone here today."

"So what do you plan?" Daesung said as he holds Minzy in his arms.

"Well I want to ask Minzy, Bom, and Chaerin if they can sing I Love You."

"Papa YG I don't think we can do that. We tried it before, but couldn't. We refused to sing any songs that had Dara in it. It just hurt to much." Chaerin expressed her thoughts. She got up from Ji's lap and went towards the girls. They looked at one another and nodded in agreement.

"I know it hurts, but maybe just this once you girls can sing it."

The girls hesistated, but they looked at each other one more time and knew that they couldn't avoid it forever.

"Ok." Bom said as she grabbed the mics and passed it to the rest of the girls. 

"But who will sing Dara's part?" Minzy said in a worried tone.

"We'll just keep it silent I guess." Chaerin said as the girls made their ways in front of everyone.

The girls were in front of the whole YG family getting ready to perform I Love You when suddenly YG stopped them.

"Wait. You guys don't have to dance. Just sing the song."

"Ahh. Ok then."

The girls just stood there with worried looks. Their bodies stiff frozen to the spot.

When you feel like there’s no way out
Love is the only way

Chaerin's voice was shakey. Tears fighting to break through as she heard the music starting.

Geudae nayegeman jarhejwoyo
Hangsang nayegema usojwoyo

Minzy sang with her eyes closed. She remembered all the times she had with Dara. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she pictured Dara's face smiling at her.

I said ooh~ jiltuhage haji mayo
Ooh jipchaghage haji mayo

Seeing Minzy cry Chaerin couldn't hold it in anymore and cried with her. She wiped her eyes, but more tears just kept coming out.

Ajik nan sarangi duryeowoyo
Ireon naege mideum-eul jwobwayo

Minzy had a hard time singing knowing that Dara's part was coming up. She tightened her fist as she felt herself breaking down. Even though she was breaking down she opened up her eyes to get ready for the silence.

I said ooh jiltuhage haji mayo
Ooh jipchaghage haji mayo

Chaerin looked over at the girls and saw that their faces were also stained with tears. They were getting ready for the part that will never come again. After Bom's part will just be silence.

I love you (I love u) uh uh uhu…
I love you (I love u) uh uh uhu…

Bom grabbed Minzy and Chaerin's hands as she sang her part. She faced the family who were crying at this point. They knew that after Bom's part would be Dara's. It wasn't only the girls who were crying, but everyone in the room. 

The girls got ready for the silence, but rather than the silence they were greeted by a voice. Not just anyone's voice, but Dara's.

Haru jongil geudae moseup jakku tteo-olla
Onjongil olliji ahneun jeonhwagiman tto jyeodabwa

Dara had came out from her hiding spot and sang her part. She showed herself to everyone and saw their surprised faces. After her part was suppose to be Minzy, but rather than continuing the song Minzy had let the background music go on. They all stared at Dara as she made her way into the middle right in front of the girls. She gave a small smile at the girls scared and nervous at the same time for their reaction. 

The girls were afraid to say or do anything thinking that if they did Dara will disappear and found it was just all an illusion. To break the silence Dara said something.

"I've missed you girls."

The girls covered their mouths realising that this wasn't a dream or an illusion. Dara was really there right in front of them alive and well. They rushed over to Dara giving her a hug. All you could see was the girls in a group hug and all you could hear was their sobs.

The rest of the YG family just watched the heart-warming reunion with tears flowing down their faces. No one dared to interrupt the girls. 

And just like that the YG family became whole again.


I'm so sorry I took so long to update this one. I've been busy with my other story and life. School is just a pain right now. Plus looking for work. And other things. 

So sorry. I hope you guys like this update. Also should I make this 4 chapters with a final or 3 chapters with a final.

Please subscribe if you haven't yet and comment on what you think or what I should improve on.

Thank you for reading and supporting me!

Love you guys <3333



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Oh my gosh I am so sorry I forgot to take it out of hiding >~< well here is the final chapter


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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 7: ayiieee thank God its a happy ending .. good job authornim
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 7: wow, am so happy with how you ended this story!
like what u said, Darayang isn't ending, though!
I don't know how to explain it, but, with all that's happening, I still strongly believe this pairing is real. And I'm not being delusional... I just have that strong feeling!
darayang4ever #3
Chapter 7: Made me cry knowing it's the end TT.TT
Lol we should a have a last chappy :3
Lol I LOVE the whole story!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
anonymousmysterious #4
Chapter 7: this story is so beautiful... loved it so much.... first of all thank u for updates but sad that the story has ended... u really are a great writer...
i thought u r going to let dara die this time but u didn't. loved the way u concluded the story...
ILuvTaeyang99 #5
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!!! I loved this fanfic! Authornim, this is officially my favorite story EVER!! I loved Goodbye as well as Forever Hello!! Thank you so much for writing such a brilliant fanfic, and I hope for more stories to come! I will support everything you do :D
Chapter 7: Yay! Dara's not dead! :D And I liked this story!
Chapter 5: Kya! I really hope that Dara won't die this time too... Please make her live! I'll be waiting for your update! I'm so excited for the final chapter!
Chapter 5: Omooooo... Another clifhanger °•(>┌┐<)•°!!! Authornim, u're killing all ur reader softly. Buhuhuhuhu what will happen to our cute santoki???? Will Ji be our knight or Bae? ╭(´̩ε `̩ )╮
anonymousmysterious #9
Chapter 5: first of all thanx for the update. i have been waiting for the update for long time.
now for the story, why did u have to kidnap or kill dara or put her into that situation? i hope she didn't die. don't tell me u r thinking to let her die this time for sure. plz don't do it. plz plz, don't let dara die.