Last Wish

She's still here



Everyone rushed out of the classrooms soon after the bell rang. I shuffled to the side, and waited for them to exit before me so I wouldn’t get pushed and shoved around. My face was still swollen from the crying before and it’s taking a while to recover. That’s why there were people staring at me weirdly. I don't cry all the time, but everyone just shoots me that look whether I am or not. Maybe it’s only me who’s overly irritated by everything.  


The hall was cleared in less than a minute. I finally tiptoed out the double doors.

"Klara!" Sammy was waving at me outside the gates as I quickly ran over thinking that she’s probably been waiting for ages.

"Why are you always the last to come out?"

"I just don’t like being crowded"

She gave a sympathetic nod, just remembering the incident earlier.

"Anyways, I got plans for today!" She chirped excitedly.

"What plans?"

"Just come with me!" She cheerfully skipped around the corner expecting me to be following her. I gave a loud sigh, brushed away the aching pain and strode along.


The streets were active with students from other schools hanging around. I emotionlessly trailed behind Sammy who was too busy munching on her lollies she just bought from a shop a minute ago.

"Yah Klas, you want some?" she offered while still chewing. I shook my head, not feeling entirely great.

"Don’t worry. We’re nearly there."

I gave her a brief smile trying not to look too bored. We kept walking silently, not spilling a word, like we’re drifting off to the extinction of this planet. My mind wouldn’t normally think so pessimistically. It’ll mostly be the mental symptoms of my illness, if there are any. Otherwise, it’ll just have to be my thoughts falling depressingly to the wrong side. Even if this is the case, I have no way of directing it back on the positive line. It would still be arduous to leave with a smile.


After almost half an hour of walking, the beach rolled into view.

"I'm cold" I murmured, not very enthused. She eyed me pathetically before she started beautifying it. 

"Now come on Klara, don’t give me that look. Have you even actually been to the beach before? It’s flipping amazing!"

"Yes, I have, on hot days."

She ran off towards the waves leaving me thinking how does she even run that fast with such a heaving school bag on her back. I watched as she grew smaller into the distance, with sand flicking back from her feet as she entered the beach. I slowly followed, even struggling to walk across the rutted shore carrying a bag, the weight of a rock.


Finally, I dumped my bag down behind her as she had already sat down on the edge of the wooden plank, waiting for me. I threw myself down beside her, finally getting a rest before she started complaining.

"Yah Klas, you made it! I thought I’d have to wait for another two days." I sighed.

"Sammy, I’m not very fit and I go even slower when some idiots just feel better after making me feel like ."


"Still you’re the one who ran off without me."

"Okay Klas, I’m sorry. I was joking." I gave a nonchalant nod as my eyes were already drawn to the horizon where the sky and the sea met, kind of wanting to fly to the end of the world and see what it's like, being inspired that it'll be where I go once my heart stops beating. But I know it's not.

Sometimes, I stare at her smile and wonder, whether she’s happy or not, her unusual jolly personality makes me wonder if that stunning smile of hers is a disguise to some unimaginable agony. Or her randomness could just be a distraction.

She starts kicking her feet in the water playfully as I lazily slipped off my school shoes and socks. I slowly sank my feet into the seemingly freezing water just realising it’s not as cold as I imagined and in fact, quite comforting. I spent quite a bit of time staring at it, not even knowing why it’s so amusing while Sammy was checking out some guys that were splashing and tackling each other.

"Oh my god Klas, look, the blonde one." I switched my attention to the group of guys, noticing the muscular blonde hair boy. He forcefully flicked his head to one side after being splashed to get water out of his hair. For once, I’ve managed to be successfully attracted to some random guy who I don’t even know. It feels partially awkward especially now that he has spotted our long enough stare to actually draw him over.

"Oh ! He’s coming over," she quickly turned her face away not making it too obvious, but slightly peeking over for curiosity.

"It's like you’ve never seen a guy before."

"Do you even know who I'm talking about?" I turned back to the water catching his beautiful eyes staring up at me. He wasn’t too white or tanned either, with a perfectly toned body. I couldn't really stop staring. Feelings are twisting around strangely, being surprised I'm nearly falling for someone like this other than Yesung.

"Annyeong. I’m Nichkhun. And you are….?"

"Oh, Klara. This is my friend Sammy," I flinched a bit. His voice turned out as charming as ever while Sammy still had trouble making eye contact without blushing.

"It’s nice to meet you." Wow. A perfect smile a girl could ever want from a guy like this. It was obvious of his attention being directed at me as he hasn’t given one glance at Sammy. Trying to break the connection, I looked down as well as avoiding the self-consciousness when I could sense the wave of overflowing jealousy right beside me.

"Um, you guys looked a bit bored here so I was wondering if you would like to…. –

Sammy’s eyes went bright and started nodding really fast with excitement. 

"You guys can go, I already have a boyfriend."

I had to cut her off no matter what, even when now she’s giving me that ‘wtf’ look.

His face went down.

"Alright, mianhae." I gave an embarrassing grin as I watch him slowly drift away before feeling a hard smack on my shoulder.

"Klas ah! Why did you do that? You know you just freed a heart melting diamond." I raised my eyebrows pathetically at her.

"Just making it clear, he wasn’t after you," I teased.

"No …I just feel bad for you girl."

I sighed, leaning back on my arms.

"There’s no need to."

"Right! Yeah I know Yesung’s the one."

I gave a certain nod, eyes still glued to the water.

"Just saying if it wasn't for him, you'd be a killer."

There was a complete silence before I spoke.

"I really need you to help me. You can't spill anything to him." a surprising stare escaped from her.

"And he'll wonder why you've mysteriously disappeared."

"Not if you tell him that I’ve ran off with another guy."

Her eyes widened, hesitating to speak like she had too much to say at once.

"No way I’m doing this for you."

I finally looked at her seriously.

"I will haunt you down."

"I don't care."

"Sammy. Please. It's my last wish."

She bit her lip while small tears slid down her pale cheeks.

"I’m only doing this because I love him," I wearily smiled hopefully to cheer her up so she could keep the promise. I placed my hands over hers as she breathed in through her little sobs.

"Guess I can't say no, since he’s always your number one priority."

"He’s not my number one." I gazed up into the clouds.

"He’s my only one."




Omg...i haven't written in a while....Sorry guys. Just went on holidays straight after exams last year and just came back today...sooooooooo yeah i haven't had time to write. I know this chapter is a bit long and boring but I will write better ;)

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blue_cloud #1
interesting story, can't wait for the next update
Chapter 5: Totally awesome please update soon okay i cant wait to read it....
Chapter 4: pleeeeeeeeeease write soon ;;
Chapter 4: awesome chap i love it..
Chapter 3: awesome chapter author-nim please update soon..
sounds awesome please update soon..