Mysterious Vision

She's still here

"Want some?" I offered my drink. She shook her head unhappily.

"What do you eat then?" I asked curiously.

"We don't."

The breeze came across my face. She ripped out the grass beside her like an unsatisfied child.

"That's unfortunate." I took another sip. "Never hungry?"

"No. I swallow, but the food doesn't go down..."

"I'm honestly not ready for that."

I'm really not. I fear what I can imagine. The lurking reality is what I'm completely blinded with and I'm just convinced to give up on everything, like my life was wasted. Sitting here not moving a muscle, because even doing nothing, ridiculously, will mean a lot to me. Every now and then I drift around places aimlessly, as if trying to take in all that I can, the last wondrous sensation of existing, and the worth of living. The most difficult thing is to erase my memory. The nights have extended, endless, and I lose sleep because I close my eyes, I see his face. Adorable and charming. And I fear that it will be my last sleep.


She threw the segments of grass up in the air as it rained down like small pieces of green feather.

"I feed the birds though."

I looked at her. "Watching someone eat while you can't... tis painful." I laughed.

"Mum taught me to give what I can't have."

I stared into her brown, round eyes.

“What I can’t have… I wish I had the time to give”. I took another slurp, before receiving weird glances from people walking passed. I put my phone to my ear before I kept talking.

“People talking to themselves… You don’t get to see that everyday,” she giggled.

“You’re lucky I can’t push you out into the sun,” I snapped. She looked at me, petrified. Laughing, I laid down on the cool grass. “I’m kidding.” I took a deep breath, listening to the trees, swaying above me. With the sun’s gleaming glow, a reflection of shimmer caught my eye across the road. That’s when my heart skipped a beat, seeing Yongguk step out of a car along with the others.

“Kill me,” I pulled my scarf over my face.


I closed my eyes, praying they don’t walk towards this direction. If they’re purposely following me, then maybe I’ll just walk onto the road and get hit.

“Are they still there?” I mumbled under the scarf. No answer. “Heyyyyyy,” I peeped out next to me. Katie didn’t move, like she was frozen, face pale. I noticed BAP was at the far end of the street. I let out a breath of relief, before being shot with an ear piercing scream. I jumped, seeing her shake, face filled with shock.

“What happened!?”

She kept screaming.

“Stop! Calm down! Tell me what happened,” I sat in front of her, as she gradually looked at me.

“I saw them,” out of breath, she was almost crying. I looked back, at BAP, Yongguk looking mad and yelling at one of his followers.

“Don’t worry, they can’t see us,”

“I saw it! It was the same as when it happened,” she squealed.

I stared into her squinting, watery eyes.

“What was the same?” I tried to calm her down. Breathing heavily, she put her hands over her head and cried in pain. I glanced above us, thinking maybe some sun travelled through the leaves and got to her, but we were fully covered. I noticed her spirit. Her body faded a little, but then went back to normal. It was like a blinking light. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I grabbed my bag.

“Come back in first!” She opened her eyes slightly, before her spirit faded into a light smoke, drifting back inside. I quickly zipped it closed. Frantically, I looked around, before picking myself up and rushed off.


I slammed the door shut, and plopped on the couch, opening my bag. Nothing happened.

“Katie, are you alright? Please come out.” Worried, I watched patiently. After a few slow seconds, a puff of smoke emerged from the bag, forming a silhouette right next to me. She looked better than before, a bit more colour and opaque. Although she still looked terrified.

“You scared me to death,”

She stared at me, still with those painful looking eyes.

“I saw it again,” she whimpered.

“Calm down. Slowly talk it through,” I placed the bag on the ground as she took a deep breath.

“The crash,”


“The accident that killed me,” she swallowed. “It was like a fast-forward replay of that exact moment.”

“Like a flashback?” I asked. She nodded.

“It’s never happened before. When I saw them, my head was hurting a lot.”

“You’ve seen them before?”

“I don’t know. I don’t remember.”

I looked down. BAP, always causing trouble.

“Don’t worry too much. Get some rest,”

She nodded slowly, still a little shocked. Although I can’t physically give her warmth, I smiled, “Just call me if you want anything.” She glanced at me, a weak expression of lost and hope. I wish I could give her a hug. Now that I’m slightly convinced BAP was somehow involved with her past, I have another reason to be more cautious. At this moment, not being able to do anything irritates me. I thought I should do something for Katie. If not, for myself at least. I realised, many things happen for me to find answers to and knowing I have such little time, I regret not knowing them when I had the chance.





Omg I haven't written in so long... SORRY :(

I almost forgot how to write this... As in like where this is going but I'm just letting it find it's way. But anyways, enjoy!!

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blue_cloud #1
interesting story, can't wait for the next update
Chapter 5: Totally awesome please update soon okay i cant wait to read it....
Chapter 4: pleeeeeeeeeease write soon ;;
Chapter 4: awesome chap i love it..
Chapter 3: awesome chapter author-nim please update soon..
sounds awesome please update soon..