It doesn't matter

No matter what


“Eun Jin!!! Come on!! Please come with me to my friend’s birthday party”

“Seol Ah! I told you I was busy, I really couldn’t”

Your little sister let out a frown, “But all their big sisters will be there”


You looked at your little sister who had a very cute hand me down dress from you, all prepped up.


“Fine! I’ll go”

“YEE! Hurry we’re gonna be late!” she giggled

“hmmm. Children’s party, jeans and shirt, yep! Comfy”  you smiled at the mirror


“I’m coming!” , “yippee”! She took your hand as both of rode the bus.


“Come in! Every one come in!”


You saw the party full of people, and their kids, everyone dressed in cocktail dresses, heels and make up.

It was THE biggest party you saw and you wondered how your sister gained a friend who was this rich.


“Seol Ah! Why didn’t you tell me this was a formal party!!” You whispered to her

“Cos’ you never asked?........but you still look beautiful Eun Jin” she smiled

“No one else would think so”

“Go ahead inside, I’ll just stay here and wait for you.”


Suddenly you saw the bartender at an alcohol booth outside, adult guests came out and took colourful shots. , The guy was so good at it and he smiled at everyone who came near to take a shot.


You looked at him and noticed how perfect his face was, his lips, his eyes, everything, suddenly he looked at you and your clothes and shot you a curious look.



After bartending, someone subbed him and he sat beside you, you wanted to leave but it was too late.


“HI, I’m Kris, What’s your name?”

“Eun Jin” You smiled.

“So Eun Jin? I guess you didn’t get the memo huh”


He stared at your jeans and t-shirt.


“It doesn’t really matter” You laughed. “How pathetic is it to celebrate a kid’s party like this?”


“It’s awful right? They even hired bar tenders like you, It’s a kid’s party”

“Yeah, I guess it is awful if you think of it that way”

“I mean… Her parents must have a lot of money but should they really show off like this?, All of this maybe cost as much as a one year fee for my school” you laughed. He looked at you and smiled a sad smile.

“Those people are really rich huh! Didn’t you get scared when you saw everyone look down on you when you came in”

“I came with my sister, she was very pretty, I don’t care if they look down on me, at least Seol Ah is happy”,  He looked away.

“You’re definitely right,  I even heard that, It took 3 weeks just to plan this party!”

“Really? That long? Geez”

“Hey! Come with me!” Kris held your hand

“Where?”, “Let’s just check out how exaggerated the party looks from inside”

“Huh?” He already dragged you in.

“WOW!, This is too much!” You saw everything decorated wonderfully and the celebrant was giving out a speech. 


~Thanks to all who came to my party! Especially the one who was responsible for all of this! My ever beloved one and only Oppa Kris!~


The spot light was on him and you wanted to let go of his hand, embarrassed that everyone looked at you as he put his arm around you.

“Don’t worry Eun Jin, You’re nothing to be ashamed of”




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Chapter 1: haha i dunno why, but that was cute. xD
i like that little kids don't tell you the full details. xD
you have to ask everything and they will tell you it all, and at the last minute when you finally realize it after you did not answer, they'll be like that "cause you didn't ask" . xD
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!!!