Chapter2: I Met You

It All Started On A Chuseok
There you were.Happily strolling briskly in the beautifully lighted park in Seoul.Neon lights were hung on the trees.Smell of fresh pine was inhaled into your lungs.You found an unoccupied bench and took a seat enjoying the beautiful and enjoyed the scenery of the city.If only somebody. just anybody can spent this wonderful holiday with you. You were so deep in your thoughts that you did not even realise someone calling out to you.You were only awaken by tapping on your shoulder "Excuse me?May I take a seat here?" A masculine yet prince-like face appeared in front of you. "S......Sure" you managed to stutter trying to recover from your shock.At first there were awkwardness between the both of you.But he gave in. "Ermm,I'm Peniel Shin Dong Geun.I'm from Chicago.Nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand allowing you to shake it. "I'm [Y/N],I'm from Canada.Pleased to meet you."You said easing up a little. After the introduction,you guys started chatting comfortably and the awkwardness around you and him started to disappear.There were laughters and at times confessions in your conversation.You soon felt safe with someone next to you.Both of you were so engrossed in the conversation that tou guys even forget about the time.You only noticed when you looked at your watch and it showed 23:10pm.You decided to take your leave when Peniel decided to walk you home as he thought that it would be dangerous for you to walk home alone when there are evil lurking in the dark. While you were walking happily,you suddenly felt another hand holding on to you.You turned to see who was it.It was Peniel!At first you were quite shocked about it,but soon got used to it. Soon,you reached the front of your doorstep.You fished through your pockets for your keys.You were about to turn around and ssay goodnight to Peniel,but instead you gave him a peck on his cheek.Aishhhh.You did not know what you were doing.Your cheeks instantly flushed red.So did Peniel's."Goodnight [Y/N]" he said sweetly.And you went into your house.You could not stop thinking about his face. Y/N] is so adorable.Her voice when she speaks sounds like a nightingale.Her laughter sounds like a little girl's.Her chocolate eyes and her blush.So Perfect. Aigoo we forgot to exchange numbers.Never mind.Since Hyungs would not be back untip next week,I shall bring her out for breakfast tomorrow."At the thought of all the plans for tomorrow,He started smiling like a Pabo. {A/N:Hello everyone!! How do you think of the story so far??Lots of thanks to the subscribers!!I promise you for faster updates and better stories^^}
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BloodAndRoses #1
I hope everyone enjoyed the story i written. Thank you fo being so patient for me to update.Sorry for late updates... (:
Chapter 2: I really like it! Keep updating! Fighting~