I love you

Of innocent maknaes and not so innocent kisses

All of us were tired as we slumped into our allocated seats in the car, Minho at the front, Jonghyun and Key at the middle because they were almost joined at the hip (sometimes literally but I don't want to talk about that Coz it's awkward as hell!), which leaves me and Taemin to sit at the very back. I didn't really mind this seating plan. Actually, if I were to be truthful I preferred the backseat. I could take the much needed naps without getting disturbed also Taemin being my seat-mate helped as well. I mean he was the only one who would let me nap through the ride, never throwing hissy-fits like key or nagging me to play stupid games on their phones like Jjong and Minho. He was always quiet and would snuggle closer to me, making me feel all warm and comfy. It feels right to cuddle with him, it feels safe and warm. By now I'm so used to falling asleep against him that when we actually reach home and fall back on our separate beds, I sometimes feel a bit empty.
Even today he scooted closer to me, laying his tiny head on my chest, as soon as we got into the car. I wrapped my arms around him protectively and muzzled on the crown of his head, he smelled of banana milk, the shampoo I got for him a few weeks ago because of his crazy obsession with the drink. He was the baby of our group so obviously we liked to spoil him rotten.
'Tae you should just use this shampoo from now on, it suits you.' I murmured against his hair, making some ruffle with my breath.
He was too tired to speak so he merely nodded, rubbing his cheeks on my chest on the process. Did I tell how amazing it felt to have him wrapped around me? Yeah I guess I did!
Anyhow, so there we were cuddling like we always do when Key decided that it would be a good idea to exhibit some public display of affection in front of our innocent maknae. Forget him, even I don't wanna witness their 'Jongkey moments' as the fans call it.
When I first heard the muffled moans and giggles, it didn't click on my mind that what was taking place on the seat in front of me. I just ignored it and snuggled closer to Tae. It was Tae who first showed his unease. He wriggled on his place and suddenly turned his head, possibly to find the source and reason of the moans, and took a sharp intake of breath. This made me curious too and I peeked through my eyes and instantly they grew bigger. The scene in front of me left me dumb founded. Through the space between the seats I could clearly see Key's lips crashed onto Jjong's and it was as if they were trying to eat each other's faces off. It wasn't just a small peck on lips but a full blown kiss with hungry movements and tongues battling around for dominance. It was very ual to say the least, and in front of Taemin too.
My hand instinctively went up to cover our maknae's innocent eyes, trying block out the lustful image of his hyungs. With the other hand I turned his head around so it was hidden on my chest and coughed, loudly. But they didn't seem to get my message so I coughed louder.
'Ehem!' still no response. They were in their own world by then, latching onto each other's hair and like there's no tomorrow. Had they no shame? They should know better that some things are to be hidden behind their shared dorm rooms and definitely hidden from the maknae.
I kicked the back of their seat as the last resort and that got their attention, finally! The diva turned around, glaring at me. If menacing glares could kill, I would probably be dead by now.
'What?' he demanded in a shrill voice, still out of breath from that kiss, who wouldn't be?
I faltered a little bit at his glare but stood my ground.
'Not in front of Taeminnie.' I simply said and indicated towards the slight form curling against me. 'Don't scar the poor boy for life.'
Key just scoffed at that and muttered,
'He's not a kid anymore, and he can handle it. I bet he's already had his first kiss anyway.'
'Hyung...stop.' Taemin shot up from his position and tried to reach Key's mouth but he was too far away, his face a shed of scarlet red.
Key's words hadn't surprised me as much as Taemin's actions. Why did he react as such? Did that mean that what Key presumed was true? And more importantly why was it bothering me? It didn't make sense, not at all.
Both Key and Jjong had seemed to have gotten the idea and they kept their skin-ship at the minimal throughout the rest of the ride, only holding hands. As for Taemin he had scooted over to the other side of the seat, looking away out through the window, leaving me to my crazy thoughts. An alien crunching sensation was crawling up my stomach as I tried to imagine Taemin locking lips with someone else. It just wasn't right.
It's because Taemin was the baby of the group and as the leader I felt responsible for him. I tried to reason with myself but I knew deep inside that that wasn't it. It wasn't just a leader worrying about his dongsaeng or a hyung about his maknae, it was different. And it irritated me.
As we reached our dorm, Jjong and Key locked themselves on their room, obviously carrying on with where they left off in the car. Minho just grabbed his gym bag and left, muttering a,
'I'm gonna workout.' This left me and Taemin alone on the rest of the dorm.
It was the most awkward we've ever been, neither of us knowing what to do or say. It was Taemin who broke the silence, well actually his tummy did. It growled to let us know that he was hungry, making him blush and me secretly smile.
'I'll get something to eat.' I muttered as I quickly shot up to go to the kitchen and was stopped by slender fingers restraining my wrist.
'Hyung, can we talk first?' Taemin’s soft voice made my heart do a somersault. I quickly snatched away my wrist, instantly feeing guilty because of Tae's saddened face.
'we can talk while we eat, ne?'
'no hyung! We got to talk now. I wouldn't be able to gather up my courage to say this again.'
My heart was thrumming by then. What the he'll was so important that it could not wait for a few minutes? His voice and almost serious face scared me, what the hell did he want to talk about? Is it about his love life? His first kiss? All these thoughts were swirling on my brain and making my heart clench. I didn't wanna know.
'Hyung! Are you listening to me?' His voice pulled me back to reality. I looked blankly at Tae and said,
'Sorry what were you saying?'
He sighed and whispered,
'hyung, I said I think I'm in love and it doesn't make sense.' he hid his face on his palms.
My heart was crumpling, making it hard to breath. I was right; it was about his love life. My Tae fell in love, my baby Tae.
'it doesn't make sense because he's so clumsy and so goofy. He's so adorable and childish even though he's supposed to be the older. He's so polite and gentle, he's so brotherly but I can't stop my heart beating faster when he's around. I can't stop my breath hitching every time he smiles. I know he'll never love me back but my stupid heart won't listen....what should I do hyung?' he was crying now and all I wanted to do was to wrap him in my arms and kiss his pains goodbye. I took steps toward him until I towered over him and slowly pulled his shaking form in my arms.
'Shh baby it's okay. It'll all be okay.' I said soothingly even though inside a storm was destroying me. I could not comprehend the reason why I was reacting xo drastically to this but Tae was more important now, he was always more important.
'he would never love back hyung, he treats me like a little kid, what should I do?' he cried.
'don't cry Tae, no one can refuse you, unless they are absolute morons. Tell me who he is and I'll sort it out...' I promised.
He looked up, staring straight at my eyes and said,
'you promise?' making me smile. I ruffled his hair and said,
'yes! I promise.'
He tiptoed and came closer to my face. He's probably gonna whisper it in my ears, I thought buy I was left thunderstruck at what happened next.
A pair of soft lips crashed onto mine, Taemin's lips to be exact. It was a chaste kiss, tasting of his salty tears but it was a kiss nonetheless. I didn't know what to do and just stood there, eyes wide open, heart beating faster than ever, butterflies fluttering their beautiful wings in my stomach.
He slowly pulled away from me, eyes darting to the floor straight away and whispered,
'it's you hyung. I love you.'
My mind exploded. Taemin loved me! My Taemin lived me and if felt amazing. Then I realised what that uneasy feeling was, I was jealous and I was in love with him too; and nit the brotherly kind of love. I painted myself into Taemin, making both of our forms fall onto the couch as I placed fluttery kisses all over his face, whispering,
'I love you too, Minnie.' tears of happiness rolling down my eyes.
He smiled I into my kisses and wrapped his arms around me.
'really? I'm glad hyung... Really really glad.' he cried before he lay he'd onto my lips, making both of us moan.
A loud cough made us dart away from each other. We were so busy in our own little bubble of happiness that we hadn't noticed the slight figure leaning onto the door frame of Jongkey’s room.
A smirk graced his sharp features as he merely winked at us and went back into his room.
We just sat there with identical idiotic smiles in or faces. I reached to his hands and intertwined them, lacing my fingers into his and smiling down at how perfectly they fit.
'I love you.' we both said in unison and laughed as we snuggled closer.


Lame endding is Lame.

Anyway....hi readers, I wrote  this just for you guys at three in the morning (me and my insomnia ¬_¬) because I usually get mt OTP feels at late nights....


And yeah so I was like hiding under my blankets, typing this up on my i-pod...and it fell on my face so that explains the incoherance....and now i'm finally gonna go sleep..at 1:10 in the afternoon.....anyong....



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pyeonha #1
memories are sad
love your fic!! it's great!
sofie93 #3
Chapter 1: Aww
Chapter 1: amazing, I love this so much, it's so cute, and totally adorable, just like them; fantastic job. <3
phiiee #5
Chapter 1: Ahh all the feels ♥
This is soo cute! And sheesh, Jongkey can't contain their hormones lol. I'd love to see them making out tho .___.
Anyways, thank you for sharing!
mintytokki #6
Chapter 1: gaaaah~ so much squishes^^
Ontae in their own world full of ♡s fluttering yeah ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 1: awwwwww. i love cute OnTae!!!
darkangel11421 #8
Chapter 1: NAWW!! T'WAS CUTEE!! xD