
The One For Me

A Year Later…


“Yeah!! We’ll be graduating soon!!!” Ryeowook kept on saying and shouting about your upcoming graduation which is 3 months away. And you were just sitting quietly on your chair.

“You are thinking about Kyuhyun, aren’t you?” Yesung asked. He’s right, you’re thinking about Kyuhyun. Your relationship went good but unfortunately, he died on an accident. You felt guilty for not making him happy while you were together.

“Move on EunJa. I think Kyuhyun will be happy if you’ll move on. Don’t be sad, Kyuhyun doesn’t like to see you sad… I’m pretty sure, that you did love him, right?”

The answer is Yes. You loved him, even if you both knew that you still love Heechul. But at least you were happy together. You’re not just made for each other. You were thinking about Kyuhyun, when Ryeowook suddenly interrupted your thoughts by mentioning you past boyfriends.

“I remember her first boyfriend. Uhmm….What’s his name again?....AH!!!! SIWON!!.” Ryeowook exclaimed. “The hot guy with abs.”

“The second one is Kang In …. And –“ Yesung said.

“Aniyo! It’s ShinDong, the chubby guy. Kaang In is the fourth one.” Ryeowook cleared out. “Ah yes. The fifth one is Hangeng, the handsome Chinese guy. He taught EunJa some of those words, that’s why she talks to Heechul in Chinese. And the last one is Leeteuk, the angel-like guy.” Yesung said.

“I wonder, Who’s going to be the 7th one..” But before they knew it, you left the both of them and went at the rooftop. You go there to smoke. Before you could light up the tip of the cigarette, someone stole it form you. You turned around and saw Heechul eyes widened.


“Smoking is bad, you know.” He said to you.

“It’s none of your business. And who are you to scold me? We’re not friends.” You said. Heechul realized it. “If you don’t give back that cigarette, you’re dead!!”

“Oh…Are you sure?? You can do that??” Heechul smirked.

“Give me that cigarette or else you’re ---“ Before you could finish your sentence, he kissed you. You wanted to kiss back but you didn’t. You weren’t sure if you still have feelings for him. You pushed him away and you slapped him hard and ran away from him.


Heechul was walking on the road alone, and then someone grabbed him and dragged him inside the van. It was his father’s men who drag him. His step dad followed him in Korea. Heechul escaped from his mom and Step Dad when he heard that they’ll be arranging a marriage for him to a chineses girl, so he decided to escape and went to Korea.

Finally, they reached to his parent’s hotel room. “It’s been two years since your mom and I haven’t seen you. And I heard that you’re studying well. That’s great.” His stepfather said.

“So, after your graduation we’re going back to China and you will marry our business partners’ daughter.” His mom said.

“But Mom. Dad I---“


“No more But’s Son!” In the past he always did whatever his parents would tell him. He can’t say “No” against his parents. But now, He’s already old enough to make his own decision.

“But I love somebody and I don’t want to marry that girl you’re saying!! I’d like you to meet her on Sunday. Whether you like her or not, I still want you to introduce her.”



“Eonnie!!! Help!!” Your sister MinJi called you. You were inside your room doing homework.

“Wae?? What’s wrong?” You went out of your room to check what’s happening.

“Mom fainted and I can’t wake her up!” MinJi said.

“Let’s bring her to the hospital!!” You said in panic. You brought your mom hurriedly towards the Hospital. The doctor said that your mom has a disease and it needs to be cured immediately, but you don’t know where you could get some money, your family is only a poor one. You decided to leave the Hospital and find a way to earn money but you failed. You went home very tired and frustrated, you need to help your mom because you love her so much.

Later that evening, someone knocked on your door. You opened it and saw Heechul. “What are you doing here?” You asked. The way you asked makes him feel that you don’t want to see him.

“I’ve heard what happened to your Mom..” He said with a tone of concern and pity.

“And So? It’s not your family so don’t interfere.”

“I can help, if you’ll just let me.” You didn’t reply to what he said. “Okay, I’ll just go. But if you need my help, I’m just here. Call me”

You thought about it. If you’ll accept his offer you wouldn’t need to find money somewhere, and if you’ll accept his offer it’ll maybe the start of your new friendship. So you called Heechul changing your mind and accepting his offer.

“But there are consequences that you have to do.” Heechul said. You regretted that you accepted his offer, what kind of consequence would he give to you?

“Mwo??!?! What consequences???” You asked him.

“First, you have to be my girlfriend..”

“Oh.. Ok I need to be your… What???!! GIRLFRIEND!!??/ Are you crazy??” Before you could ask another question Heechul left your house leaving you there still in your shocked expression.



“Annyeonghasaeyo EunJa!!” Ryeowook greeted you the next morning. “Congrats!! Your mom is alright now!. I’m so happy for you.”


“Really??!! She..She’s ok now??” You were surprised to hear this good news from your friend. Ryeowook looked at you confusingly.


“Of course!! It feels like you don’t know??” He said.


“Ah..I’m just happy that she’s fine.” You lied. “Maybe Heechul did this.” You whispered.


“What was that?”


“Aniyo! Aniyo! Nothing..”


“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow at school!!!” With that Ryeowook left your house. Before you could shut the door you saw Heechul outside.


“Have you heard about the news?” He asked you.


“Ne. Neomu Kamsahamnida!” You said. And you remembered about the consequence. Heechul did his part, now it’s your turn.


“So you’re now my girlfriend..” He stated and you just nodded. You have nothing to do with that, but on the other side.. you would love to.


“Come on!!!” Heechul held your hand and pulled you outside your house.


“Where are we going?” You asked.


“The next consequence is, you’ll have to meet my parents. So come on, I’ll take you to the mall to buy some clothes.” You were about to say something but before you could open your mouth.. “Don’t worry about your mother; your sister is there to take care of her.”


You and Heechul went to the mall. He bought you a lot of clothes but you only needed one. You tried one dress, the White one.


“Wow! You’re so beautiful. I like it!” Heechul complimented your look. You blushed infront of him and it’s really embarrassing. You rode on Heechul’s car and you were only five minutes away to the hotel.


“Heechul, stop the car.” You said.


“Why?” He asked, the car still moving.


“Just stop!!” You yelled at him, and the next word that you said.. “Jebal..” You pleaded then it stopped.

“Wae? Are you nervous?” He asked you, you nodded. He held your hand. “There’s no need to be. If they won’t like you I don’t care. Whatever happens, I’m just here, I’ll protect you.” He said while pulling you closer to kiss your forehead.


You arrived at the hotel where his parents staying at. You entered the room and saw his parents sitting in the living room. You two sat down. It was a quiet and awkward atmosphere that surrounds you that time, But Heechul’s step dad broke it.


“Heechul, can we talk? Follow me.” His dad invited him for a private talk while you were left alone in the living room with his mom. His mom seems to be kind.


“What’s your name?” She asked you while smiling.


“Seo EunJa, Ma’am” You introduced yourself politely.


“So you’re my son’s girlfriend…”


“Yes Ma’am.” You answered politely.


“Stop calling me Ma’am you’re too formal. Just call me Mom instead since your my son’s girlfriend.” But before you could answer, Heechul suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.


“Mom, Dad were leaving” He said. You don’t know what’s happening right now. “And by the way, EunJa and I are getting married next month. We’re so excited so we didn’t wait for the graduation day.” You left the hotel and he drove you to the park.


“Take me home Heechul. I haven’t brought my money so take me home now.” He didn’t listen to you, he walked you to the park, holding your hand.


“My parents liked you…but dad wasn’t happy when I told him that we’re getting married.”


“I thought you’re just kidding about that thing.” You said, but you don’t know that Heechul was serious.


“That’s the next consequence…” He knelt down in front of you and pulled a ring. “Will you marry me?”


You still love him, even after all the years you weren’t in good terms. “Yes, Heechul.” He inserted the ring on your finger. He stood up and hugged you tightly.


“Come on, I’ll show you my apartment.” Heechul said and he took you to his apartment. You found out that his apartment has only one room, so it means you have to sleep with him on the same bed but you remember that it’s late in the evening..


“I’m going home Heechul” You said.


“No, starting from now…you’re going to stay here with me.” He announced.


“But..what about mom and MinJi?” You asked.


“They both knew about it I told them yesterday and they said, it’s alright as long as your with me. So go and fix your things now.”


“Okay..” You replied shortly and entered his room. You started to unpack your clothes inside the bag. Heechul sat beside you.


“The consequence isn’t over yet.” He said.


“What’s that? Tell me.” He move so close to you and whispered into your ears.


“I want you” Those words made you shiver. Did he just wanted to…you know? Then he stood up. “I’ll just take a bath first. Be ready, okay?”

“You froze into your place. You don’t know what to do. You feel hot even though it’s cold outside. You were thinking about the words that Heechul said earlier and you haven’t recognized that he’s already finished taking a bath. Then you felt someone crawling behind you. You know that it’s Heechul. He touched your hair and it went down to your shoulder.


“Do you actually think I would do it?” Heechul asked and moved away from you. You stood up and gave him a cold stare.


“That thing isn’t funny!!!” You yelled at him. Heechul started to laugh.


“So.. you mean we should do it?” He asked teasingly. You ignored his question, you can’t give an answer, and the worst thing is you were blushing madly in front of him.


“EunJa you know I can wait for that.” His stopped laughing as he saw you looking serious and you were not in the mood for joking. He thought you were annoyed at him and because of that he lied down the bed quietly and you noticed this. You lied beside him and hugged him.


“Heechul, what’s wrong?” You asked him.


“Are you mad at me?” He answered back with another question. “I’m just kidding, you know.”


“Of course not. I’m sorry Heechul.” You apologized and kissed his lips. He gladly kiss back. “saranghaeyo Heechul” You said as you broke the kiss.


“Nado Saranghae Eunja” He whispered and the two of you went to dreamland.



“WHAT??!!?!? Oh my gosh!! Since when?” Ryeowook asked you the next morning at school.

“Just yesterday.” You said while smiling cutely.

“What happened yesterday?” Yesung asked as he entered the classroom.

“You wouldn’t believe this Yesung, really.”

“What’s about yesterday? Wait--- Before you could tell it, I want you to calm down your nerves Wookie.. please calm down okay??” Yesung said, rubbing Ryeowook’s back.

“Ne..” He take a deep breath and… “EunJa and Heechul is ENGAGED!!!” He shouted.

“I told you to calm down!.” Yesung hit Ryeowook’s forehead. Now the whole class knows.

“Wookie, this is just a secret but now everyone knows about it.” You said. Then Heechul entered the classroom.

“It’s fine, I will be happier if the whole world know about it.” Heechul said while wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

“You never invited her on a date yet or even courted her” Ryeowook rolled his eyes.

“Just wait Wookie.” Heechul said.



Before you went home you notice a note on your desk saying:

                “Meet me at the music room NOW!”

                                Love, Heechul

You went to the music room; you were surprised because the whole room was decorated with hearts and balloons. There was no sign of Heechul in the room, but there’s a note above the piano saying:


  I’m not good at decorating, but I hope you’ll appreciate it.

I love you.. I always will and always do.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you,

only you and also with our future children.

I promise not to hurt you again.

I’ll be at your side always. 

I’m just yours forever…

                                                                                          Love Heechul <3


You cried after reading the note. Then you felt something warm that hugged you from behind.

“You’re supposed to be smiling not crying.” He said. “Come on let’s play the piano” He dared you, if you’ll miss a note, you will kiss him. But you were so confident, you said that you’re the best and you won’t miss any notes. You started to play the piano, and you were really confident. But your confidence ruined everything because you missed 3 notes.


“So…the best huh? Can I get my kiss now?” He smirked. You suddenly stood up and ran away from him.


“Haha!” You did a cute aegyo “If you can catch me..” Heechul tried to catch you but you were a fast runner. Then suddenly, Heechul stumbled down the floor. You stopped running.


“Heechul!! Wake up!!” You tapped his cheeks.


“Gotcha!!!HAHA! You fall for it!!!” Well he just did that because he couldn’t catch after you.


“Yah! That’s not good.” You scolded him.


“Well, you missed 3 notes and I caught you so that means you owe me a kiss.” He smirked again.


“That’s unfair! You’re so---“ Before you could finish your sentence he kissed you. You were shocked but you decided to kiss back.


“I love you.” He said between your kisses.


“I love you too, Heechul”




Well That Ends it :)) I hope you'll enjoy the story ^^

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Chapter 3: I love the story !!! >.<
Chapter 3: awwww >w< thanks author-nim