CHAP-III "Flashbacks"

When It's Christmas

Your POV-

I noticed Sehun goes by the same bus as I do. It gave me a good feeling. Just by looking at him, I feel shy. And his elder sister, Victoria, is studying in our school only, she’s just gone to Japan for representing our school in Quiz, and will be back next week. His younger sister is the friend of Luna’s sister. Whoa~ she was always around me but I never recognized her -_-‘’

It’s been 4 days we started our exams, tomorrow will be the last exam. Yes!

“Luna, is it true you like Sehun?” I teased Luna, because they are good friends.

“Are you crazy?!”

“NO. But I think you do.”

“Hell No”

“Then maybe he does.”


“He does! Then why would he tease you every time.”

“That’s his hobby. I can’t help it.”

“Liar! You two like each other.”

“No way!”

“Then I think you and Jonghyun should hook up”

“Jonghyun is a friend, about whom I’d never think that way.”

“But he cares too much for you.”

“Are you really nuts?”

“I’m not interested in any of them.”

Actually, I was checking whether Luna feels anything for Sehun. Because their story is quite considerable.


‘God, that day Sehun was acting so weird. He came to me and hung his arm around my shoulder and was saying I’m the first girl to whom he hung his hand’ Luna said to me.

~flashback ended~”

Even if they don’t look at each other with romantic points, I bet they feel something for each other L

Sehun didn’t message me since the first time he did. And Jongin is being so pathetic; I still don’t know what to do. It seems like he really likes me a lot. But I’ve made up my mind; I’ll wait for Sehun to feel something for me.

We arrived school. And went to our respective classes. Soojung told me, she has a new boyfriend.

“Really? What’s his name?”

“Lee Byunghun.”

“How does he look? Cute? Handsome? Manly? Tell me more.”

“He’s perfect. But I don’t like him for real, just time-pass.”

“That’s mean! When I’ll have a boyfriend, I’ll be serious with him.”

“It’s no use, babe. Boys always hurt!”


Soojung reminded me of my past.


‘You are my first love. I don’t wanna lose you.’ I said to Myungsoo.

‘I love you.’ That was what he said after that.

It was raining, and we had no umbrella. So, we ran toward a tree and stood there. The atmosphere was such; he pulled my chin and kissed me. It was my very first kiss.

‘I’m his present girlfriend. He told me you guys already broke.’ Jiyoung said to me, I was totally blank. I trusted Myungsoo so much that I didn’t bother to believe what Jiyoung was saying.

And one day, me, Jiyoung and Myungsoo met up together.

‘Is it really true that you’re dating her?’ I asked him. And all he did was, he held jiyoung’s hand in front of me and said,

‘Yeah, we like each other’ after hearing that, I ran away from that area, and cried out my heart.

~flashback ended~”

Today’s paper was quite good, I hope I pass. Myungsoo’s memories were still running in my head. It is really difficult to forget the first love. But I’ve moved on, I just need to focus on my present.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize Sehun was sitting by me.

“Jinri ya, do you have money right now?” Luna asked me.

“Eh? No, I don’t.”

“Sorry, Se (nick-name given to Sehun) ~” Luna said

“It’s okay.”

He did not even look at me. What a life!



When Luna got home, her mom was standing right at the door.

“What happen? You look mad.” Luna asked.

“Shut up and come inside quickly, I have to make your mind right!” she was very mad.

Both sisters looked at each other with clueless and worried face.

“Are you still seeing that Japanese guy?!”

“Omma.” Luna said it in low voice.

“Don’t you dare lie to me. I have the proof” she showed the text message He sent in Luna’s phone.

“So what! He loves me and I do too. Does race mean everything? Omma, he being Japanese is not his fault. Difference between races is not a sin”

“Don’t lecture me! I’m your mother; I know what is right and what is wrong for you. I’ve also been through you age. I know the world more than you”

“But… You still need to civilize your mind.” With that Luna snatched her phone and ran to her room.

She cried the whole night. This is her very first love, and her first boyfriend. She didn’t want to fall in love, but after meeting him, she forgot her principle and fell for him.


One evening, when Luna was coming home from school, she heard somebody shouting,


She didn’t look back.

“Oi!!! You! That girl in uniform!’

She looked back and saw a group of four guys.

‘THIS BOY LIKES YOU’ and they pulled that guy’s hand made him wave at her. Luna got confused and ran from there.

The next day, those four guys sang a song from the balcony.

‘You don’t know. Uh-oh,

You don’t know you’re beautiful, uh-oh-oh

That’s what makes you beautiful.’

After singing that line, the guy standing in the middle waved his hand, the same guy from the previous day. Luna just bowed her head little and ran off from there. And when she reached home, she smiled herself thinking about the incident.

‘Cute’ she said to herself.

She told her sister about it, and she told her that

‘I know. They always give treat, because I’m your sister.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’

‘And that guy who likes you cannot speak fluent Korean, he’s so funny.’

‘Oh? He isn’t Korean?’

‘I think so…’

After few days, Luna was coming from market when a someone came and whisper I her ear.

‘Hey, pretty, want help?’ he whispered.

Luna turned back and got frightened. She shook her head.

‘No, I’m okay. Thanks.’

But he refused and carried her bags for her.

‘I’m Takeru. Takeru Nohara.’

‘I am…’

‘Luna. That’s your nick-name, right?’

I nodded.

‘Don’t mind whatever my friends say’

‘Yeah.’ I nodded again.

‘Sorry, I kind of t Korean’

‘Eh? It’s okay. You speak quite well.’

He smiled. And it gave a mini-heart attack to Luna, she was amused.

They became friends and started talking in phone, and hanging out together.

And when did they start falling for each other, they themselves didn’t realize it.

~flashback ended~”


Your POV-

“Jinri, what am I lacking, tell me please. I’ll be what you want me to be.” Talking on phone with Jongin.

“You don’t lack anything. I just don’t feel for you.”

“Eh? That makes no sense.”

“It does! In a relationship, love should come from both sides. Only the one-sided love is not enough”

“I know. But you can grow feelings for me afterwards also.”

“Don’t force me, please. I’m confused myself.”

“I’m no forcing you. It’s you wish, reject me, I’ll wait, accept me, I’ll love you more.”

“Jongin ah, There are more girls, why only me?”

“Because you got a unique charm, which I just can’t stand from falling for you.”

“Charm? Jongin! You’re really funny.”

“Why do you always think that things are jokes?”

“I don’t know. I think you should give up on me already.”


We had a long talk, and I didn’t realize when did I fall asleep.

Night passed, Next day came, our final exam.

It was not that well. As soon as I came out from the exam hall, I saw a guy; I think he is a Sunbae. He had a very cute smile, and innocent eyes, I couldn’t stop staring at him. Funny thing is that, he has curly huge hair. He caught me staring at him, Oh My God. I acted as if I know nothing and ran away from there.

But the main thing was, today something weird happened in the bus.

‘YAH! Mina ya, give that back to me!!! You’re a dead bird.” I yelled at Mina, because she took my i-pod.

“Come and catch me first.”

“You little devil!!!” I let her go; I didn’t bother to run after her.

Luna asked me,

“What are you going to do with Kai?”

“I don’t know. I’m kind of confused.”

“Be careful, he’s quite a playboy.” I nodded.

“What about You and Sehun?”

“YAH!!! CHOI JINRI! There is nothing between he and me.”

“You know what, I find Sehun better than Kai.”

And shoot! Mina heard that line, and teased me

“You like Sehun? Wait I’ll tell him now.”

“Pabo! It’s not like that.”

“No no, he is my friend, he will believe me only. I’ll tell him you said ‘I love you’.”

“Jung Mina! Don’t you dare say anything to him.”

She didn’t listen to me and went to Sehun and told him something but I didn’t know.

Luna looked back and shouted,

“Oh Sehun!”

“I know what you are going to say. Tell your friend it is real.”

“MWO? Don’t listen to Mina, she’s faking.”

“She didn’t say anything.”

“Then go to hell.”

I wonder what Sehun was trying to say ‘Tell your friend it is real’.

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Chapter 5: This story is to good for me to read..:D
I hope you update soon!!