CHAP-II "That awkward Feeling"

When It's Christmas

Your POV-

Jongin is not that handsome as in facebook. -_-“

Another surprise was, our monthly test is starting on Monday. I have only two days to study.

But what will I study! I have no notes nor do I know what to study.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I went to my room after dinner.

Hmmmm,,,, I logged in facebook.

Kim Jongin: Why didn’t you talk to me today?

Jinri Sulli: I was shy.

Kim Jongin: Why? Got feelings for me or what?

Jinri Sulli: Hell NO!!! I’m shy to people I meet for the first time.

Kim Jongin: Oh, Is it… then next time, I’ll talk to you first.

Jinri Sulli: Kay,,, Sure.

Kim Jongin: Had your dinner already?

Jinri Sulli: Even going to sleep…

Kim Jongin: Waaaaaa??? Why so early?

Jinri Sulli: I don’t know :P We always sleep early.

Kim Jongin: I usually sleep at 12 or 1 am.

Jinri Sulli: BAD BOY!

Kim Jongin: As if!

Jinri Sulli: Whatever. Study for you test.

Kim Jongin: No. First tell me you love me too.

Jinri Sulli: Go and Study.

Kim Jongin: Pabo! Tell me please. Accept me.

Jinri Sulli: I’ll tell you next time.

Kim Jongin: No, NOW!

Jinri Sulli: Good Night, I’m sleeping now… Sweet dreams~



On the other hand, Luna’s love life was in a mess. Her mother rejected her boyfriend, just because he was Japanese. Her mother was totally against it. But Luna never let anybody know about how she feels. She was a decent girl, rarely shares secrets and studious.

Kim Jongin (Kai) was a kinda playboy. But was very friendly and kind. He and Luna are relatives.

Kai didn’t give up, everyday he message you and tries to win you. But always fails.

Exam day came. And you were blank and clueless about your paper. But Luna was confident; she knew she can do it.

You almost cried while giving the test, You hardly knew one or two answer. With a disappointed face You sat in bus. You was very quiet that day. And then,

Sehun came and talked to Luna. You felt something different that time. You started liking him from that first sight. You couldn’t refuse to look at him. But Sehun didn’t respond to You.

As usual, after dinner You logged in facebook.


Your POV:

Honestly, Sehun is handsome. He has changed a lot.

I logged in my facebook. I got a surprise. There was a message from Sehun.

Oh Sehun: Hi!

Jinri Sulli: Hey!

Oh Sehun: I saw you in school.

Jinri Sulli: But I know you already.

Oh Sehun: Really??? How?

Jinri Sulli: We were in same colony in Busan.

Oh Sehun: When? Sorry I can’t recall about you.

Jinri Sulli: Nevermind. We never even talked.

Oh Sehun: If Jongin asks you out, just tell him YES and hang out with him.

Jinri Sulli: He kind of asked me out already. But I guess he’s just kidding around.

Oh Sehun: No, he really likes you. Just accept him.

Jinri Sulli: Whatever. I won’t YES him, I already have plans.

Oh Sehun: You like someone else?

Jinri Sulli: Uhm, no, but I don’t have feelings for Jongin. So I don’t want to hook up with him.

Oh Sehun: Your wish. But remember, he likes you.

Jinri Sulli: Okay, so good night.

Oh Sehun: Good night to you too!

My plan is that, I’ll make you mine (Sehun), no matter what. I remember, when we were in Busan, he was so fatty and so young. He’s grown a lot, and gone handsome too. I wonder where his sisters are.

But I feel sad for Jongin, if I reject him now Sehun may hate me and stop talking to me. And if I accept him, Sehun may not give me any d_mn. Argh! What a trouble.

I took out my book and was studying, even though nothing was going in my head. And Jongin rang up.

“Yeoboseyo”, I said.

“It’s me Kai. What cha doing now?”, He answered.

“I was studying. You?”

“Was thinking about you.”

“Sheesh. Aren’t you studying for tomorrow?”

“Not in mood. I wanna talk with you.”

“So, say.”

“I really like you, Jinri.”

“I know.”

“So, YES or NO to me!”

“Next time, not today.”

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

“Good boy”

“I can wait till the end.”

“You and your dialogues”

“Dialogues are related to real life.”

“I agree.”

“Just accept me. I’ll never hurt you, I’ll be loyal. I’ll make you feel the happiest girl.”

“Have you eaten your meal?” I wanted to escape from that moment.

“Not yet. What about you?” I could feel he was upset.

“Even going to sleep.”

“Why so early?”

“Because we have school tomorrow. Plus, sleeping early is good”

“Amen. First answer me YES then, go to sleep!”

“Don’t be childish. I’m hanging up.”

“No! Don’t! Or I’ll come to your house now and take you away.”

“Nice joke. Go to sleep. You hurt me.”

He hung up. I felt bad. I don’t know why, there was no romantic feeling towards him from me.

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Chapter 5: This story is to good for me to read..:D
I hope you update soon!!