Yong High Cp 3

Yong High {The Dragon Summoners}

Two days later, DIS , Classroom 10-2


"Where have you been?! I was looking for you since yesterday! Why did you not come home?!" Wufan came to Chanyeol's class at lunch time and asked him angrily.

Chanyeol's deskmate, Jongin and Sehun, even the whole classmates were startled with sudden appearance of that malignant looking and super tall sunbae. Chanyeol stood up from his chair and dragged Wufan outside.  "Please don't come to my class anymore!" Chanyeol begged him.

"You have not answered my question! Where have you been yesterday?!You haven't recovered yet! Why did you sneak off from your room?!"

Chanyeol sighed. He looked back and saw his friend were curiously peeking at them. He pushed Wufan farther from the classrom. "Please don't act like you're my mom! Be silent, please. My friends are looking at us."


"You're avoiding me, aren't you?"


Chanyeol widely smiled and nodded. "...... O-F C-O-U-R-S-E!!" 




Chanyeol rolled his eyes and turned back to the class but Wufan grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. "I haven't finished asking!"

"I will explain later okay?! Now GO AWAY!" Chanyeol threw Wufan's hand despitefully. He run back to the class hurily before Wufan caught him again.  Chanyeol looked back and saw two boys walked over Wufan and talked to him. Chanyeol frowned. One of the boys was someone who came to infimary room two days ago. It's Zitao, smiling yankee boy who had scary gaze. The other one was a pretty face boy with blonde hair. He also had a lot of smile. Both of them were talking mirthfully to Wufan.

Why are they looked so close?

Wufan just transfered here two days ago ...

I've never seen them before..

Are they also transfered students?

His old friends from China?

It's so strange.....


Maybe .. yesterday  were those two ....??!!!


Suddenly, that pretty boy, looked at Chanyeol with no-expression.

No smile like he just gave to Wufan. Chanyeol was startled and turned away back to the class.

Chanyeol sat on his desk and continued eating hamburger. Tried to not thinking about those weird guy. 

"Who is he? He is 12th grade right? I've never seen him before. Transfered student?" Sehun immediately asked. "Just a gadfly person." Chanyeol was really hungry, couldn't stop munching the bread. 

"He's seemed worry about you. He talk about you not coming home. Is he your relative?" Sehun lifted his head a little bit through the window and saw Wufan was still standing near the door. "He is still there! Look! Look! Ah.. he's gone already...eh? with the other sunbaenim? Is he already make a friend? Quite fast for new student. He's cool!"

"I saw him came out from your house that day. And I saw you scolding him. You seem hate him so much. Who is he actually?" Jongin added same question. Chanyeol grouched,

"You saw us?! Aish..this is annoying!" Chanyeol suddenly was reminded about the day before he left home at the late night.

"...He's living in my apartment now."


Yesterday Night,Chanyeol's apartment

Chanyeol's apartment

"Wake up and eat your dinner now!" Wufan patted Chanyeol's shoulder. He's barely sleeping. "Uuuuhh...go away!! I am sleepy!" Chanyeol covered his head with pillow.

"Come on Chanyeol! I've already cooked a meal for you. COME ON!!!" Wufan pulled Chanyeol's arm with full strength till that sleepy boy dragged fallen againts the floor.

"AAAARRGHH!! IT'S HURT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY??!!" Chanyeol shrieked madly. He crawled back to the bed. "Ups... sorry .." Wufan hold his laughter. Chanyeol's eyes were swollen because of drowsiness. He went back to sleep again.

"Eat, even just 2 spoon then take you pill before go sleep again." Wufan touched Chanyeol's forehead to ensure his fever down. But Chanyeol didn't like being touched. "Stop acting like my mother! I don't need you take care of me like a child."

"I just do what Dad asked."

"I don't need a baby sitter!"

"I am not baby sitting you! I just make sure your fever won't get worse. Here, drink this! It will make you sleep well" Wufan poured honey-lemon juice to a glass and gave it to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol didn't drink it. He looked at Wufan who was busy to clean up the kitchen. Wufan did it without grumble. He seemed really enjoy it.

"Hey..." Chanyeol called him.


"Hm?" Wufan didn't look toward him, kept cleaned up the dirty dishes.

".... Are you doing this on purpose?!"


".... You are not taking revenge to me, right??"

"What do you mean?"

"You treat me well and make me believe in you. I am afraid that at the end you'll hurt me ....."


"........You don't answer me. So, that's true?"

"I have no reason to hurt you."

"You have the reason! Because you're the victim. You said to me that our dad has left your mom and built new family at Korea. That make sense if you have a purpose to take a revenge to my family."

"... T-That's... NO, Chanyeol!! Honestly I am...."

"Just go back to China. Please. I don't need anyone to replace my mother. I can continue this life by myself. I just don't want to be a burden for anyone. So, just go home, Wufan. Take care your own family!!"

"But I don't have any family in China .... "


"I never have any family in China. You're my only last family."

"B-but you said your mom is still living at Beijing, the first day you came here .."

"I was constrained to said that so that you would let me stay here."

"WHAT???!I - I dont understand!! WAIT?! SO YOU'RE LYING TO ME??? WHAT THE ...."

"Because you are so stubborn and always refuse to believe in me."

"I AM NOT BELIEVING IN YOU NOW! " Chanyeol snapped at him. "Who are you?? Black immigrant?! fugitive criminal?!!"

Wufan shook his head. "I swear to God that I am not lying about our filiation. It's a true fact that I am your brother. You can go test our DNA if you want a proof!"

"Wait!! My mind is blank now!....... you make me super duper confused!" 

Wufan sighed. "What should I do now?? ... Do you really have no memories about me although just a bit, Chanyeol-ah?"


".............................Okay! Give me a week!!"

"For what?!"

"I'll bring your memories back in a week. If in seven days you still don't remember anything, ... I'll leave. It's a deal."



"I DON'T WANT!!!!" Chanyeol refused rudely.
"................." Wufan goggled at him without say no word.
".........." neither Chanyeol. He kept staring at Wufan with full of question in his head. 

Today, DIS 10-2 Classroom. 

"Did you have a quarell with him, so you sneaked out and slept over in my house yesterday?" Jongin asked.

"Oh! So you went to Jongin's house!" Sehun pointed at Jongin.

"Yes." Chanyeol lazily nodded. "I went to Jongin's house after he's gone somewhere at 11. I'm just dislike him. He acts like my mom. It's weird, even his home-made honey-lemon juice taste was terrible."

"So who is he?" Jongin directly asked to the point.

Chanyeol bitterly smiled and shook his head. "I - dont - know."

Jongin frowned. "You don't know?! How could you let people you don't know to stay in your house??"

"I don't know. My heart said that I have to let him stay."

"Heeeee??!!" Sehun shrieked. Chanyeol thought that in serious way but Sehun seemed had misconception. "Can it be ... He is your... mercenary boyfriend?"

"MWOOO???!!! NO HE ISN'T!!!"

"You're lying! Ha ha ha. You're pink!" Sehun burst of laughing. 

"Geesshhh!!Stop talking, Oh Sehun! Don't say such a non sense! You wanna die??!!" Chanyeol cramp the half bite bread to Sehun's open mouth. Sehun was choked like almost die.

"Ya! Chanyeol, you're so mean! Are you okay, Sehun-ah??" Jongin patted Sehun's back. "Sorry Sorry!" Chanyeol laughed at him.

Then Suddenly an energetic girl run closer and asked Chanyeol excitedly. "Hello, boys!! I have some question for Chanyeol. Who is that tall handsome guy who just talking to you? Our senior? Who is he? Who is he??" 

Chanyeol laughed at that girl "Eeergghh...This girl and the chipper Sehunie has no difference. What are you doing here, Soojung-ah? Just go back to your seat!"

That girl named Soojung shook her head. "I am not leaving before you tell me who is that guy name? From what class? I'll go after him by myself. Just tell me his name. PLEASEEE!" She begged.

"Why should I tell you? What will you do with him? No, I don't want." Chanyeol stuck out his tongue.

"Aaaaaaa... chanyeol-ah!! pleasseeeee!!!" Soojung whimpered like a child. 

"Ya! Stop being crazy fangirl! You're noisy!" Jongin complained.

"Shut up your mouth Kim Jongin!!!" She punched Jongin forcefully on his back.

"Aaaauuuchhh!! It's hurt!! It's hurt, seriously!!!" Jongin squealed and jumped from his seat. "Are you crazy?!!!"

"Ya! Yah! Yah! Stop fighting here you cats." Chanyeol stopped them.

"You guys are wicked! Okay, I don't need your help. I will find him by myself!" Soojung kicked Jongin's chair and smiled widely. "Caaaaaaa~~" Then she walked out of the classroom while humming merrily.

"Is she mentally sick?!" Jongin grumbled resentfully while carresing his back. "Her punch is no joke!"

"Ha ha!! You have to be careful with Miss Soojung, she is the best female disciple in our taekwondo club." Their friend who was sitting near them shouted, while the other laughing. They saw Soojung harshly abuse Jongin. 

Chanyeol and Sehun laughed at him also.

"Uh...yeah, yeah, yeah! Thanks for the information." Jongin pouted.


4.30 p.m. Daegu International School's sport stadium. After school.

"GO! GO! GO!! AMIGO KIM JONGIN!! WOOOOO!!" Sehun, Chanyeol and some classmates were cheerleading 10-2 class team who versus 10-4. Jongin was positioned as striker. The score was still 0 - 0 whereas the game was only left five minutes.

"JONGIN!! COME ON! MAKE A SCORE AND I WILL TREAT YOU JJAJANGMYUN!" Sehun yelled impatiently. Jongin smiled and lifted his thumb to Sehun. "Hey, Oh Sehun! You should treat us also!!" his friends shouted him. "YA! It's not my birthday! Why should I treat you all... yasshhh!" Sehun grouched.

"At least you treat me also. Ha ha." Chanyeol laughed.

"Yes, I mean both of you. Not all of them!" Sehun goggled his eyes. "Hey, do you see those 10-4's center-back and left-back? Kim Yukwon and Shin Soohyun. They are no joke." Sehun pointed at two guy at the opponent side.

Chanyeol frowned. "I think I've ever seen them together with Jongin. Aren't they Jongin's friends?"

"Yes. They are at the same soccer club. After Jongin joined the club two years ago, they become friends. Quite close friends." Sehun explained. "But perforced to be enemy at the class-match."

"Ha ha. Right." Chanyeol nodded.

But...they're seemed too rude toward Jongin...

They look like beating up Jongin

This is just a class-match, right?

Why do they looked very serious??

Is that called as 'friends'??


"Ya! Jongin actually is quite good." Suddenly the chirpie girl, Jung Soojung appeared between them and commented. Chanyeol and Sehun were startled. "Ya! Don't appear with no sound just like a ghost! You're so creepy , Jung Soojung!" Chanyeol told her. But she ignored him. She folded her hand and busy watched Jongin kicking the ball from the left side of the opponent's penalty area.

"YA!! YA!! YA!! DON'T JUST STANDING THERE! KICK THE BALL!! YA.... AAAIISSHH.." Soojung screamed together with the other audience. Then the game was end. The referee blew the whistle. The final score was 0 - 0.    

"He's not good!" Soojung smirked. "Only one photo for loser, Kim Jongin" Soojung took a picture of Jongin who was lying on the ground. "Ya!! What do you want to do with him? Update news about Jongin is just the same with humiliate our class losing. You really have no sense of belonging to 10-2, don't you?" Chanyeol admonished her.

"I am not humiliating our class losing, Chanyeol ssongsaengnim~! Don't worry. I won't be that rude to 10-2. I just excited with Jongin expressive drama-look pose. This soccer match won't be the headline, but Wufan sunbae will."

"W-Wufan w-will what??" Chanyeol was surprised.

Soojung smiled happily. "Playing basketball aaaaaaaaaa..."

"Eh?? Basketball? When? Where? Why?"

Soojung gawked. "Don't Wufan sunbae tell you that he will play 3 on 3 againts OUR SCHOOL BASKETBALL MAIN TEAM?!!.... JINJAA!! OH MY GOSH PARK CHANYEOL! You two seemed so close this morning, I tought you're friends." Seeing Chanyeol's seemed really know nothing about that, she told him "Okay, boys. Follow me!"

Jongin run after Chanyeol and Sehun who left the soccer field, followed Soojung. "GUYS! WAIT! WHERE WILL YOU GO?? Eh..." Jongin was startled when Soojung stopped walking and turned around. "Hi, Jongin! Nice game. Thanks for such a good picture." She smiled widely then turned away scornfuly. Continued walking to basketball court. Jongin did not understand. "Huh?? Hey..what picture she's talking about??" He asked to Sehun in wishper. "Just see it tomorrow at school newspaper." Sehun giggled. "Huh?! My picture?? I feel it like I will be humiliated tomorrow. Is she really hate me that much?! Aishh! " He groused.


Then they stood at the sideline. The game hadn't started yet but the six players already on the court. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! WUFAN SUNBAE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Soojung's sudden screams made those three boys jumped in shock. Another girls' screaming fulfilled the basketball arena. 

Chanyeol looked around that arena. There were so many audience, especially the girls. They screamed histerically just like seeing celebrity, whereas it's just Wufan. Soojung was no exception. She was so happy cheerleading Wufan. Took his picture with her digital camera many times.


"Ch! What are we doing here~~~It's not a real game. How can this people have such high confidence to defeat our national champion school team? And bring many fanatics?? It's just a celebrity showcase." Jongin muttered. Soojung immediately glared at him. "How could you say that?!! You even didn't play a game either!"

"Pardon me?!"

"You couldn't make any score. Is that called .. a real game?!!Do you forget that your position is still as reverse player?! It's already 2 years. Your coach told me few days ago. Your progress is too slow. Today game he just try to test your ability that's worthy for you to be placed at main school team or not. And he said that your injury wo...."

"STOP IT!" Jongin wasn't be able to listen the rest. He glanced toward her disappointedly.

"Okay!! I go!" Jongin turned away and get out from basketball arena without say bye to Sehun and Chanyeol. Those two boys only could stand there, freezing, didn't know what to do with just now heats up situation. Sehun looked at Jongin who's walking with drooped down his head. Jongin was seen touching his face.

"Eh?!! Is Jongin crying??" Sehun asked Chanyeol anxiously. Chanyeol shrugged his shoulder. "Lol. No way! Jongin can't easily cry but he...."

"Ssst...! The game is started!" Soojung told them to be quiet. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. WUFAN SUNBAE!!!" But she made some squeaky scream. Chanyeol and Sehun looked at each other and grinned. "This girl...seriosly..."

The game was started. Wufan's team consisted of two guy who Chanyeol saw in front of the class hallway. Those three were looked so simple compared with three DIS basketball stars who wearing blue basketball uniform and expensive sneakers. But Wufan and his friend were eye-catching because of charisma explosion. They're all handsome and tall, especially Wufan who had already made the girls scream histerically. 

It's already passed 8 minutes quarters. Wufan's team scores and DIS' team scores were only one point difference. Wufan did slam dunk many times. He seemingly was a profesional basketball athlete also. Wufan and friends had no such difficulties to control the game.

"Ne, Chanyeol-ah! Your friend is extremelly fabulous!" Sehun praised.

"He is not my friend!" Chanyeol disclaimed.

"Hey, Park Chanyeol." Soojung commented. "I don't understand why you don't want to have such an extremelly cool friend like Wufan sunbae. And I don't want to know why. Wu YiFan is not just a newcomer at DIS but he also a star. I've searced his data on internet and before he was transfered here, he studied at Vancouver - Canada and being basketball player at junior national league. He's even better than our school team. That's why i don't like what Jongin said about him."

"WOW! SO HE'S THAT SUPER DUPER GREAT?! WOOOW!!" Sehun applaused fascinatedly.

Chanyeol was stupefied heard what Soojung said just now. "CANADA?!!... y-you said, he's from Canada?!!!!!!!!"

But he said he's from Beijing!!

Is this another untruth???




Ugh... my head... why is it hurt suddenly...

Chanyeol held his head. He closed his eyes becouse of the pain. "Are you okay Chanyeol-ah? Sehun hold Chanyeol's hand before he fell down. Chanyeol was looked so pale.

"I am okay." Chanyeol replied while sat on the ground. Sehun caressed his back. "Why is it so sudden? Need some drink? I will buy it for you." 

"I am okay, Sehun-ah. Just small headache. Don't worry."

"Just take a rest at infimary room. Dr Song will help you." Soojung give an advice.  "HEY!!!" The audience squally screamed. Wufan's smallest team member was fell to the ground hardly because his feet was tripped.


Wufan helped his friend stand up. His mouth was bleeding. But he seemed okay. "The game is going abrasive. It's so dangerous. Luhan sunbae might be lose his cutie face." Soojung took a picture and regreted that accident.


"Yes. That small cutie face sunbae is Luhan and the one who has many ears pearching is Huang Zitao. They're Wufan sunbae's classmate, transfered student also, entered this year. " Soojung explained. "It's so strange you don't know about them if you seemed so close with Wufan sunbae this morning, Chanyeol-ah." 

Chanyeol couldn't answer.

I surely don't know anything about him.

He's too mysterious.

I don't know which one is right and untrue.....

Suddenly, Chanyeol's eyes were locked at the unusual incident at the center of the court. The guy named Zitao was dribbling the ball with right hand, then he lifted his left hand directed toward one of DIS player who blocking him. 

Chanyeol could see it clearly. That DIS player was frozen and didn't move even just blinking his eyes. He's totally frozen like a rock. Zitao passed the ball to Luhan and that small guy also did something with his fingers. Luhan pointed toward the one who almost tripped Wufan's feet. In a second, something invisible, like a strong wind, suddendly blew hard and pushed that guy away from Wufan, fastly. Those were happened only in few second.

When Chanyeol blinked his eyes, those guy was fell down to the ground about 1,5 meters from Wufan, whereas he stood very close to Wufan just one-two second ago.

All the audience burst of laughing. "WAAAA!! WHAT HAPPENED?? HE SPLIT BY HIMSELF? HAHAHA"

That guy who fell down, seemed really confused. Just like saying "How can I be here??"

Chanyeol jumped out. He gawked in shock.

Chanyeol looked around. No one saw that, even Soojung and Sehun who standing beside him. They thought that the guy was fell by himself.

"DO YOU GUYS SEE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chanyeol shook Sehun's shoulder.

"See what? He fell down? Yeah! That's hilarious!! Lol.Sehun laughed.

"Not that falling guy!! Don't you see that guy named Zitao freeze them all???? And Luhan moved that guy from far away using finger!!!" Chanyeol got panic. Sehun and Soojung frowned. "What are you talking about, Chanyeol?"

"Sehun-ah, maybe you should bring him to clinic now. Chanyeol's starting to get hallucination. lol." Soojung grinned. 

I am not hallucinating

Those people have supernatural power!

Chanyeol was startled when Luhan's stare met his. Luhan was standing 100 meters from him, but he stared directly toward Chanyeol and smile to him, so do Zitao.

Chanyeol was shivered.

They seemingly knew that Chanyeol had seen them. And they did it on purpose.



End of chapter 3.

Thanks for reading this series.

I'm really sorry for late update.

Added character of Wufan's gang members. Luhan and Zitao


Kris have two person he care the most, tao and chanyeol. These three are inseparable, right? ^^

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chanyeolhan #1
Chapter 5: Aoii...authornim..! r u die already...?? c'mon i need an update....itz already ma 3rd tym reading.... so plzz .update...update..!
Chapter 5: FInally update! Thanks..like this story very much
lol that pedo noona i hate her..btw i think u got me confuse with 'his' and 'her'..
Chapter 4: Sehun better be fine our there will be hell to pay. Btw like your fic do I'm gonna subscribe.
Chapter 3: One word DAEBAK! Your story is very lively with the characters have their own distinct traits. You're really good writer.
Soojung and jongin..i really love their friendnemy..hahaha...chanyeol and kris..wow tall brothers..tao dont be jealous..:p
moonlight_bat #6
Chapter 2: done reading it ^^ it is great, when will u update it? can't wait ;D
moonlight_bat #7
whose pic is master Yong, really?
Chapter 1: Omg I want to know more ~
Kanzaki knows something~ that's suspicious. And they brothers! Well, not brothers at sll but asgjkgssgjsf. I loved your plot, is really nice snd the images helped to feel the story more real!.
I'm fine with long chapters, hope you can update soon!