Yong High Cp 1

Yong High {The Dragon Summoners}



Chanyeol POV


I escaped from high school entrance ceremony this morning. I though that wasn't necessary for me to come.  I had been studied here since the 1st grade, so the principal's speech would be the same from year to year.  It would be boring listening to him all day. Our principal Mr. Robertson was Canadian. He's 70 years old and always spoke in English. Although I was studying at international school, my English skill wasn't really good. And also, Mr Robert spoke as slow as walking snail. Before teachers gave me penalty because I slept away at the middle of the ceremonial, I better skipped this!

I also didn't want to meet someone there. He was transfered to my school today because he said he was on duty to look after me! He, a human called  himself 'brother' coming from nowhere, was bothersome and stake out me. Oh, World! I didn't think that I was VVIP person who need accompanied by bodyguard. I didn't have enemy, neither my mom. My family didn't have a big amount of debt. There's no reason for such a ppl after me to kill. I was just an ordinary boy. Lived in peace together with my mom in such a small apartment. Then my mom was passed away. I got the small part of mom's bequest, only enough for my school fees. NOT MUCH MONEY! Why I had to be guarded?? By a stranger?? Was he really my dad's another son? Aish! I would going crazy thinking all of this.

So I decided to absent just for today and go visiting my new favourite place. 

The place was behind our school area. There's a range of hills covered with weald. I had to walk around 500 meter behind the school yard to find the entrace way. It said ' FORBIDDEN FOREST!! DO NOT ACROSS' , written with red paint on a big mountain rock at the middle of the path to the woods.


Hmmm... Rules are made to be broken, right? LOL. 

Let's go uphills!

It's foggy, chill, and quite dark. Dense forest with very high trees. It was 7 a.m. while sunrise was peeping from east sky. Wet mud messed my white sneakers. There was hard rain last night.

"Aish.. seriously!!" I cursed myself while lifting my feet, seeing my shoes already covered with mud. These was my only shoes. Homeroom teacher would punish me if coming school with messy uniform or shoes.

Okay, I didn't care anymore. Let's move on!

I walked down the path, down from hill now. It was very quiet. No bird chirping sounds. No wind breeze. I couldn't hear sounds of the city. Desserted. Creepy. 

I had heard many stories about this forbidden forest since first grade. There were so many versions but they said the same thing about 'scary or horror experience'. Ghost who ate children, vampire, long haired woman dressed in white and have no face, etc. First time I thought they're just kidding , but after some children had lost and being kidnapped in the woods, people began seriosly thought that those forest was very dangerous. There might be wild animals like mountain wolves, lions, poisonous snakes , etc. Some people believed that forest was sacred, so they build a temple under the hill.

That was happened long time ago, scary stories. I believed spirits live together along with human but we couldn't see their existence. It would be okay for me, as long as I didn't disturb them, and wild animals? Ah! They won't have appetite to eat me. Not much flesh in my body. I was too thin. lol -_-' (I was just reassuring my self, I was rather scared actually)

Actually this was the second time I entered to the woods. First time was last year, I came along with my classmate, Kim Jongin. He forced me to go because he had already gone uphill and he said he found something interesting. There was a abandoned temple in the depth of the woods and wellspring nearby. It was true. The wellspring was surrounded by mountain rocks. It would be very refreshing swimming there, but inappropriately that was on winter. We made a plan to comeback at summer or spring, but few months later Jongin seemed wasn't interested anymore. I didn't know what's going on with him. He might be scary or something. It's strange. Kim Jongin was the most daredevil person I know. There must be something extremelly frightening. He just said he didn't want to go and didn't tell me why.

Okay. I wasn't afraid at all. So, without Jongin, I decided to go alone. I was just too curious with that temple and wellspring. Bringing my previous digital camera along , I wanted to take some pictures. 




Walking about 25 minutes, I realized that I was lost. 


"Oh God."

There must be only 10 minutes from school backyard to the wellspring. I thought I had taken the wrong direction. I had gone too far into the depth of the woods. 

I turned my head, looked behind my back, big trees everywhere. There was no sign of way back. I took my iphone from pocket. No signal. I usually was not typical of people who easily feeling anxious, but now I started being panic.

My heart was beating so fast.

"Okay, Park Chanyeol! You need to stay calm! You'll be okay!" I did self reassuring. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply and exhaled. But I didn't work for me, moreover there was a very huge 'thing' was flying across, I just could see the shadow, very big shadow, together along with wind gust...






I couldn't see that thing, but 'that' was sounded fell to the ground hardly.

Spontaneously I laid to the ground.

"OH MY GOD!!! CRAP!!! WHAT IS THAT?!!" My heart just like jumping out off my chest. I thought a plane crash landing or big animal , wait ... animal?? No way! What in the world there such a big animal flying like that? Was it pterodactyl?! Uh oh.. It's not dinosaur period. But it had shape like a pair of wings, huge wings. Animal wings, not plane's.

I stood up. My foot were shaking. I glared directy frontward. I saw nothing!

"Am I hallucinating? No I am not. I am fully aware. Is it a ghost then?"




My body became numb when I heard something coming damnably fast behind me.







I felt something slapped my back suddenly and yelling right to my ear!!

"OMO!!!" I jumped out and turned around.

An idiotic looking smiling boy was making a V sign for me. Huh?! Eh.. not a boy? 'It' was wearing a DIS girl uniform. She was a girl with very short hair and pathetic - horrific look.

 "YYYYASSSSSHHHH!!! ARE YOU CRAZY???!!!" I snapped angrily. I thought I was gonna die. But small part in my heart thanked there was a human being here with me. Not a ghost or 'big' animals...

Right...thinking about big animal that had just made me almost die, "DO YOU SEE THAT??!! HUGE THING CRASH DOWN FORWARD!!" 

That girl shook her head. "I don't see anything huge crash down..."

"...You don't?? Impossible...It was so obvious!" I looked toward the place that mysterious thing fell down, but seemed nothing there. I was really confused, maybe right. I was hallucinating. But so strange. I never been hallucinating before.

I tried to control my breath. Then I looked at the person in front of me. She kept smiling innocently. Her green braces made her ugly grins worse.

"Who are you??!! How can you get here? Are you following me???"

She nodded. "I have followed you since you come out from your apartment."

"What?? What are you...stalking me?" 

"Eh?...Losing your memories, Park Chanyeol?? Don't you remember me? I am your classmate since 3rd grade!" She spoke Korean in weird dialect. She must be an international student. "I don't remember that I have ... classmate like you ..." Seriously, I never seen her before.

"Aish!! What an idiot Park Chanyeol!" She grinned.

"PARDON ME?!! How dare you call me idiot!!" I really wanna hung up this girl at the top of the highest tree there. 

"It's me. Hima."

"You are.....Oh my God!!"

"Uh huh." She nodded and smiled.

"Kanzaki?? Are you kidding me?! What happened with your face? Did your facial surgery unsuccesful or something???!!" 

"WHAT??! NO!! I never did facial surgery!!" She pouted.

I was not joking. I couldn't recognize her at all. Kanzaki Himawari was my classmate since primary school until 8th grades. She was international student from Japan. She changed her class so I never saw her anymore. I was not close friend with her. No one wanted to be her close friend. She was super nerd and her oddity was getting worse year by year. By looking at her now, she was totally pathetic.

"Okay. I believe that you are really 'that' Hima. By the way, do you know that we are lost now?"

She looked around. "Yeah. You're lost. But I am not. I have already left signs to the way back."


She pointed at some trees at the right left side of footpaht that signed with rabbit sticker. Weirdo. But I was relieved.

"You're genius, Kanzaki!! Omonaaa~~ Thank you!" I pinched her chubby pimply cheek. I supposed to hug her as my lifesaver, but of course, for The God's Sake, I didn't want to do that. -_-'

Kanzaki seemed dislike her cheeks being pinched. She glared at me while caressing his redden cheeks. I might be pinched her cheeks too hard. "Sorry" I murmurred. 

"It's HURT!! Don't ever do that again or I w -"

I threw her arm, before she punched me. "Sssstt! do you hear that?!" I shushed her because suddenly I heard a sound.

Kanzaki tried to listen carefully. "Water?"

I smilled. "You're right! Is there any river near here?!!"

"Maybe? Sounds much waters, there must be a big river nearby."

"Okay, Let's go!!" I excitedly run after the sound of water flowing. We might be closer with that wellspring I wanted to go. I wish.

"Wait for me, Chanyeol-kun!!" I heard Kanzaki's voice faraway behind me. That weird girl was too slow. Sigh! "COME ON!! RUN FASTER" I yelled. 






I stop running when my eyes found something glistening.

"WOW!!! LOOK AT THAT!!" My eyes widely opened.

I was amazed with picturesque scenery at the center of forest, there's a lake which the water was very clear so that we could see the bottom of the lake, something I never imagined before. It was 100 times more beautiful than the wellspring I went to last year. There were hills around with big caves near the top of each hills. Sunrise was coming out behind the hill. The warm morning sunlight coloured the hills , green and orange. I saw a heaven. I couldn't believe there's a place like this behind our school. I might be crossing to another world. Incredible!!!

"Based on old mythology, those hills were called dragon village." Suddenly she explained.

"Dragon village?"

"Yes! Can you see hollows at each top of the cliff? Looks like a cave isn't it? People believe that some dragons may be live in there." She pointed at those cliffs. It was true. The cave size were huge enough for dragon's gigantic body.

"How could you know that?"

"Reading some books at library. I am studying literature now."

"So...dragons are living there? in the caves?"

"It's just a mythology."

"I know! But i thought that dragons usually live in the depth of the earth. I've watched Lord of The Rings!!"

"But you must have not watched Eragon, yet, right?! There's a one of dragon clan that living at the peak of mountains. Not only clan of dragons, but dragon riders tribal are also living at the valley below their dragon caves. I am curious now! The mythology may be true since this place is similar with the author's description. Ah!! Thanks God I found this!! Otteokke?? I want to climb that cliffs!" Kanzaki shrieked excitedly like a crazy.

She's so arrogant to know everything more than me. "Ch! It's just a fantasy fiction story! And the one who found this place first is ME, not you!"

"A mithology! Not a fiction! I have studied a lot more than you did, Master Chanyeol. K k k k!" She laughed at me.

"Aish! You wanna die?!!!" This girl will be more annoying if she still continued talking. So I left her, went farther to take some picture of the lake and cliffs.




While enamored taking pictures , suddenly there's something landed on my head. It was a little red cute bird. It's smaller than my palm size. That little bird seemed like perching in my hand. It kept staying on my hand comfortably and didn't fly. it just shook his head turned to left and right. So cute.

"What a cute bird. He likes you." Kanzaki touched the bird's head softly. This bird was really tame. This bird might belong to someone.

"Yes. He will be my new pet. I will raise him at home."

"No, you can't take him home! This must be endangered animals and protected!"

"I don't care. Who will know? He he he." I was falling in love with this little tame bird. "I even already give him name, Chagan."

"You actually are really weird." Kanzaki rolled her eyes.

"You're much weirder. Hey,what is this?" I found a weird shaped colored grey below the bird's beak. Like a mole I was so curious and touched that before suddenly a very strong cold wind blew againts me.

"AAAAAAAARRRGHHH!!" I felt my body was uplifted to the sky and then fell down to the ground hardly. I cried in pain because something burned in my arms!!!! I lifted my arm in front of my face and saw it burning.

What is this??

Where's the bird??

I realized that the bird had dissapear.


"NO!!!!! STOP AIRI!!!"

I vaguely heard Kanzaki screamed when something big flew toward me. I couldn't see anything clearly. My vision was blured. I only could see silhouette moving really fast and big. I couldn't think clearly. My head and my hand was extremelly in pain, then everything was blackout.



Author's POV

Chanyeol opened his eyes slowly. He blinked his eyes for a second and looked around. He was in a room and lying on the bed. 



"Are you awake, Chanyeol-ah?"

There's Kim Jongin, Chanyeol's classmate sitting beside him.


"Jongin?? Where am I?!" Chanyeol was startled and tried to get up.

Jongin helped him to sit properly. "At school clinic? What happened to you?" 


Chanyeol was still surprised why there's Jongin there. He remember he was on the lakeside before fell unconscious. 

"Jongin, how could you find me there?! Kanzaki brought me here? or? That place is so far away to the depth of forest. How could you ..."

Jongin frowned. "What are you talking about? Kanzaki?! That weird girl, Himawari Kanzaki?! Lol, why suddenly you think about her?? No, I did brought you here. Don't you remember? You fainted near the school gate."

"I-Impossible ... I went to that mysterious forest this morning!! I even found a lake there!!!!"

"Wh- what? Huh. You must be have a very complex dream, Chanyeol-ah. It's still 7.10 a.m." Jongin smiled lightly.

Chanyeol couldn't believe it. He looked at the wall clock, and Jongin was true.


It's 7.10 a.m. "How can it be...."



Am I really dreaming??

Chanyeol checked his arm that burnt before he fell unconscious. But his hands were clear. No wound. 

"Stop getting to serious, Chanyeol-ah. You seemed really pale and tired." Jongin put his arm around Chanyeol's shoulder. Trying to comfort him. 

Then the clinic doctor came. "Ah, Already wake up Park Chanyeol. Just take a rest here. No need to attend the ceremony. You get a chronic fatigue. Have you ate breakfast before go?" She put her palm to Chanyeol's forehead. Checking his temperature. "Warm. You're seemed get a flu. I will give you some medicine. Drink it before sleep. Okay?"

"N-Ne, I understand." Chanyeol answered weakly.

"Kim Jongin, thanks for brought him here. Now you can comeback to the hall. Don't skip your entrance ceremony."

"Yes, Mam. See you later, Chanyeol!" Jongin said bye and run back to the ceremony.

"T-Thanks...." Chanyeol couldn't concentrate to answer him back. His mind was thinking about that forest, lake, weird girl Kanzaki, and the little red bird. He couldn't believe if those were just part of his dream. Everything was so real. Even he still feel his hand burnt.

Suddenly the doctor yelled, broke the silence "Ah...I almost forget! There's someone looking for you outside. COME IN, STUDENT!!"

A familiar face boy came inside , staring at Chanyeol from the door. Chanyeol sighed, deliberately looked away and laid back, pretended to be sleeping. 

"Wu Yifan? Are you Chinese?" The doctor asked him while seeing his name tag.

"Yes, I am, Mam. How is his condition?" He asked back.

"He's okay. Just fatigue and get a fever. You are Chanyeol's ...?"


"Ah?! Wow. It's great, Chanyeol-kun. You have a very handsome Chinese brother." She praised him. The boy named Wufan just smiled lightly. "So, I will gave you permission letter to bring him home. He need fullday bedrest. Before he take a rest, give him this medicine, and then he will be okay after wake up tomorrow morning." She gave wufan a small pocket of medicine.

"I understand, doctor." Wufan said. Then the doctor left the room. "Because, you get someone take care of you now I can go back to the ceremony. Get well soon, Chanyeol-kun." 

"Thank you, Doctor." Chanyeol smiled to her and immediately back to sleep when she's already gone. Assumed Wufan was not there.

"Hey, do you hear what doctor say? Let's go home."

"I don't want."

"It's not right you get mad at me right now. You need help. Come on! Get up! Or maybe you want me to lift up you....AAUUCHHHH!!" Wufan squealed when touching Chanyeol's arm. That was so shocking until he kneeled on the floor. His left palm looked like burnt. "Hey..are you okay.. what happ.." Chanyeol was also get surprised and felt an electric shock when Wufan touched him.

"Don't move!! Don't touch me." Wufan moved back when Chanyeol wanted to help him up. Chanyeol knew that Wufan's not joking. His left hand was redden and the palm seemed burnt. It's just the same with just happened to him at that lake after he touched that red bird. 

Chanyeol looked at his own hand. There's a scorch there. "... y-yaa... w-what happened ...."

Chanyeol dreadly shiverred. He tought that dream was actually real.


End of Chapter 1.

Hey, thanks for reading my first fiction.

Sorry for long chapter at the beginning. -_-''' and my bad english writing too :P

I'll update soon. Hope you'll like this series. :)

Comment will be make me so happy. And I promise I will read your fics also. 




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chanyeolhan #1
Chapter 5: Aoii...authornim..! r u die already...?? c'mon i need an update....itz already ma 3rd tym reading.... so plzz .update...update..!
Chapter 5: FInally update! Thanks..like this story very much
lol that pedo noona i hate her..btw i think u got me confuse with 'his' and 'her'..
Chapter 4: Sehun better be fine our there will be hell to pay. Btw like your fic do I'm gonna subscribe.
Chapter 3: One word DAEBAK! Your story is very lively with the characters have their own distinct traits. You're really good writer.
Soojung and jongin..i really love their friendnemy..hahaha...chanyeol and kris..wow tall brothers..tao dont be jealous..:p
moonlight_bat #6
Chapter 2: done reading it ^^ it is great, when will u update it? can't wait ;D
moonlight_bat #7
whose pic is master Yong, really?
Chapter 1: Omg I want to know more ~
Kanzaki knows something~ that's suspicious. And they brothers! Well, not brothers at sll but asgjkgssgjsf. I loved your plot, is really nice snd the images helped to feel the story more real!.
I'm fine with long chapters, hope you can update soon!