Truth [Sequel to Miracle]

Truth [Sequel to Miracle]


You took a shaky breath as Lay twisted the key in the lock and opened the door.

"Hey, calm down," he smiled at you, "We're just going to hang out and watch some moves."

"Yeah, but this is the first time I've ever been to your house," you said in a small voice as you stepping through the doorway of the Zhang residence. 

'More like the hundredth time,' Lay thought to himself as he closed the door.

"Well, this is it," Lay sighed as you looked around.

It was a modest house from what you could see from the hall. The decorations weren't anything fancy or overly flashy but the atmosphere seemed oddly familiar. 

"Yixing, is that you?" you heard a voice call from down the hall.

"Come on," Lay smiled as he gently placed a hand on your lower back, guiding you down the hall, "I'd like you to meet my mom."

You held your breath as you walked next to Lay down the hall towards the kitchen. But something just kept bugging at your mind.

'Yixing. I know that name,' you narrowed your eyes in concentration.

You dismissed the thought when you and Lay entered the kitchen and you saw a women looking back at you as she whipped her hands on a dish towel.

"Oh, Yixing," she smiled.

"Hey, mom," he smiled back, "This is my friend, ______," he said as he gestured to you.

Before you could greet her yourself, Lay's mom engulfed you in a tight hug.

"It's nice to meet you, ______," she said with her arms still around you.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Zhang," you smiled as you returned her hug.

She gave you a warm smile when she pulled back, a smile that you would normally give someone who you knew for a while, "It's been a while since Yixing has brought a friend home."

"Really?" you asked.

"Ummm, ______, why don't you go into the living room?" Lay quickly suggested, pulling you away from his mom and to his side, "I'll be right there. I just have to talk to my mom about something real quick."

You looked up at him and nodded your head, "Okay."

You gave Lay's mom a small smile before making your way into the living room.

"Mom," Lay said in a warning voice as he grabbed two cups out of a cabinet and proceeded to filled them with water and ice.

"What?" she said, feigning innocence, "I haven't seen her in so long, Yixing!"

"I miss her as much as you do," he said as he placed the two cups on a tray along with some snacks that the two of you would munch on as you watched the DVDs you just rented, "But she still doesn't remember who you are, who I really am."

"When are you going to tell her?" she asked with a frown, "I think she has the right to know who saved her life."

"I'll tell her when the time is right," Lay said as he lifted the tray off the counter, "But for now, just don't in. Let me handle this myself."

"Fine, fine, fine," she pouted and crossed her arms over her chest as if she was the child, not the parent.


You glanced around the living room as you sat on the couch, waiting for Lay to join you so the two of you could start your movie marathon. Your mind started to wander back to when Lay's mom called him Yixing.

'Well I guess that’s his real name,' you thought, 'But where have I heard that before?'

You bit you lip as you stared at the coffee table in concentration, trying to think of why that name sounded so familiar. Your eyes suddenly widened when it hit you.

"The flower and note," you whispered to yourself.

The white lily and the small card that was left on a chair next to your hospital bed flashed through your mind.

'Always remember that miracles do happen,' you recited in your mind, the words etched into your brain.

"But that can't be him," you mumbled.

"Who can't be him?"

You looked up to see Lay walking into the living room, a tray of drinks and snacks in his hands.

"Um, nothing, no one," you said as you shook your head.

Lay gave you a suspicious look but decided to drop it, "Do you have the DVDs?" he asked.

You nodded your head as you pulled them out of your bag and placed them in his hands.

"Which one do you want to watch first?" he asked as he the TV and the DVD player.

"Doesn't matter," you shrugged and took a sip of your water.

Lay placed a random DVD into the player and returned to his spot next to you. You watched as Lay used the remote to start the movie and the screen transitioned from the menu to a black screen.

You two stared at the screen in silence, Lay occasionally asked you if you wanted anything else to eat or drink. You nicely declined his offers but soon enough your mind started to drift back to the flower and the note.

"Hey, Lay?" you called softly.

"Hm?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of the TV.

"Is Yixing a popular name?"

Lay turned away from the movie and looked at you, "Not that I know of. Well, in China it's pretty popular, but not so much here in Korea. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that," you paused to collect your thoughts, "I received a flower and a letter while I was in the hospital once and the note was signed by a Yixing. Was that Yixing … you?" you asked, your voice barely audible over the movie that was still playing on the screen.

Lay froze when he heard your question leave your lips. He reached for the remote and muted the movie before turning to face you. He looked into your eyes and saw that they were pleading for answers.

He let out a sigh and shakily took one of your hands into his, "You can't freak out, okay? And I'm what I'm about to tell you one hundred percent true. I would never, ever lie to you."

You nodded your head silently as you stared into Lay's eyes.

Lay let out a deep breath and his lips, "Yes, that Yixing was me."

Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes widened, "Really? How? We just met a few weeks ago," you whispered, a hundred questions filling up your mind.

"You know how you had leukemia?" Lay asked as he gave your hand a small squeeze.

You nodded in response.

"And the doctors probably told you that it was miracle that you survived right?"

Again, you nodded.

"It wasn't a miracle that you survived," he told you slowly, "I was the one who saved you."

"Y-You? H-How?" you asked, your voice shaking.

Lay let out a sigh before continuing, "I have healing powers. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling the truth. And if I use my powers on a person, they forget who I am."

"So that's why I don't remember you?" you asked, tears suddenly starting to fill your eyes.

Lay nodded his head slowly, "We've known each other since we were five. We were best friends."

"Why did you do it?" you asked, tears spilling over the edges of your eyes, "Why would you give all those memories up?"

"I told you this right before I used by powers on you: I couldn't let you die," he whispered.

You bowed your head and closed your eyes, tears running down your face, "I'm so sorry," you said through your tears.

"Hey, don't cry," Lay said softly as he released your hand and cupped your face between his, tilting your head up and whipping away your tears with his thumbs.

"Am I still the same?" you hiccupped.


"Am I still the same friend that I was before you saved me?" you asked again.

"Yeah, you are," Lay smiled and nodded his head.

"Is our friendship still the same?"

"Yeah, it is," Lay said as he gave you an even bigger smile.

"Did our friendship involve me falling in love with you?" you asked in a small voice.

"Um, not that I know of," Lay said, his chest starting to tighten as he thought of his feelings towards you that still haven't faded in the slightest.

"Then it's not the same."

"What?" Lay asked in confusion.

You removed Lay's hands from your face and placed them in your lap with yours, "I thought that it was just infatuation and I just had a small crush on you. But I had this feeling that I really knew you. And now finding out that we've known each other for years, I don't think that it's just a crush anymore. I think I've fallen for you Lay," you said looking into his eyes, "And I'm pretty sure that I fell for you even before you saved me."

Lay stared at your for a few moments before a huge smile formed on his lips and he pulled you into a tight hug.

"Thank, god," he laughed in relief and happiness.

You let out a soft laugh and buried your face into the crook of Lay's neck as you wrapped your arms around his waist.

You don't know how long the two of you stayed like that, but neither of you wanted to move anytime soon. Lay pressed a kiss on the top of your head as he gently rocked the two of you side to side.

Lay looked up when he heard a small squeal coming from the doorway. His eyes widened when saw his own mother peeking into the living, hands clamped over and tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Go away!" he mouthed to his mom and motioned with his hand for her to leave you two alone.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she mouthed back, a big smile on her face as she tip toed back into the kitchen.

You pulled back to look at Lay when you felt him shake his head.

"What's wrong?" you asked, a small frown on your face.

"Oh, nothing," he said with a laugh.

You smiled up at him and tilted your head to the side.

"You know, I never told you this, even before you lost your memory of me, but I love you," Lay said softly.

You tighten your arms that were still around his waist and leaned your face closer to his, closing your eyes.

"I love you, too," you whispered and closed the gap between your lips, the movie that was still playing on the screen totally forgotten. 

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lacsaradpon #1
Chapter 1: I love this! ♡
Rosasaur #3
Chapter 1: Okay I have to say the mom bit was quite cute and hilarious. Made me laugh at the end of this XD
Chapter 1: LOL the mom's fangirl moment xD
ShawolMBLFT #5
Chapter 1: Lololol Lay's mom…
kyumila #6
Chapter 1: Yixing's mom is their biggest shipper xD
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww.
Chapter 1: I like Lay's fangirl of a mom xDD
NanaUrBaby #9
Chapter 1: Sweet~ ^^