
Turning the Tables

c h a p t e r   t w o:  N e i g h b o r s



"Hey Deer- Han~" A mocking voice sang. Lu Han didn't turn around, he was already pissed off by the result of getting hit in the face for the millionth time in his life. The majority of the million was placed by Kairi and her soccer ball. *This girl has never changed. Hmmph!* 

Lu Han sat there stubbornly with his arms across his chest. He didn't want to see his childhood "friend" at all. Or even. EVER. He just sat there with the back of his head facing Kairi.

She picked up her soccer ball once again and bounced it on his again to get his attention. *AISH.* Lu Han cursed himself mentally as the ball contacted with his head. The pain caused a head ache but of course, Lu Han just ignored it since he's been tortured WAY worse than this.  

After a continuess session of the constant head banging experience, Kairi grew irrated and slammed the ball into Lu Han's skull so hard he didn't even see it coming! "Kairi!" Her Umma scolded her with those dark eyes. Lu Han's Mama thought it was actually kinda cute that she's trying hard to catch his son's attention. 

"What?" Kairi blinked innocently at the two mothers. Lu Han just had enough, girl or not he was ready to punch this chick to the living pulp. He sit up with his hands balled up into a fist, "LISTEN YOU LITTLE BR-" He turned around and his eyes widened. *Kairi? No way...* 

There stood Kairi, a natural beauty. No make-up, no highlights, no fancy clothings but it's all NATURAL. She grew out of her baby fat phase in life which was age 1-13 when she moved to America. Her face was slightly tan due to the California weather. But her hair was still black. Dead black. Lu Han swore that it looked blue in the sunlight. She was actully really fit for a girl. Not bad eh? 

Lu Han looked her head to toe. THIS. Was the Kairi that left him 6 years ago? What the hell happened to HER? *What happened to chubby bunny?* He questioned himself. 

Kairi scrunched her nose, "Byuntae." She slapped his cheek harshly and walked away. Lu Han rubbed the reddened area, "That's Hwang Kairi alright." 

"LUHAN! HELP THEM WITH THEIR LUGGAGE!" His Mama screamed on the top of lungs. "WHY~!" He whined like a little child. Mama gave him a are-you-serious look. "Just help them. They must be tired from their flight from Ameria." She responded and gave a heavy AND bulky suitcase full of sports gear. It was so heavy that he lost his balance. 

*She packed an elephant in here right?* He rolled his eyes. Struggling to lift the suitcase. "Give me that. You're still a weakling." A voice hissed and grabbed the item with no problem at all. It was Kairi with a big scowl on her face while trudging her way out the entrance. Lu Han looked at her in disbelief, *I'm NOT a weakling.* He glanced over at his semi-buff arms. *Maybe...Just a little bit?*


"WHAT?!? They are - WHAT!" Lu Han nearly choked on his cake. Not even speaking proper human language at the meantime. This is unbelievable. After 6 years of freedom. THIS CAME BACK? Aish, life is torturing him to the brink of death. 

"Please dear, don't talk with your mouth full. It's considered rude." Mr. Lu popped in a shrimp dumpling in his mouth. Chewing all it's flavor in happiness. Then glared at his son. "Kairi wouldn't like to see that no? She would like a fine gentleman not boys who eats like a....pig." Mr. Lu raised an eyebrow.

Lu Han slowly looked at him with cheeks full of strawberry cake, "Father, I would rather have someone more femine and less Kairi to YEAH. Don't even think about it." 

"Honestly, you and Kairi would make a cute couple.." Mama said bluntly. His jaw dropped, "EH?!?" Choking on that cake one more time. How lovely. Lu Han might choke to his death before dinner is actually over. "You guys are FUNNY! No. Really. I'm dying of laughter. Ha. Ha. Ha." He retorted. Leaning back on hiis chair nonchatly. He yawned, "I'll get going. Night." 

Mama and Baba looked at each and nodded, " You're excused." 

Lu Han bowed and made his way up to his room. The room was full of paintings and projects from over the years. It made him proud that he made beautiful paintings crafted by his own hands. When Lu Han was younger the paintings will be unusually destroyed by someone stepping on it. On 'accident.' 

Excluding the paintings, there was a big window. Define big? Basically the whole wall is a window. With the view of the empty house next to his house. No one has decided to move in because it was very rusty and old. Only the Hwangs lived in the old home well, their adjumma took care of it while they were gone. 

To the house parrallel to him, it too had a big window. Thank the lord for curtains. 

Lu Han laid there on his bed. Trying to fall asleep but failing in the process. It's 2am in the morning and he can't fall asleep. You want to know why? The lights behind the window curtains were shining ever so brightly all a sudden. It's plain annoying.

"Let me...sleep. Damn it." Lu Han crawled out of his bed. And peeked throughout the curtains. The light burned in eye sockets but he didn't care. Sleep is what he only did care about. Squintting his eyes through the blinds when he saw a rough yet slender figure of a female. She was just unpacking unfinished items in the boxes. Her back was to him, so he couldn't see her face. 

Lu Han eyed her, he was sure curious. The lady lifted up a school uniform. Similar to the uniforms that the girls wear in his school. *New student hmmm?* He wondered. The female turned around, still with the uniform in her hands.

They locked eyes for a moment. Her eyes turned into a piecring glare, "Byuntae." She mouthed. Kairi opened her window latch, revealing her self through the window, "HEY NEIGHBOR!" She sarcastically yelled. 

Lu Han's jaw dropped, "We're N-Neighors...AGAIN?!?" He screamed in horror. Kairi smirked, "Mhmm! See you at school Deer-Han!" She screamed for the last time before she shut her window and put on her curtains. 

Lu Han stood there with a destroyed spirits. He sat there while gazing over at his 'new' neighbors window. Then everything started to make sense, the uniform, same district, same neighborhood. It hit him like a ton of bricks. 

"K-Kairi is going to school..with me?...."MAMA~!" 

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Jashiechii #1
Chapter 2: Omg haha this one is good!! Update Soon!! :-))