Little Monster

Turning the Tables

c h a p t e r  one : T h e  F i r s t  M e e t i n g 

Little Monster 


"Kairi ? Hwang Kairi ? THE IRON FIST?"   I fell on my bed face down and onto the pillow. Literally, screaming my head off. My arms and legs were flapping all over the place. Why does she have to come back. WHY? Did she destroy the states with her weird human strength? I won't be surprised if she did. That girl, I think she's a girl can chop 5 wooden boards in half. 

"Yes dear, we get it. Kairi is coming back." Umma nodded, "I know your excited. Ppali, they're waiting at the airport." She said, then went to her room to get dressed or what not. 

Me? Excited? Oh, yeah. I'm SUPER excited to see that man-child after 6 years. And I thought she was out of my life FOREVER. Nope! I jinxed that pretty badly. The Hwangs used to be my neighbors while I was a grade school and their daughter welcomed me in the most painful way imaginable. 


 Well, it  happened to me when I just moved to South Korea  to China for my dad's business deal. 

It all started the summer before 1st grade when our car and moving van pulled up our new house's driveway. Up till now, my family and I live in the exact same house. Basically, my friends, after 1/2 of the 12 years of living in this neighborhood taught me strategic ways of camouflaging and become a fast sprinter. 

I even got scouted for the track team! Of course, I rejected. 

She just didn't walk in my life like any other POLITE and NICE girl would. But no, she had to kicked, shoved and bully her way into my life. Did I want to move to Seoul? No. Did I wanted a ball colliding onto my face? NO. That's what she exactly did! 


"Mama~ Baba~ can't we go back to China. I don't like it here." 7 year old Lu Han whined in his seat. He didn't want to be here, actually he never agreed to this at all.  They were all happily living back in Hong Kong until this unexpected move happened. 

"Mama turned around from her seat and faced her concerned child, "Lu Han, we just got here. Maybe you'll make some new friends!" She said sweetly. Lu Han just shrugged and continued to gazed upon his new neighborhood that he will be encountering. 

The car pulled up by the new home of Lu's. Lu Han clicked off his seat belt and hopped out of his seat. Heaving with a sigh, he stepped out of the car and stared at the house right across from him. It was similar to his but it was messy and wild weeds all over the place. 

His Mama and Baba just disappeared into the house leaving Lu Han to explore to himself. So far, he disliked Seoul alot. The weather was funny, the air was different, it was like he was on an alien planet. In reality, he just move 1,000 miles away from the mainland.

*Life.....* Lu Han thought ungratefully as he kicked a small pebble around the newly paved  cement. With full force he kicked it across the street and onto his new neighbor's freshly cut yard. 

Lu Han slowly looked over the house, he wonder. *I wonder who lives there?* He tip toed trying to getting a better look but failed. Now what is going to do? 

"AND GOAL~!" A faint screamed happily. Lu Han jumped a bit. Goal? Soccer right? *Looking around wouldn't hurt* Off little Lu Han went, swiftly running across the street and onto his neighbor's yard. He won't get trouble...he was just curious...that's all. 

"1, 2, 3..4....GOAL~!" There it goes again! "And the crowd goes wild!!! Ahhhh~!" The voice cheered happily. 

Lu Han's eyebrows cocked up. What is his neighbor even doing? 

He tip toed his way over, his mouth dry.  Lu Han hid behind the fence and peeked through the peep hole of the wooden door. IT was a girl? She was passing a soccer ball left to right smoothly yet roughly. The girl stopped dribbling the ball and noticed a weird presence watching her. 

She narrowed her eyes towards the fence. *Die you creeper.* Setting down the muddy soccer ball on the grass. She began to walk backwards, away from the ball. Lu Han, who didn't have a clue of what's going to happen continued to watch, *What's she doing?* 

The girl came in running in rocketing speed and used her foot to kick the ball. Targeting towards  the fence. Lu Han's eyes widened and accidentally pushes the door and fell in forward into the girl's yard. The ball came crashing down onto his poor little head.  

"Why are YOU trespassing Hwang territory." She hissed. Lu Han held his breath, he kept his face down. "Answer me!" The girl kicked his sides harshly making him whimper. Finally, Lu Han looked up seeing the muddy girl standing right in front of him. Her eye's widened as they both made eye contact. 

"I d-don't know..." He whispered softly causing the girl to be a bit more irritated. She grabbed her ball and bounced it on Lu Han's head, "You're an idiot." The girl said in Mandarin . She held her hand out. 

Lu Han wrinkled his nose at the dirty hand. "Are you gonna get up or not loser?"  Before he could say another word a booming voice(s) interrupted the awkward silence. 

"Kairi !!!" Crying voices of concern fill the air. Quickly, Lu Han grabbed the girl's hand so his Mama won't get THAT worried. He got up and  with two mothers coming in like a wild elephants. Their two faces lightened when they saw their two children holding hands. 

"Seems like you two already met?" Mama raised her eyebrow at the two hands. Lu Han eyed her curiously then fianlly noticed what she was actually looking at. They never broke loose. 

He immediately shook the disgusting hand  away from his and hid behind his Mama. The girl wiped her hand on her soccer uniform, "Yuck." 

"Kairi , be polite to you're new neighbors." That was her name. Kairi . Her Umma nudged her forward  to the Lu's. Kairi blew a raspberry, "Anyeonghasayo, Hwang Kairi iminda." Tilting her head forward slighting not even doing the 90 degree angle. How polite? Lu Han's Mama pulled him forward. 

"Ni Hao, I'm Lu Han." He grumbled. 

"Nice to meet you Lu Han." Danibi's Umma said brightly. "Pleasure to meet you as well!" Mama smiled, the two mothers began to talk for a couple of minutes and decided it's time to bid goodbye. 

The Lu's waved goodbye at the Hwangs and exited the property through the wooden door. Kairi watched her new neighbor leave, until she had another scheme to pull of before he leaves. 

She grabbed the ball off the ground and aimed it for Lu Han's head. Mission accomplished. "See you at school Dummy!"  Lu Han's head throbbed of pain once again. 

*I hate this girl already.*


I could still remember that muddy uniform, her ugly nappy hair, and her really CHUBBY scuture. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a fat cat lady living alone with a bunch of cats to comfort her. She's forever alone with that sour attitude. 

Mama and I waited for the passangers to come out of the terminal. "Mama~ I don't want to see her! I could of been with my friends at Lotte World right now!" I huffed. Of course, she wouldn't care. My Mama and Kairi 's Umma got really, really, really close during those 6 years. Causing me and that demon child to see each other every single day. 

"Oh! Look! People are coming out!" She jumped out of her seat as the sight of little childern running out the walkway. Following by their parents chasing after them. "Tell me when the witch comes out...I'll be taking a nap." I closed my eyes and rested my head on the head of the chair.

"YAH. Get up. OOOOH! HERE SHE IS! EunMin!!!" Mama has. gone. NUTS. In a flash, she instantly hugged other women about her age. The exact same women I met 12 years ago. That's Kairi 's mother alright. They look exactly alike. Minus the skinny factor. 

Mama and Kairi 's Umma hugged for a awhile my mom broke the hug and asked, "Where's Kairi ? Lu Han is dying to see her!" 

Oh. my. god. NO NOT EVEN. "Really? I couldn't really say the same for my daugher. Her ball rolled down the aisle now, she's looking for it. That child never really changed." She chuckled then looked at me, "Aigo! You turned into a handsome man." Grabbing my cheeks and began to squish it. Oh's 3 rd agrade all over again! 

She stopped and looked at the walkway, "Kairi -ah! Get your here! Lu Han is waiting for you!" 

Brace for yourselves the evil witch of the west is back! Kill me now...then...a figure came out of the hallway. "Kairi ?" My eyes widened at the chubby girl. That's her! That's her! Is it? She drooled. WHOA. 

The weird and not-so-good looing person walked away slowly AWAY from me. What? 

"Um, Lu Han dear. That's not Kairi ." Mama said, "THAT'S Kairi ." She pointed at the other direction but as I turned my head a familiar ball crashed into my skull before I could even see that women! 

"Hey Deer- Han~" A voice of a familiar monster. Oh, lord HELP ME NOW. 


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Jashiechii #1
Chapter 2: Omg haha this one is good!! Update Soon!! :-))