Not an update

Protector {Ver. 1 ::Won't Let You Fall:: }

Hey guys, I havn't updated in a LONG time i know.

BUT, I was working on a chapter and when i was using spell check i pressed back and lost the whole chapter.

I SWEAR!! i'm not lying!!!

Anyways, I'm trying to re-write it, but it took a long time to write. so be patient~

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bcndskoc in the process of remaking chapter 4, heheh it'll be out by sunday at the latest but saturday at the earliest


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Chapter 4: Nuuuuu~
Thats terrible news...especially after i dessperately reread these chapters one day ago because there were no new ones!
*Sobbing by my bed*
I wanna read the next chapter!!! T__T
Chapter 3: O_O omg...YAY! YOU UPDATED ^^ Thank you~ and it's really good. And you're welcome!~
Chapter 3: This story is actually really interesting and I love your choice of words and phrases!! UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 3: Omg....
he's already going to let her stay with him???
He's really brave >.<
He also better be ready for the responsibility of watching over EVERY SINGLE MINUTE.
I cant wait to see how they are going to be in a house together
update soon!
Chapter 2: oh crap i forgot my L >.<
Chapter 2: O__O

His father was ran over? :(

Poor luhan i wish i coud comfort you!!!!!
Chapter 2: TT_TT Awww. Poor Luhan! But YAY! Luhan caught her!~ please keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: Who caught her?!?!

Oh goodness please update soon
Chapter 1: oh my god! This is a great first chapter! Thank you for such a great beginning~ keep it up! Fighting!