Chapter 3 :: Love & Suicide ::

Protector {Ver. 1 ::Won't Let You Fall:: }



-Silence Is A Girl's Loudest Scream.


He expected her to fall, pulling him with her but instead...

Luhan had fallen to the ground, the girl barely breathing was quietly in his arms, as still as a stick. Unconciously, he her hair in a soothing matter. His eyes shut tightly, her head layed on his chest and for sure she could hear his heart race with fright.

Getting to his feet he lifted her, holding her steady as she wobbled a bit. Suddenly, without out warning he errupted with anger, "Are you crazy?! Huh?!" he asked yelling and shaking the girl.

She wouldn't meet his eyes, her bangs covering half of her face, hiding the tears that threatened to fall.

Luhan shook her by the shoulders, not caring if it hurt her. "Yah! Talk to me! I just saved your life!!" he yelled.

Venus' lips quivered and she breathed in slowly and exhaled, her shoulders lifting slightly and falling to their regular position. 'No, no you didn't,' She thought, not daring to blink. And Luhan, being the stubborn boy he was kept shaking her.

"What?! I don't even get a thank you?!" Luhan asked, scoffing a little, this was the first time he had actually losted his temper, and when he did lose it, who could've imagined that he'd take it out on someone he didn't even know.

Venus looked up, her eyes trying to see through the darkness that was her vision. To him it seemed as if she was trying to look for something on his face that she couldn't find. How her eyes examined her surroundings but not actually seeing them.

Her eyes were enticing to him though, they softened him the moment the were in sight. How clear they looked, yet how haunted they were.How much mystery and unconcious emotion there was behind them. How much they told -- and how much they didn't.

He was oblivious to her disablility. Completely taken by her eyes.  His hands fell from her shoulders to his sides, the tears that gathered in the girl's eyes made him feel extremely guilty.

Suddenly feeling everything settle in Venus felt her heart lurch. There was a man infront of her, she didn't know his size, his voice, she didn't know him. He could probably be someone who could hurt her easily. Panic arising far too quickly for her to stop herself. Errupting with panic, she attempted to push Luhan away, only to shove him just a bit and stumble to the ground. Sprawled on the cold floor/roof of the hospital, Venus squinted putting her arms out infront of her to find her walking cane. 

Crying out of frustration she let out strangled cries and gasps for air, her heart pumped with fear and anger.



She had never felt so vulnerable before.



Luhan just stood there, eyes wide and feet glued to the floor. Just like that day.

He took glances at the girl on the floor, scrambling to find something that she obviously couldn't find. But one questions went through his head, 

'what was it that she's looking for that's not in plain sight?'

He could see her wobbling as she held onto the edges of the roof for support as she reached forward, her eyes squinted. Luhan made the connection when he saw her fall onto the wall reaching for a cane you'd see blind people use to walk.



She's blind?



He couldn't believe it, had he just yelled and shook a defenseless blind girl. Lost in thought, Luhan payed no attention to what Venus was doing. She sniffled and quietly sobbed, reaching for the cane, finally feeling the familiar feel of her cane. Attempting to grasp it she knocked it over, sending it tumbling to the ground and rolling away from her.

Hearing the cane fall and hit the ground brought Luhan out of his train of thought, bringing his eyes to the same woman again. He reached out for her as he saw her place her back on a wall and slowly slide down. Holding onto her elbows, he sat infront of her as she sobbed into her knees.

"P-please don't hurt me..." Venus said, softly. Her voice rasped and her words coming out in a choke. Lifting her head so her face was facing Luhan's.

Her tears were surprisingly gone, there was just a faint swell in her sightless eyes. Having time to examine her face, Luhan was breath taken at how beautiful she was. How perfect and strong, yet how imperfect and fragile she looked. He felt such a strong tinge of sympathy.

"Shhh..." he said softly, "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

Luhan swallowed hard when he saw her curl into a ball, kneeling down beside her he hesitantly attempted to put his arms around her. 


Luhan had gotten the girl to calm down, he'd gotten her her cane back. He'd earned her trust, and had earned the right to know her name. 

"Venus Kwon," the name echoed in his head, what a strange name, wasn't it?

'Why name your daughter after a planet?' 

Luhan wondered. Staring ather face, "are you a patient here?" he asked. Venus thought for a moment, but remembered she was no longer  required to remain in the hospital she called a home, she was free to walk out.

But she didn't want to go, where would she go anyways?

Her mom no longer wanted her. She had no one to go to, she had no where run to. She should have nodded her head, made it seem as if she were crazy, maybe this man would leave her alone, but she made, what was on her side, a very bog mistake by shaking her head and muttering a tiny, soft "no."

Luhan held Venus's hand as he walked through the hall of the hospital, her other hand holding her cane, bringing her to his mothers room. "Just wait here, Kay?" he told her, using a stern yet kind voice. Venus just nodded, standing completely still, staring ahead. 

He left her there, planning to just talk to his mom briefly before leaving. Luhan walked towards his mother, who slept quietly in her chair. Holding her hand in his, he smiled. "Umma, I'm going to go now, I'll see you soon, arasseo?" Luhan asked. Kissing his mothers hand he cleared his throat, placing her hand neatly in  her lap. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "sleep well, umma."

Walking out of the room, he walked towards Venus, smiling. "Do you have any where to stay?" he had scared her and made her cry, the least he could do was take her home. He studied her face carefully as she shook her head, her way of saying no he guessed. Luhan wasn't going to let her stay on the streets, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let her stay here. She was blind and very vulnerable, at least in his eyes, "kaja, my car is just around the corner."

Venus's eyes widened, "bwo!?" she asked, finally speaking in words after a long moment of silence between them. Luhan chuckled, "you can stay at my place, i'm not going to let you wonder around till you find somewhere to stay, the world is very dangerous" he said calmly, guiding Venus outside and to his car, opening the door for her. "Get in."

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd met such a kind person, someone willing to share there home with her. Venus couldn't actually see the car and this Luhan boy was expecting her to get in one? She stared at the car, or where she was guessing where the car was. 

Luhan looked at the car then to Venus, widening his eyes "ohhh, right! haha" he said laughing at himself, helping Venus into the car. 

Once she was in the car he got in as well. Putting on her seat belt and his seat belt. He checked everything he needed to check when he put on their seat belts. He just got his drivers liscense and he was being extrememly cautious not to lose it right away. 

Half way through the drive to his home, Venus spoke, "Thank you."

Luhan looked at Venus, furrowing his eyebrows. "Ummm, for what?" 

Once again they sank into silence, her reply was a small shrug.

"I hope you aren't going to be this silent when you live with me," Luhan said pulling into his new condos parking lot. Venus was still silent but she had a small smile, that small smile caught Luhan's attention, making him smile widely, chuckling a bit. 


Ok, so thats chapter 3!! haha I'm so very sorry for the extremely late update, I appreciate the support though. 

My co-author is very ill and between taking care of her and studies I will try to update a lot!

Thanks to two very special supporters of 'Protector.' @GigglesnBits and @Bloopstee

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bcndskoc in the process of remaking chapter 4, heheh it'll be out by sunday at the latest but saturday at the earliest


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Chapter 4: Nuuuuu~
Thats terrible news...especially after i dessperately reread these chapters one day ago because there were no new ones!
*Sobbing by my bed*
I wanna read the next chapter!!! T__T
Chapter 3: O_O omg...YAY! YOU UPDATED ^^ Thank you~ and it's really good. And you're welcome!~
Chapter 3: This story is actually really interesting and I love your choice of words and phrases!! UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 3: Omg....
he's already going to let her stay with him???
He's really brave >.<
He also better be ready for the responsibility of watching over EVERY SINGLE MINUTE.
I cant wait to see how they are going to be in a house together
update soon!
Chapter 2: oh crap i forgot my L >.<
Chapter 2: O__O

His father was ran over? :(

Poor luhan i wish i coud comfort you!!!!!
Chapter 2: TT_TT Awww. Poor Luhan! But YAY! Luhan caught her!~ please keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: Who caught her?!?!

Oh goodness please update soon
Chapter 1: oh my god! This is a great first chapter! Thank you for such a great beginning~ keep it up! Fighting!