::Chapter 1 -- Not Fair::

Protector {Ver. 1 ::Won't Let You Fall:: }

3rd POV (Listen; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YhRl8bjNTc)

Venus stood at the edge of a rooftop, staring straight ahead, seeing nothing since her eyesight was replaced from colourful clearity, to a dark pitch black. Indeed, she was blind. It may not seem that way when you first see her, but the thought will always occur to you when you get to know her.

Being blind for 2years had always frustrated her, whenever someone spoke about her it was always infront of her as if they thought she was blind and deaf.

She let out a harsh sigh, feeling the chill wrap it's cold, icy-fingers around her. Her hands shook with anxiety, she closed her eyes and tried to find a reason not to end her life, but nothing except memories of tragedy and despair pushed it's way from the back of her head.

"Dyslexia means stupidity and stupidity is contagious -- so vote for someone who won't give you a cold case of stupid"

Venus's eyebrows furrowed as the memory of her 8th grade election invaded her thoughts and refused to leave.

"ADHD means you have the attention span of a fly-- vote for me and i will give you my full attention.

Severe Panic disorder means you panic when things get tough, and from that point things get ugly, and im not just talking about their face, no, I'm talking about the situation-- so vote for someone who would never panic when a situation gets to tough-- vote for me."

Venus could remember that day, as if it had happened yesterday. She remembered how shaky she had gotten, and how her eyes burned with tears that threatened to fall, she could remember getting on the stage and being booed off. How the principal had to come up and attempt to resolve the issue herself.

She could still remember her classmates, her schoolmates, and even her friends yelling and booing her;

"Yah! Get off the stage, Stupid!"

"Stay away from us! We don't want to catch 'Stupid!' "

The comments kept on going, they yelled and spat at her, they seemed disgusted by her, they acted as if she was actually contagious.

It honestly came as no suprise to her when everyone knew she was the person her fellow candidate was debating on. After all, she wasn't that high in academics, nor was she the most calm person in her school. Her head pulsed and her heart raced as hot tears slid down her cheeks. Never before in her life had she felt so transparent; So vulnerable.

The memory made her head ache, yet brought not sorrow to her pretty features. Over the years she would rarely show any emotion, she couldn't, she didn't remember how.

She brought her hand infront of her face, waving it around, seeing nothing. Venus sighed and brought her hand over her eye, tracing her fingers over her eye. Just like the election, she could remember what happened, just like it had just recently happened.

At the age of 14 Venus was fed up. She had transferred from school to school, yet every situation always ended up the same way. She was finishing up her homework, but she got so angry and slammed her pencil down on her science textbook. Getting to her feet she looked around to see if anyone was watching. She walked to the Photography room and filled the bathtub with water. She waited till the tub was full before fully emerging herself into the water, she stayed under for as long as she could before deciding she couldn't do it. She got out of the water gasping for air, she got out of the bathtub, putting her arms out and searching for the towel she pput out, without noticing she knocked a shelf, bringing a bottle of photo poison to the edge of the shelf. As she wiped her eyes clean the bottle fell of the edge and the cap unscrewed, the liquid spilled out and splashed into her eyes. She screamed as the liquid stung her orbs, she stumbled to find a towel, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Yah! Venus??!! Are you okay!?" Her mom asked looking around for her...

Venus's mouth folded into a small sad smile, she had no reason to live. Her parents abandoned her and left her in a mental hospital, she didn't want to live anymore.

She breathed in deeply as her heart beat out of her chest. She took a step forward and leaned.

She shut her eyes and expected to fall... but...

Someone caught her?

Ta dah! Le firsteu chapteur! lolololololololololololol

Thank you subscribers, and readers~ I hope you like this chapter, comment and subscribe~


Jaehyuk & Jiyoung

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bcndskoc in the process of remaking chapter 4, heheh it'll be out by sunday at the latest but saturday at the earliest


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Chapter 4: Nuuuuu~
Thats terrible news...especially after i dessperately reread these chapters one day ago because there were no new ones!
*Sobbing by my bed*
I wanna read the next chapter!!! T__T
Chapter 3: O_O omg...YAY! YOU UPDATED ^^ Thank you~ and it's really good. And you're welcome!~
Chapter 3: This story is actually really interesting and I love your choice of words and phrases!! UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 3: Omg....
he's already going to let her stay with him???
He's really brave >.<
He also better be ready for the responsibility of watching over EVERY SINGLE MINUTE.
I cant wait to see how they are going to be in a house together
update soon!
Chapter 2: oh crap i forgot my L >.<
Chapter 2: O__O

His father was ran over? :(

Poor luhan i wish i coud comfort you!!!!!
Chapter 2: TT_TT Awww. Poor Luhan! But YAY! Luhan caught her!~ please keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: Who caught her?!?!

Oh goodness please update soon
Chapter 1: oh my god! This is a great first chapter! Thank you for such a great beginning~ keep it up! Fighting!