The Reality

The Crush

"Oh, hey Baekhyun!"

That does not sound like I've just noticed him in the room by now, right, does it.

He says hi. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

The afternoon is then spent with me doing and discussing questions on the book with Byun Baekhyun. He says he needs some help, and he had seen me sit in the hall. He has seen me sit in the hall everyday. He has noticed that I am always in the same place as he is everyday after school, but hesitant to ever greet me because I always sit so far away and he's afraid that I just want to be alone. Strange, because I feel that too. I don't want to be a disturbance, not to him. He says I am good at Chemistry, and he is pleased to exchange thoughts about the same topic. With me. He spoke so nicely, so gently. His eye smile and those beautiful fingers are so close to me, so real that I wish the time could be stopped for one silent second for me to touch them, to intertwine my fingers in them and to hug him, a hug to die for. But then I smile and he smiles, then I know that I don't need the time to be stopped, because this can continue. Byun Baekhyun here, might have a crush on someone too.


"So you bike home as well, eh?" Baekhyun says as he unlocks his bike. 

I tuck my hands in my coat's pockets. "I go by bus,"

He abruptly stops whatever he is doing and turns his head to me. Now I notice how vibrant his face is. "Then why did you come with me as well to the bike stands?"

My mind digests his voice, replaying the beautiful symphony of the way he talks over and over again. Then it hits me, and I frown. "Oh... I'm sorry if you didn't want me to come as well," I smile, a little forcibly.

"No, that's not... that's not..."

I sigh inwardly at his unfinished sentence. "It's okay," I say, "I'll see you tomorrow, then, I guess."

I turn my body around and start walking away, to the bus stop. I shouldn't have thought too far. He's not interested in me, of course, and I shouldn't even have thought of it. There are a bunch of other more attractive girls than me. Look at my glasses. My pimples. My posture. The way I often get nervous in public. The people I hang out with which are never those popular. He is just like other guys, after all. See? I should have kept it a fantasy. I should have kept him far away, so he can always continue being that crush that won't ever be able to crush me. Now a part of me has been crushed a little.


I turn my head around. He's still there at the far end of the bike stand, not having moved a tiny bit.

"I guess that came out wrong, eh," he rubs the back of his neck. "It's pretty far away, isn't it, the bus stop? Let me come with you, then."

He has no idea how much him just standing there makes a part of me really happy, just to be here. But then his voice echoes again in my mind, replaying what he had said before. "It's okay," I say, "I should have gone from long ago, anyway,"

The moment I turn my head back around and start walking, this small part of my mind starts creating scenarios, blaming me for it can't happen. If I had said yes, I would have been walking next to him by now, and I wouldn't be walking alone like I am now. I slap myself mentally for creating such fantasy again, and sigh.

But then something extraordinarily soft slides through my fingers, grabbing them with the most firm grip a hand can give, then my body is once again turned around to face him.

"I insist,"

I try so hard for my eyes not to look at his, not to have this moment end with utter embarrassment. My eyes trail up to his forehead instead, no words come out of my mouth, no words are being formed in my head. What I am afraid of just came true--I don't know what to say.

"Well, if you... if you want, of course," he has his fingers on the back of his neck again. "But, you know, it's faster, and your bag looks kind of heavy, I have a bike so if I could help I would be--"

I chuckle. Confidence has actually started building up. "Okay,"



Baekhyun ties my bag on top of his a lot smaller bag, and circles them with a strong strap attached to the front of his bike. I stand there watching him do so, preferring not to say anything to avoid any badly delivered words or stuttering sentences. He clicks the last strap and shakes his bike a little to make sure both bags won't fall down, then snaps his palms when he is done.

"And that's how it's done." He smiles and gets on his bike.

"That's smart," I say, speaking out what's the safest. He does not start pedalling his bike, but I thought since he is biking and I'm walking, he will eventually be ahead, so I just start walking.

The awkward me.

"Where are you going?" he exclaims, one of his feet is still stepping on the ground.

I turn around, a little confused, already uber sure he knows where I am going. "To the bus stop...?"

He snickers, then his snicker turns to a laughter, his body bends down and his eyes shut themselves as if something extraordinarily funny is going on. My crush is laughing at me at the moment I've been waiting for since forever.

His laughter stops like a kid stopping a brakeless bike, fading away little by little. "Get on,"


"I'm not a bag carrier, get on."

My mind tries to process what he just said. It was him who offered to bring my bag, why is he now saying that? Right...?

He gets off his bike and walks towards me, his expression looks as if he is so ready to do a facepalm. Wait did he just ask me to get on his bike? But he's the one biking, so where would he be? Hold on so what he means is that--


I shout in surprise when I feel my feet not touching the ground anymore, not where they should be. Then I feel two strong long things across my back and the back of my knees. Two arms. Then I feel the world moving up and down. Then Baekhyun's face appears in front of my face.

He just went carrying me.

"Baekhyun what are you doing put me d--"

"You're too slow," he cuts me off, looking away when I tilt my head towards him. "The bus is coming,"

He then lays me down on the back seat of his bike, and since then, no words are spoken. He drives his bike so fast that I can feel the wind blowing against my body, so strong that I quickly grab his torso with my arms and put them around it, afraid of falling off the bike. As if in cue, he slows down afterwards and then I know he understands why I did so. I don't take them off his body. He doesn't tell me to. He doesn't ask me why. Although the air is cold, I can feel my cheeks redden and the ends of my lips curl upwards. The butterflies in my stomach have stopped being so aggressive, and instead of feeling nervous, I totally enjoy every second that passes by.

Maybe waking up to reality is not any worse than staying in a fantasy, after all.





It was just the beginning. For them. :-)

I got inspired after reading this letter to your crush, a piece of writing that I think is very neatly written, nicely formulated. Something to relate to for everyone. And since I'm having this madness of having a crush at the moment (which I'm not exactly sure of...), I wrote this fanfiction to let out the feelings. Yeah, the fantasy. The frustration of not having someone as crushworthy as Baekhyun in my school. Oh and I love that word. Crushworthy. :-) It makes me think of pie.

I hope you enjoyed it. If you have a crush on someone, it's okay to just let it stay a feeling. To let it stay a fluttering dream. Don't let the dilemma of whether to do something about it or not crush your fantasy.

But you don't have to listen to me, of course I'm not your dad or your mom or your nanny wait you don't even have to listen to your nanny haha this is why I hate babysitting Anyhow, have a nice day!

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Chapter 3: baekhyun can you not?? XD how i wish i am just another nornal girl to have a crush on someone outside the kpop world haha
green_teax #2
Chapter 3: So.. beautiful.
Every sentence, every word you used is very magical. I can even feel through Haemi's fantasy, haha. ^^
The plot was nothing less than elegant. I can't help but impressed by your efforts into writing.

By the way, you put (,) at the ends of some dialogues. Example: "The bus is coming,"
It's the end of the paragraph so you should put (.) instead. Same goes to: "I insist," "Get on," "I go by bus," etc.
Well, hope I helped! ^^
Wow, I love it! :)
It's really well written and not cliche either!! ^^
Chapter 2: Oooh, he's actually talking to her?! Can't wait to read more, I love your style of writing it's really good :)
Chapter 1: Ooh I like, update soon!